Common Trees in Ontario

19 Best Common Trees in Ontario

Let’s explore a list of 19 Common Trees in Ontario together. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry in Ontario, the list below showcases Common Trees in Ontario’s forests. For each species, you’ll find a short description and statistics about their size and quantity in the managed forest area. 

Ontario boasts a rich tapestry of tree species that paint its landscapes with vibrant colors. Understanding these common trees in the region is not only an exercise in natural appreciation but also a key step in preserving the essence of Ontario’s environment.

Trees in Ontario play a multifaceted role in their ecosystems. From cleansing the air to providing shelter and sustenance for a plethora of wildlife, their presence is vital for maintaining the balance of nature.

Ontario’s trees are hubs of life, hosting various species of birds, mammals, insects, and plants. The unique niches they create are crucial for biodiversity, making them not just trees but keystones in the region’s ecological web.

Beyond their ecological value, these trees are deeply woven into Ontario’s cultural fabric. They’ve been sources of livelihood through timber and non-timber forest products, and they’ve played roles in indigenous and settler traditions, reflecting cultural significance.

List of Common Trees in Ontario

  • Black spruce – Picea mariana 
  • White birch – Betula papyrifera
  • Poplar (aspen) – Populus spp.
  • Jack Pine – Pinus banksiana 
  • Balsam fir – Abies balsamea
  • White spruce – Picea glauca 
  • Larch (tamarack) – Larix laricina 
  • Red maple – Acer rubrum
  • White cedar – Thuja occidentalis
  • White pine – Pinus strobus 
  • Sugar maple – Acer saccharum 
  • Oaks – Quercus spp.
  • Red pine – Pinus resinosa
  • Ash – Fraxinus spp.
  • Hemlock – Tsuga canadensis
  • Yellow birch – Betula alleghaniensis 
  • Populus balsamifera – Balsam Poplar
  • Populus grandidentata (Large-toothed Aspen)
  • Populus tremuloides – Trembling Aspen

Black Spruce (Picea mariana)

This is the most common tree in Ontario, largely found in the Boreal forest. Black Spruce features small, dark green needles and small cones.

  • Location in Ontario: It thrives in the northern parts of Ontario, especially in wetland areas.

  • Importance or Roles: Black Spruce plays a critical role in wetland ecosystems, helping maintain water quality and providing habitat for various wildlife.

  • Challenges: Challenges include habitat loss due to drainage of wetlands and susceptibility to pests like the Spruce Budworm.

  • Total area containing species: 27,321,946 Hectares. 

White Birch (Betula papyrifera)

White birches are famous for their distinctive white bark. Their leaves are simple and roughly triangular.

  • Location in Ontario: You can find these birches in many parts of the province, especially in mixed forests.

  • Importance or Roles: White birch wood is used for furniture, crafts, firewood, and even canoes. They also provide habitat for various wildlife.
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  • Challenges: Challenges include susceptibility to bronze birch borer and habitat loss.

  • Total area containing species: 17,097,828 Hectares. 

Poplar (Aspen) (Populus spp.)

Poplars, also known as Aspens, have distinctive, heart-shaped leaves that quiver in the breeze. They are characterized as an early successional species. 

  • Location in Ontario: They’re quite widespread, covering various regions in Ontario. 

  • Importance or Roles: These trees are crucial for pulp and timber production, supporting the forest industry.

  • Challenges: Challenges include susceptibility to pests like the Forest Tent Caterpillar and issues related to clear-cut logging.

  • Total area containing species: 16,592,859 Hectares. 

Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana)

Jack Pine has short, twisted needles and small cones that are serotinous, meaning they rely on fire to release seeds.

  • Location in Ontario: Jack Pine is common in the northern regions of Ontario and is well-suited to poor soils (sandy or rocky).

  • Importance or Roles: It’s ecologically important for its role in fire-adapted ecosystems and provides habitat for various wildlife.

  • Challenges: Jack Pine forests are crucial for biodiversity but are susceptible to habitat loss due to logging and urban development.

  • Total area containing species:11,901,465 Hectares

Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea)

Balsam Firs are known for their lovely fragrance. They have flat needles that are dark green and blunt-tipped. It is a common softwood species in Ontario.

  • Location in Ontario: You’ll find these firs across the province, often in mixed forests.

  • Importance or Roles: They provide cover for wildlife and are sometimes used for Christmas trees due to their delightful scent.

  • Challenges: Challenges include susceptibility to pests like the Balsam Woolly Adelgid and habitat loss.

  • Total area containing species: 11,309,035 Hectares. 

White Spruce (Picea glauca)

White Spruce, popularly used as a Christmas tree is also another common tree in Ontario. It has short, stiff needles and small, cylindrical cones.

  • Location in Ontario: It can be found throughout the province, from southern Ontario to the northern regions, and is most common in the Boreal forest. 

  • Importance or Roles: White Spruce is valuable for timber and pulpwood production, contributing to Ontario’s forest industry.

  • Challenges: Challenges include climate change impacts and susceptibility to pests like the Spruce Budworm.

  • Total area containing species: 6,467,851 Hectares. 

Larch (Tamarack) (Larix laricina)

Tamaracks are unique as they’re deciduous conifers, meaning they lose their needles in the fall, but they’re bright green in spring and summer.

  • Location in Ontario: They’re abundant in the northern regions, particularly in wetlands.

  • Importance or Roles: Tamaracks help stabilize wetland ecosystems and provide nesting sites for birds. Larch wood is tough and flexible and is used for lumber. 
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  • Challenges: Challenges include habitat loss due to wetland draining and potential impacts from climate change.

  • Total area containing species: 6,222,935 Hectares. 

Red Maple (Acer rubrum)

Red maple is an essential source of food for wildlife and is often planted as an ornamental tree. Red maples have leaves with a reddish tinge. They’re known for their adaptability.

  • Location in Ontario: Red maples can be found throughout the province, including swamps and wetlands.

  • Importance or Roles: They’re vital in wetland ecosystems, supporting diverse wildlife.

  • Challenges: Challenges include habitat degradation due to urbanization and invasive species.

  • Total area containing species: 5,054,126 Hectares. 

White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis)

White Cedars have scale-like, evergreen leaves and small, cone-like structures. They’re also known as Arborvitae, meaning “Tree of Life.”

  • Location in Ontario: It is common throughout Ontario, you’ll spot them mostly in eastern Ontario, especially near wetlands.

  • Importance or Roles: These trees are critical in wetland ecosystems, providing habitat for birds and mammals.

  • Challenges: They’re valuable but face threats from habitat destruction and deer browsing.

  • Total area containing species: 4,049,482 Hectares. 

White Pine (Pinus strobus)

White Pine is Ontario’s provincial tree. It has long, slender needles grouped in bundles of five and distinctive, elongated cones.

  • Location in Ontario: White Pines can be found throughout the province, common throughout central and southern Ontario, often in mixed forests.

  • Importance or Roles: These trees play a vital ecological role, providing habitat for various wildlife species. Historically, White Pine is a valuable timber source.

  • Challenges: White Pine forests are ecologically important, but they face threats from pests like the White Pine Weevil and logging activities.

  • Total area containing species: 3,613,508 Hectares 

Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum)

Sugar maple is a common tree in Ontario, characterized by iconic, five-lobed leaves. They’re known for their sap, which is used to make maple syrup.

  • Location in Ontario: These maples thrive in southern and eastern Ontario.

  • Importance or Roles: Apart from syrup production, sugar maples are valuable in lumber production and provide vibrant fall foliage.

  • Challenges: Challenges include threats from climate change affecting syrup production.

  • Total area containing species: 3,429,963 Hectares. 

Oaks (Quercus spp.)

Oaks have lobed leaves and produce acorns. They’re sturdy and are known as long-lived trees.

  • Location in Ontario: Oak is a common hardwood found across various oak species across the province (In central and southern Ontario).

  • Importance or Roles: Oaks are highly valued wood, and provide habitat for countless species, including insects, birds, and mammals.

  • Challenges: Challenges include oak decline due to diseases and pests.
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  • Total area containing species: 1,564,013 Hectares. 

Red Pine (Pinus resinosa)

Red Pine features needles (10 to 16 centimeters) grouped in pairs and egg-shaped cones. It has a strong pale red to reddish brown wood

  • Location in Ontario: Red Pine is abundant in central and northern parts of Ontario, particularly in the Canadian Shield region.

  • Importance or Roles: It’s valued for timber and pulpwood, contributing to the forestry industry.

  • Challenges: Red Pine has adapted well to Ontario’s climate but faces threats from pests like the Red Pine Scale and climate change.

  • Total area containing species: 1,394,915 Hectares. 

Ash (Fraxinus spp.):

Ash trees are common in Ontario, characterized by compound leaves with serrated edges. They’re known for their hardwood.

  • Location in Ontario: Ash trees are distributed across the province.

  • Importance or Roles: Ash trees have very hard wood used for furniture, flooring, and firewood. They also have ecological value in forests.

  • Challenges: Challenges include the devastating impact of the emerald ash borer, an invasive insect.

  • Total area containing species: 1,211,055 Hectares. 

Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)

Hemlocks have short needles with a flat appearance and small, elongated cones.

  • Location in Ontario: They are found mainly in the southern and eastern parts of the province.

  • Importance of Roles: They contribute to forest biodiversity and provide shelter for various wildlife species. Hemlock are often used for lumber and as ornamental trees.

  • Challenges: Challenges include threats from pests like the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid and forest fragmentation.

  • Total area containing species: 979,942 Hectares. 

Other Common Trees in Ontario 

  • Yellow birch – Betula alleghaniensis 
  • Balsam Poplar – Populus balsamifera 
  • Large-toothed Aspen – Populus grandidentata 
  • Trembling Aspen – Populus tremuloides 

Conservation and Preservation Efforts

As some tree species in Ontario face threats from habitat loss, invasive pests, and climate change, conservation becomes paramount. Efforts range from protecting endangered species to implementing sustainable forest management practices to secure these natural treasures.


Our journey through the common trees of Ontario reveals not just their diversity but their irreplaceable contributions to the environment, economy, and culture. It’s a reminder of our duty to safeguard these invaluable assets for future generations and ensure a thriving, sustainable future for the province.

These common trees in Ontario contribute significantly to the province’s natural beauty and economic activities. However, they face challenges ranging from invasive pests to habitat loss, highlighting the need for conservation efforts.

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