Reasons Not To Move To Utah

Top 10 Reasons Not To Move To Utah: Best Guide

Do you want to move to Utah? Have you carried out research to make sure this city fits your lifestyle? Utah is a good place to live in and while it may be a good destination for some people it may not be the right fit for everyone.

 So in this article, we shall look at 10 reasons not to move to Utah..

Ready to find out?

Let’s Begin!

Where Is Utah Located?

Utah is situated in the United States of America. It is also a state in the western part of the country. Also, the capital of Utah is Salt Lake City which is in the north-central.

Most of this country is made up of mountains, deserts and high plateaus.

Utah is surrounded by Colorado to the east, Arizona to the south, Idaho to the north, and Wyoming to the northeast.

What Is The Population Of Utah?

The population of Utah is 3.35 million. Additionally, this country occupies 84,899 square miles i.e., 219,887 square kilometers. 

In Addition to this, Utah is one of the top 5 states in the nation for fastest growth. There are 29 counties in Utah.  Also, Salt Lake is filled with more residents than any other city in Utah.

10 Reasons Not To Move To Utah

There are various reasons one might consider, including the state’s harsh winters, limited nightlife, conservative politics, lack of jobs and so much more.

Let’s look at these reasons individually 

Utah has a lot of deserted areas

Typically, Utah is a rural state with a big portion of its land vacant.

So, if you enjoy being away from the bustle of cities, Utah’s rural areas are a paradise. The size of the state, though, can also be intimidating when traveling between cities.

The Air In Utah Isn’t Good

Although the air in Utah has been a bit better recently, the air quality still remains a problem during summer and winter time.

This is a result of the topography and the inversion layer of the state. Therefore, children, the elderly, and people with respiratory issues are more vulnerable to the negative effects of air pollution.

This situation becomes worse during summer because the smog will make it hard for you to see how beautiful the state is.

For Mobility, You’ll Require a Car

Aside from Salt Lake City, other parts of Utah have poor public transportation options.

Therefore, if you’re going to stay in any part of Utah besides Salt Lake City, you’d need to have a car.

More reasons why you can’t depend on public transportation in Utah? Most of the small towns are situated in remote areas. And in these areas, you can barely find public transportation. Therefore, if you don’t have a car, you can choose to rent a car.

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Utah Experiences Severe Summer Drought

Utah has dry summers because it is a desert state. Farmers and gardeners are impacted by drought because they need to provide irrigation during the hot, dry months to maintain plant life. 

During Utah’s dry summers, wildfires are another worry. Each year, wildfires pose a threat to the state and inflict significant harm to both natural resources and property. It is crucial to consider fireproofing your home.

Another factor contributing to the state’s air pollution issue is the droughts. Less air movement when there isn’t rain helps to spread the pollutants. 

The state has taken steps to conserve water in order to mitigate the impact of the summer drought. Watering lawns and landscaping is restricted by these measures. 

Should you decide to relocate to Utah, be prepared to adhere to water-saving regulations during the arid summer months and to equip your residence for potential drought conditions?

There is a Weak Job Market

Utah has one of the lowest rates of job growth in the U.S. This indicates that employment opportunities are scarce and that obtaining one is getting harder. 

Therefore, a large number of people here are finding it difficult to get employment due to the lack of jobs. Additionally, the cost of living in Utah is still high despite all this.

In fact, the average annual tax burden for residents is $4,600, and most cannot afford the high cost of living. 

The Climate is Unfavorable 

 The weather in Utah is one of the worst in the country.  

During summer, the temperatures are so high and during winter, the lows are really freezing. Because of this, keeping your health in check is quite challenging. You’d need to put in extra effort. Also buying clothes needed for the winter is really on the high side.

This climatic problem is actually a big hindrance for people who want to move to Utah. 

It’s really difficult trying to keep up with the extreme weather conditions throughout the year.

Moreover, there is a lot of precipitation, making it challenging to locate somewhere that is both cozy and inexpensive.

Little Water Resources 

This is yet another major problem that is being faced in Utah. The issue of lack of water resources is a result of both natural and human factors.

The fact that  Utah has very dry weather and its low annual precipitation makes it a naturally water-scarce state.

Furthermore, some part of Utah has a closed drainage system and as such has no outlet to the ocean. Therefore, the water that comes into this basin remains within the state and as such there is high water concentration. And because of this, the freshwater is reduced.

Remember that this city has very harsh climatic conditions, especially during summer. Now, this dry weather leads to a rapid increase in the loss of water from rivers and lakes. In addition to this, Utah faces drastic drought conditions which can lead to a shortage of water.

There are actually efforts being made to manage and conserve water resources in Utah, such as water conservation programs, reservoir construction, and improved water management practices.

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Antiquated Liquor Laws

While there have been some recent improvements, Utah still has some antiquated alcohol consumption laws.

In bars and restaurants, the majority of the state still only permits the sale of 3.2 beers.

You have to go to a liquor store if you want something stronger. Sundays and federal holidays are closed for business at those stores.

In most restaurants, purchasing alcohol requires purchasing food as well. Additionally, all sales end at a certain point, which could be midnight or a little later.

Housing Expenses

The average cost of a house in Utah is $300,000, which is not much more than the average for the country.

A home can cost more than $500,000. These areas are popular areas surrounding Salt Lake City.

In comparison to the rest of the state and the national average, Salt Lake City has higher costs.

With an average square footage of 2300, Utah boasts the largest number of homes in the country. So the rates of homeownership exceed the national average.

Secluded Regions

Long stretches of land may consist only of rocks and dirt, but those rocks could be quite lovely.

When traveling, you have to remember that you can go more than 100 miles without coming across a town or a gas station.

You may have a lengthy walk if you become lost because some isolated locations lack cell phone service. 

There is a 100-mile stretch of Interstate that lacks both an exit and a legitimate way to turn around.


What makes the Great Salt Lake Special?

Well, it’s actually the biggest in the Western Hemisphere and also the largest lake west of the Mississippi River.

Additionally,  it’s one of the most famous tourist destinations that has multiple islands and other attraction sites.

If you want to compare it to other oceans in the world, Salt Lake is much saltier.

Why is the saltiness of Salt Lake so high?

The Salt Lake has a limited outlet to the sea. There are many tributaries that flow into it, but none that flow out.

It turns salty when the water evaporates because minerals and salt are left behind.

Additionally, this salt lake is found in an endorheic basin. That is, it’s practically a closed drainage system that has no outlet to the ocean.

Therefore, water that flows into the lake with minerals and salt in it has no way to flow out. These salt and minerals become way too concentrated in the lake.

Furthermore, Utah has a hot and arid climate with high evaporation rates. This rapid evaporation further concentrates the salt and minerals in the lake. It’s like a giant evaporative pan that leaves behind the dissolved salts and minerals.

Also, the lake’s water comes from several rivers, including the Jordan River. These rivers flow over geological formations rich in minerals, including salt. As the water moves through these areas, it dissolves and carries these minerals into the lake.

What is the temple square all about?

For the Mormon church, the temple square is the epicenter of history.

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It is packed with historical sites and exhibits and occupies five city blocks in Salt Lake City.

It took 40 years to finish the temple, which was begun in 1853.

The temple stands as the square’s focal point.

Though many non-Mormons visit, it is a sacred site for the Mormons.

More people visit it than all five national parks combined.

Which living expenses are lower in Utah?

Generally, the cost of living is higher than the national average. The housing costs are also very high. However, the food prices are 7% less than the national average. Also, for utilities the national average is 5% times higher than it is in Utah.

Additionally, transportation is 8% less than the national average.

Is the cold climate a significant concern in Utah?

As said earlier, Utah has an extreme climate conditions. It’s really cold during winter and hot during summer. During winter, the weather is brutal with cold temperatures and in some areas, there is heavy snow.

Therefore if you can’t handle these cold temperatures, you might want to reconsider moving.

Is the political landscape in Utah conservative?

Yes, Utah is traditionally a conservative state, and this may not align with the political views of more liberal individuals.

What are the limitations on nightlife in Utah?

 Utah’s liquor laws are known for being strict, which can impact the nightlife scene. There are limitations on alcohol sales and consumption.

Is air quality a huge concern in Utah?

Generally, the air quality in Utah is everywhere. However, some areas have it worse than others. For instance, in Salt Lake City especially during winter. It can be of great concern for people with health issues.

 Is The Population In Utah Diverse?

Well, not particularly. If you compare Utah to different states, this state has a low diversity. Therefore if you’re looking for a city with different cultures, Utah isn’t the right place for you.

How can elevation be a concern in Utah?

Most places in Utah have high elevations. So, if you’re not used to high-altitude living, it can lead to discomfort, particularly if you have medical conditions.

Is Utah primarily an outdoor recreational destination?

    While outdoor activities are a significant attraction, those who are not avid outdoors enthusiasts may find fewer leisure options, as many popular activities are nature-based.


Utah is a lovely state and has a lot to offer to everyone. It’s surrounded by beautiful landscapes and sceneries. However, there are little challenges that you can face here. For example, The strict alcohol laws and the bad weather.

Although some people argue that this is because of the natural beauty and wealth of the state, it’s also true that Utah has one of the highest costs of living in the nation. 

In addition to high costs, Utah also has a relatively low employment rate and an extremely tight housing market.

Therefore, when you’re thinking of deciding if  Utah is the best place for you to call home, carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages. Check out these 13 Top Living in Cambodia Pros and Cons.

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