Bad Things About Living in New Jersey

25 Top Bad Things About Living in New Jersey 

Is it a wise idea to stay in New Jersey? People who desire to live permanently in New Jersey frequently ask this question. 

First off, New Jersey is a great state with a variety of ways to live, many sights to see, and enjoyable things to do for all ages.

Despite its many benefits, there are also a number of bad things about living in New Jersey, such as the high cost of living, which makes the merits of residing there debatable. 

We’ll go over several bad things about living in New Jersey to help you decide whether to stay in the state.

List of Bad things about living in New Jersey

New Jersey is not perfect despite having a wide variety of attractions, lifestyles, and enjoyable activities. 

It also has bad things about living in it. We’ll talk about the numerous things that can make you want to leave the state in this part.

High Tax

The beautiful state is renowned for having the highest taxes in the region. 

For instance, its income tax rates range from 1.4 to 8.97%, while its sales tax is at 6.6%.

The state continues to lose a staggering amount of adjusted gross income as citizens move to jurisdictions with lower tax burdens, which is due to the high tax load. 

It might be a big deterrent to moving permanently to the state.

High Cost of Living 

Compared to other states in the US, New Jersey has a higher cost of living. For instance, the price of a gallon of petrol could be $1.88 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and around $2.78 in New Jersey. 

That suggests that, compared to most states in the United States, the cost of living in the Garden State is over 50% more.

Because of the high expense of living, many attractions charge expensive admission fees, which turns away some potential inhabitants. Possibly, you are not an exception to this.

1% Mansion Tax

The law mandates that you pay a 1% mansion tax on any acquisition totaling $ 1 million or more when you decide to buy a mansion for your family in the Garden State.

In comparison to states with nearly low rates, like Louisiana and Alabama, this tax is excessive. It deters outsiders who might be willing to move into the state from visiting.

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Bad Airport Service 

I like to say that when you start to feel queasy after seeing Newark Airport pop up on your travel search screen, you can consider yourself to be a local.

The first place usually goes to Newark Airport, which is constantly rated as one of the worst airports in the USA. 

But hey, anyone who has lived in NJ for a while knows better than to pretend to be shocked about how awful the airport is.

As certain as grumpy service and weak drinks are delayed flights and baffling directions. 

The airport has also likely been under construction since the Eisenhower era, in my opinion. Why try to rush perfection, I suppose?

High Population Density 

This state has the highest population density in the nation. How does that affect your day-to-day activities in Jersey? 

For starters, you may anticipate horrendous traffic, constant building of new homes, crazy crowds at retailers (particularly around the holidays), and congested rail trips.

I can attest that after a while, the crowds do wear you out. There are just too many people living next to one another that some days I don’t want to deal with seeing hundreds of people by 8 a.m. 

I imagine taking the turnpike at midnight just to feel like a normal person. Considering highways and traffic…

The Traffic is Horrendous

It doesn’t take long to realize that Jersey has some of the worst traffic in the nation once you get here. 

Now, before you dismiss me as a hyper-dramatic resident, let me show you the evidence.

New Jersey ranks as the ninth worst state for driving, per recent research. 

According to estimates, Jersey residents are detained in traffic for 86 hours a year on average during rush hour. Imagine!

Winter Snowstorms and Summer Heat Waves

The harsh summer and winter weather conditions must be mentioned to complete this list of drawbacks of living in New Jersey. 

Typical summer highs hover around the 80s but be prepared for heat waves that are significantly more intense than usual.

If you moved to New Jersey from a hot, humid region (like the South), you might not have a hard time adjusting to the summers. 

However, our summers will be an unpleasant awakening if you’re relocating to New Jersey from a place with mild summers (does such even exist anymore?).

Snowstorms in the winter are another factor to take into account if you live in New Jersey. The northern regions of the states see an average temperature of 40 to 50% of snow.

Unemployment is High in New Jersey

Moving to New Jersey has its drawbacks, including the state’s high unemployment rate and the fact that it could be difficult to get a good job here without a strong educational background.

People With Low Qualifications Sometimes Struggle to Find Good Work

If you don’t have the right education, you may always have to worry about losing your job and not being able to find a new one in time, which may cause you to fall into serious financial trouble in the long run. 

While highly qualified individuals frequently find it relatively easy to find stable jobs in New Jersey, this would be much harder for individuals who don’t hold a valuable degree.

Finding Places to Be Alone in Public Might Be Difficult

People moving to Missouri or other places with much lower population densities will find more than enough places to hang out in public by themselves when they simply don’t want to get distracted by others and need to think about difficult problems that need to be solved, whereas people staying in New Jersey may have trouble finding many spots in public where you can be on your own.

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You Could Find New Jersey to Be Too Chaotic

Moving to New Jersey has the additional drawback of being an extremely busy state where you will constantly be surrounded by individuals who are busy which makes it difficult to relax in public on regular basis 

New Jersey Residents Tend to Be Quite Career-Focused.

Although you will be able to meet some really wonderful people in New Jersey, you should also be aware that many people are also very career-focused and might not have the time to assist you since they could have to run from one meeting to the next and might be busy all day.

In New Jersey, You Could Have a Hard Time Slowing Down Your Life

Moving to New Jersey might not be a good idea if you genuinely want to calm down your life because most people there are so busy.

You could be better off migrating if you now feel stressed out by your life in other parts of the US.

The Degree of Inequality in New Jersey is About to Rise

Another drawback of relocating to New Jersey is that the region’s total level of inequality is about to rise, and poverty may develop into a much bigger concern in the future, which could eventually lead to a number of other societal problems.

Natural Disasters Could Occur in New Jersey at Some Point

Climate change could make natural catastrophes more frequent in New Jersey, which presents another challenge for residents. 

If you’re unlucky, you could be hit by one of these catastrophic occurrences and lose everything overnight.

In New Jersey, the Price of Homeowners Insurance Might Drastically Rise

Living in New Jersey would become significantly more expensive in the near future as natural catastrophes become more frequent and homeowners insurance premiums could rise significantly.

Rural Areas of New Jersey Could Lack Cultural Diversity

Although you can meet a lot of intriguing people from various cultural origins in New Jersey’s largest cities, you might still miss the cultural variety and not be able to meet as many amazing guys and girls as you can in many other major metropolitan areas.

New Jersey Residents Can Still Be Somewhat Conservative

You should also be aware that many individuals in rural New Jersey are still very conventional and conservative, and they might not value alternative lifestyles as highly as those in other states.

You Might Not Be Able to Deal With New Jersey Residents’ Honesty

Long-term, you can greatly benefit from New Jerseyers’ honesty, but in the short term, it could injure you since you might not be able to handle the uncomfortable truths in a healthy way and risk suffering emotional harm.

In Many Parts of New Jersey, the Public Transport System is Lacking.

Another drawback of residing in New Jersey is the generally low quality of the public transportation system, which may necessitate the immediate purchase of a vehicle. 

If you become disabled and are unable to drive, you may not be mobile enough to fully appreciate your surroundings.

Rural Areas of New Jersey’s Medical System Deteriorate

While there are plenty of respectable medical facilities and hospitals in major cities, it may be difficult to obtain quality care in rural New Jersey, where it may be quite challenging to locate a true specialist to treat your health condition.

The Nightlife in New Jersey’s Rural Areas Might Not Be Amazing

Additionally, a lot of folks in rural New Jersey frequently bemoan the lackluster nightlife there. 

In fact, there aren’t many outstanding bars and clubs in those areas, so if you’re a party animal and need activity, you might not be satisfied with the nightlife in the rural areas of New Jersey.

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It’s Challenging to Live Independently in New Jersey

It might also be difficult to live independently in New Jersey since you might not be able to produce enough farm animals or cultivate enough crops to become independent of society within a reasonable amount of time given the state’s high property values and chilly winters.

There Aren’t Many Entertainment Options in the State’s Rural Areas

Even while there are plenty of entertainment alternatives in New Jersey’s main cities, you shouldn’t anticipate finding them there and you risk growing disenchanted with the state’s way of life over time.

Perhaps Certain Locations in New Jersey Are Already Overdone

Additionally, you should be aware that some areas of New Jersey have recently seen an increase in visitors from across the country. 

As a result, those areas may already be overcrowded and overrated, making it difficult for you to truly enjoy your life there. 

As a result, you may want to consider relocating to smaller towns rather than New Jersey’s most well-known big cities so you can still find some hidden gems.


Is it a good idea to retire in New Jersey?

Making a decision to retire in New Jersey? You will enjoy retirement if your family lives nearby. However, if you’re moving to New Jersey to start over, you could find the hefty tax load to be too much to handle. 

Despite the fact that social security isn’t taxed, depending on your salary band, the state income tax might range from 1.4% to 10.75%.

Which New Jersey cities are the riskiest?

Although New Jersey is one of the safest states in the nation overall, not all of its communities have a perfect safety record. 

Due to their high rates of crime, Camden, Trenton, Paterson, and Atlantic City are regarded as hazardous cities in New Jersey

What is the rent in New Jersey?

New Jersey’s average monthly rent is $2,495. Rent for homes ranges from $300 to $150,000 in New Jersey, with a median rent of $2,495. Compared to September 2022, this is $185 more.

How much does energy cost in New Jersey monthly?

How much electricity you consume each month and your electric tariff determine your monthly electric bills. 

The average home electricity bill in New Jersey is $183 per month, which is determined by dividing the average monthly consumption by the average electricity price: 962 kWh * 19 /kWh.

Is New Jersey a good place for Immigrants?

The Attorney General’s Office has made great efforts to make New Jersey a welcoming place for people from all backgrounds. 

New Jersey has long been a destination for those looking to start a new life in America. ensuring that immigrants are comfortable speaking with the local police.


With a variety of lifestyles, superior healthcare options, and top-notch educational opportunities, New Jersey is a fantastic place to call home. 

The high cost of living in the Garden State, which makes the majority of its resources and attractions unaffordable, is one bad thing about living in New Jersey. 

The state is only for the wealthy due to the high expense of living, which further prevents the average individual from relocating there.

You should consider the negatives mentioned above to see if you can live comfortably in the state if you want to make it your permanent home.

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