NGO Working for Environment Protection

10 NGO Working for Environment Protection

In case you don’t know, you can find an NGO working for environment protection, but usually, it can be hard to know who to trust or where to start. Think of the 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions that come from deforestation and how it is polluting our environment. We cannot but take note of the active NGOs that ensure our environment is safe and free from environmental pollution.

NGO Working for Environment Protection

Here are 20 of the most well-known and respected environment protection organizations in the world:

1. Greenpeace:

Greenpeace is a non-profit campaigning group that employs non-violent, creative confrontations to expose global environmental problems and to push the answers that are necessary for a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace’s mission is to ensure that the Earth can support life in all of its forms.

2. The Nature Conservancy:

The Nature Conservancy’s aim is to protect the lands and waters on which all life depends. It seeks to create a world where life’s diversity thrives and people act to preserve nature for its own sake as well as its potential to meet our needs and enrich our lives.

3. The World Wildlife Fund:

The World Wide Fund for Nature, formed in 1961, is an international non-governmental organization that seeks to preserve wildness and reduce human effects on the environment. It was previously known as the World Wildlife Fund, and this is still its official name in Canada and the United States.

4. Friends of the Earth:

Friends of the Earth International is a global network of grassroots environmental and social justice organizations operating in over 70 countries. It was established in 1971. The organizations are involved in a variety of environmental campaigns, including those to oppose global warming, genetically modified crops, and deforestation. The network is also interested in a number of related socioeconomic concerns, such as human rights, fair trade, and corporate globalization.

5. Defenders of Wildlife:

Defenders of Wildlife is committed to preserving all native animals and plants in their natural habitats.

Defenders of Wildlife, founded in 1947, is the leading U.S.-based national conservation group dedicated to the protection and restoration of endangered animals and their habitats in North America.

6. Sierra Club:

The Sierra Club is a non-profit environmental group with chapters in every state, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. The club was formed on May 28, 1892, in San Francisco, California, by Scottish-American preservationist John Muir, who served as the society’s first and longest-serving president for nearly 20 years. The Sierra Club is a 501©(4) nonprofit social welfare organization that operates solely in the United States.

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7. National Audubon Society:

The National Audubon Society (Audubon; /dbn/) is a non-profit environmental organization in the United States dedicated to the conservation of birds and their habitats. Audubon is one of the world’s oldest conservation groups, founded in the United States in 1905.

There are wholly independent Audubon Societies in the United States, such as the Massachusetts Audubon Society and the Connecticut Audubon Society, that were founded some years earlier.

They frequently organize field trips for birdwatching and conservation-related activities. It also coordinates the Christmas Bird Count held each December in the U.S., a model of citizen science, in partnership with Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and the Great Backyard Bird Count each February.

8. The Wilderness Society:

An American nonprofit organization called The Wilderness Society is committed to preserving natural areas and federally-owned public lands across the country. They support the designation of national monuments, wilderness areas, and other forms of protection.

They advocate for federal legislators to pass various land conservation and sensible land use plans and encourage the balanced use of public lands.

The Wilderness Society also works in a number of ancillary activities, including outreach and education, and houses one of the most priceless collections of Ansel Adams images at its headquarters in Washington, D.C.

9. Natural Resources Defense Council:

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is an American-based non-profit global environmental advocacy group. The purpose of its work is “safeguard the earth—its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends,” and to “ensure the rights of all people to the air, the water and the wild, and to prevent special interests from undermining public interests.” Their stated areas of work include: “climate change, communities, energy, food, health, oceans, water, the wild”.

10. Clean Water Action:

Since its foundation in 1972, when the landmark Clean Water Act was being fought for, Clean Water Action has campaigned to gain strong health and environmental protections by bringing problem expertise, solution-oriented thinking, and people power to the table.

CleanClean Water Action puts together powerful grassroots groups, alliances, and election campaigns to elect environmental candidates who will address issues of the environment and the community in order to safeguard our environment, health, economic prosperity, and community quality of life.

NGOs Working for Environment Protection

You may not know this, but there are dozens of NGOs out there working to protect our environment. We have picked out 20 of the best to highlight here.

Take Client Earth, for example, founded in 2008 with the sole purpose of fighting for the right to a healthy environment or the Rainforest Alliance, which works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods.

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Then there is IWA, which focuses on women’s fight against plastic pollution and poverty. By empowering women, IWA is helping to create a brighter future for our planet.

There are countless other NGOs out there doing amazing work to protect our environment. The important thing is that these organizations exist and that we all do our part to support them.

What These 20 NGOs Do in Environment Protection

There are many NGOs working for environment protection, but these 20 are the most notable. They are doing great work to preserve our planet and its inhabitants.

Each of these organizations focuses on a different aspect of environmentalism, from renewable energy to animal rights but they all share a common goal—to make the world a more sustainable place. Some of these NGOs are working to increase the green cover in the country. They are planting trees and creating awareness among people to use less plastic. Some of them are working to stop deforestation. They are trying to save our forests and wildlife.

Others are working on water conservation. They are promoting rainwater harvesting and water recycling. Some of them are cleaning up polluted rivers and lakes. They are doing a commendable job and we should support them in their endeavors.

So what do these 20 NGO do to achieve this goal? They take a variety of approaches, from lobbying governments to fundraising and awareness-raising. But no matter what they do, they all make a difference.

How Effective Are They?

You might be wondering how effective an NGO Working for Environment Protection is in terms of protecting the environment. Well, let me tell you a little bit about it.

Environmental NGOs play a crucial role in policy development, building institutional capacity, and conducting research. They have been successful in enforcing and strengthening anti-pollution laws and supporting local restoration and preservation efforts but their success is conditioned by the ability of local leaders to work with them and the match between the NGO’s goals and the local context.

In other words, not all NGOs are created equal, and it really depends on the situation as to how effective they will be. In general, they have made a big impact in raising awareness about environmental issues and helping to solve them.

What More Can Be Done?

What more can be done to protect the environment? It is a question that a lot of people are asking these days, and rightly so. Our planet is in trouble, and we need to do something about it.

Well, one thing is to support organizations that are already working hard to make a difference. There are some great NGOs out there that are doing amazing work, and it’s important to lend them your support.

But we also need to keep pushing for change. We need to keep raising our voices and demanding that our leaders take action. We need to be the generation that makes a real difference, and we can’t do that if we’re not proactive about it.

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Thankfully, there are a lot of people and organizations who are working hard to make a difference. They do a lot of great work, from climate change mitigation to conservation projects. They also work with local communities to help them adopt sustainable practices and protect their natural resources.

What You Can Do to Help

You may not be able to change the world on your own, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make a difference. There are plenty of things you can do to help support the environment and the organizations that are working to protect it.

You might be wondering what you can do to help. Well, there are a lot of great organizations out there that are doing amazing work to protect our environment.

One example is the Environmental Defender Law Center, an NGO that focuses on human and environmental rights protection in developing countries. They do great work, and they could use your support.

Another great organization is the 19 Influence of American NGOs on Environmental Decisions project, which is a partnership between Yale and George Mason universities. This project tracks the impact of American NGOs on environmental decisions made by the United States government. They’re doing important work, and they could use your help too.

How to Get Involved With These 20 NGO

Here’s how you can get involved with these 20 NGO fighting for the environment.

  • Check out their websites and learn more about their work.

  • See if there’s an issue or cause that you feel passionately about and want to support.

  • Share their stories with your friends and family on social media.

  • Contribute money or volunteer your time.

  • Lobby your government to do more to protect the environment.

  • Speak out against companies that are harming the environment.

  • Educate yourself about the issues and how they impact you and your community.

  • Get creative and come up with your own ideas for how to make a difference.



You might not know this, but there are a ton of NGO out there working tirelessly to protect our environment. From big names like Greenpeace to smaller organizations, these groups are working to push for change and make sure our planet is around for future generations.

It can be tough to know where to start when it comes to supporting these organizations, but we put together this list of 20 of the best environmental NGOs for you to get involved with. Check them out, and see how you can make a difference!

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