5 Ways To Promote Gender Equality

Best 5 Ways To Promote Gender Equality: Top Tips

Every day, boys and girls witness gender inequity in their families, neighborhoods, textbooks, the media, and among the adults who are responsible for raising them but there are several ways to promote Gender Equality 

The burden of caring and domestic duties may fall disproportionately on moms when parents share household responsibilities. The majority of community health workers who care for children are women, with few opportunities for their careers to advance professionally.

Additionally, many girls in schools receive less help than boys to pursue their chosen academic interests.

There are several causes for this, including Girls’ demands for cleanliness, hygiene, and safety may go unmet, which prevents them from attending class on a regular basis. 

We have decided to look at 5 ways to promote gender equality in this article.

Gender differences in learning and skill development are also a result of discriminatory teaching methods and educational resources.

As a result, compared to 1 in 10 boys, roughly 1 in 4 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 are neither employed nor enrolled in an educational program.

What is Gender Equality 

Numerous studies have shown that gender equality is essential for human rights and a peaceful society and is necessary for all communities to prosper. 

Regardless of color, gender, income, or ability, United Way of the National Capital Area supports equity for everyone. Below, we define gender equality, provide examples of it in action, and discuss how it benefits everyone.

According to the definition of gender equality, access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by a person’s gender. 

All genders, including men, trans individuals, and people who identify as having a different gender, are harmed by gender inequality, not only women. Children, families, and individuals of all ages and backgrounds are consequently affected by this.

Gender equality does not imply that women and men will have or require the same resources, but rather that the rights, obligations, and opportunities of women, men, trans persons, and people of gender diversity will not be determined by the gender that they were assigned at birth.

Instances of Gender Equality 

  • Equal Pay for Equal Jobs done
  • Zero Tolerance for Gender-Based Bias and Sexual Harassment
  • Equality at Home

Equal Pay for Equal Jobs done

In the United States and throughout the world, there is still a significant pay disparity between men and women, particularly for mothers and other caretakers. In the workplace, gender equality refers to receiving the same pay for comparable labor. 

Additionally, it implies that a woman won’t face any consequences when she returns to work after taking a break, such as maternity leave. If she hadn’t taken the time off to care for her family, she would still be eligible for the same promotions, raises in compensation, and professional possibilities.

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Zero Tolerance for Gender-Based Bias and Sexual Harassment

People of all genders need to feel comfortable and be free from harassment and microaggressions, sexual assault, and prejudice based on gender, regardless of the location, including the workplace, a religious community, a community center, or any other environment where people gather in groups. 

A society that values and maintains gender equality forbids any type of tolerance for rude remarks, harassment, etc.

Equality at Home

In general, women work three times as much unpaid domestic labor at home as men do, including cleaning, cooking, and taking care of children and other family members. 

Many of these women also have full- or part-time jobs outside the home. In this case, gender equality would entail distributing domestic work as equally as possible among all members of a household, so that women are not entirely responsible for taking care of the home and family.

Ways UNICEF is Promoting Gender Equality 

Inequality reduction boosts economies and creates strong, resilient societies that enable everyone, especially boys and men, to reach their full potential.

To hasten gender equality, UNICEF forms alliances with organizations all around the world. 

  • We incorporate tactics that combat gender-specific prejudice and disadvantage into every aspect of our work. This entails working in collaboration with the country’s health sectors to increase access to high-quality maternity care and to assist the professionalization of the largely female front-line community health workers. 
  • It entails encouraging women’s participation in the conception and implementation of WASH ecosystems. Additionally, it entails collaborating with the educational sector to ensure that both boys and girls find avenues to successful learning and fulfilling careers.
  • UNICEF gathers, quantifies, and disseminates data necessary for comprehending current and future challenges and solutions in order to inform investment and programming decisions at the national and international levels. Additionally, we use the youth’s ability to create solutions for their own generation.
  • In order to support girls’ transition from education to employment, more than only educational possibilities are needed. It calls for protecting girls from all types of assault, both within and outside of schools.
  • UNICEF-focused programs to stop and address gender-based violence contribute to a number of goals, including ending child marriage, ending female genital mutilation, creating safe places, assisting with menstrual health management, providing HIV and AIDS care, meeting psychosocial needs, and more. We invest in cutting-edge models that safeguard even the most difficult-to-reach girls, such as online safe spaces and apps that let them report abuse and get in touch with neighborhood support systems.

Why Support Gender Equality 

There are 4 billion reasons, to be exact, why gender equality should be supported. All the people who identify as women worldwide, including farmers, doctors, caregivers, and leaders, many of whom are still fighting for access to fundamental human rights. 

Despite their economic potential and innovative ability, women continue to earn 20% less than males due to political and societal injustices.

Lack of access to healthcare, equitable pay, and education has an adverse effect on society as a whole, not just on women and girls. 

It has been repeatedly demonstrated that poverty and gender disparity are related; in contrast, nations where girls and boys are educated equally experience reliable rates of economic growth and lower levels of domestic and cultural violence.

According to studies, mothers who are able to own homes and other assets and engage in local and regional economies see improvements in their children’s health and nutrition. It is predicted that if employment rates for men and women were to be equal, the global GDP would rise by trillions of dollars.

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In essence, gender equality promotes a more wealthy, healthier, and secure society for everybody.

5 Ways To Promote Gender Equality 

There are steps you can take to assist in shrinking the gender gap and supporting the success of women and girls around the world, even if advancing gender imbalance sometimes feels impossible.

Encouraging Financial Inclusion 

The usual financial services that promote independence, such as credit, savings, and money transfers, are unavailable to more than a billion women. 

More than 70% of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) run by women have poor or no access to financial services including banking and financing. Even in wealthy nations like the U.S., social hurdles and systemic poverty frequently prevent them from accessing these services. 

Making microloans through enterprises like Kiva gives women access to capital to establish credit, launch businesses, pay for their daughters’ and their own daughters’ education, and promote gender equality.

Supporting Businesses Irrespective of Who Owns the Business Firm

It matters where we choose to spend our money. Women and their families or communities are directly supported by patronizing small enterprises run by them. 

Additionally, it boosts regional economies and neighboring communities: According to studies, businesses owned by women are more likely than those owned by males to create jobs in the healthcare, food services, and other social sector areas. 

A great strategy to support gender equality and give back to your community is to look for women-owned businesses and small businesses in your region. For every dollar spent at a small business, 67 cents stay in the neighborhood.

Speak Out Against Violence That is Gender-Based

Nearly one in three women and girls have been subjected to physical or emotional abuse at some point in their lives, most frequently by a spouse, partner, or family member. 

The prevalence of violence against women is highest among lower-income women, and women from all social and economic backgrounds are affected by the failure to report violent crimes because they don’t feel safe or trust the current procedures.

Shop and Patronize Businesses That Support Gender Equality 

Statistics demonstrate the benefits of having women in executive leadership positions across organizations and industries: 

  • Gender-diverse executive teams produce greater financial results. 
  • Gender-diverse value chains are more nimble and open up new economic options. 
  • Diversity encourages better decision-making 

How we spend our money — and where we don’t — has a huge impact. With a few global titans leading the way, dozens of large firms are making significant progress toward equalizing the workplace for all of their employees. Make it a practice to check where your money is going before making large purchases to make sure you’re supporting businesses you feel good about.

Take Up Activism

The world is expected to attain gender equality in another 132 years, but by becoming involved, we can hasten the process. 

Make sure decision-makers at the local, regional, national, and international levels are aware that empowering women will boost economies. Bring up problems of gender equality during elections and question candidates on their stances. Better still, enter the election yourself

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The Benefits of Gender Equality 

  • Education improvements
  • Improved Health
  • Economic growth 

Education improvements 

Gender equality in education benefits every child within the school system. Girls who receive an education have a higher likelihood to be healthier and more productive, earning higher incomes and building better futures for their families. 

This in turn contributes to a stronger economy that benefits all genders and leads to better health within a community. According to UNICEF, when a girl receives a secondary education, her lifetime earnings dramatically increase, the national growth rate rises, child marriage rates decline, child mortality rates decline, maternal mortality rates fall, and child stunting drops.

Improved Health

According to studies, gender inequality has a detrimental effect on a variety of health outcomes, including those related to pandemic disease, nutrition, family planning, maternity and child health, and more. 

Studies reveal superior health outcomes, such as decreased rates of melancholy and PTSD, mortality, poor self-rated health, and alcohol consumption, when health systems are changed to allow equitable access to healthcare for all genders.

Economic growth 

Society gains when all genders have equal access to job possibilities. According to studies, a varied workplace—which includes gender diversity—is a more productive workplace. 

This professional accomplishment has an impact on the economy as well. Equal career opportunities for men and women lower poverty rates, strengthen communities, and boost a country’s GDP significantly.


What purposes does gender equality serve?

The achievement of all people’s rights to equal treatment under the law depends on gender equality. The ultimate goal of gender equality is to create a society where men and women have the same opportunities, rights, and responsibilities in every aspect of life.

What are the social implications of gender?

The power, privilege, and opportunities that some people have and others do not in a particular culture are strongly influenced by gender. It has an impact on the equality and anti-discrimination movements.

Which four aspects of gender equality are there?

According to Subrahmanian (n.d.), there should be equality of access, equality in the learning process, equality of educational outcomes, and equality of external results. The concept of equality of opportunity permeates all four aspects of gender equality.

What distinguishes gender equity from gender equality?

“Gender equality” refers to outcomes that are the same for men, women, and persons of all genders. The method used to promote gender equality is known as “gender equity.” Gender equity acknowledges that women and people of color do not share the same starting position as men. Due to historical and societal disadvantages, this is the case.

What are the four obstacles to gender equality?

Due to cultural mindsets and prejudices, women experience occupational segregation, and several impediments, including lack of access to land, finance, financial resources, and technology, as well as gender-based violence, in both the public and private spheres.


Communities are safer, healthier, and happier when there is gender equality. Greater gender equality benefits countries globally and makes them more linked.

If you cannot become an Advocate for gender equality in society you can stand in your household, workplace, and community to practice and educate them on gender equality.

I hope this article has given you the best guide. Check out our guide on fairness and equality in the classroom and the 13 top jobs that help the environment and animals.

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