Effects of Water Scarcity on Animals

Effects of Water Scarcity on Animals: 9 Top Facts

Water scarcity is quickly becoming one of the century’s most challenging concerns as global weather patterns continue to fluctuate and human population growth rates rise.

More than 4 billion people worldwide suffer from acute water scarcity as a result of withdrawing more water than is sustainably available.

Reduced access to clean water sources in Africa is threatening not only human well-being in urban and rural regions but also wildlife species, vulnerable ecosystems, and the communities that rely on them.

Read on to understand the sad effects of water scarcity on animals.

Effects of Water Scarcity on Animals: Understanding Water Scarcity 

Water scarcity is not uncommon even in countries with abundant water resources. Although this could be due to a variety of factors, such as crumbling infrastructure and distribution systems, contamination, conflict, or poor water resource management, it is clear that climate change, as well as human factors, are increasingly denying children their right to safe water and sanitation. 

Water scarcity restricts access to safe drinking water and basic hygiene practices at home, in schools, and in healthcare facilities. When water is short, sewage systems might collapse, increasing the risk of getting diseases such as cholera. Water becomes more expensive as it grows scarce.

Water scarcity disproportionately affects women and children because they are frequently responsible for gathering it. When water is farther away, it takes longer to collect, which means less time at school. A lack of water in schools has an impact on student enrollment, attendance, and performance, particularly for girls. 

Carrying water over long distances is also a huge physical hardship that can expose youngsters to danger and exploitation. Elephants and rhinos, already ravaged by poaching, face habitat shifts. Eastern Africa will see more rain, but the south will see less. Flash floods and droughts are common in the continent’s rapidly industrializing terrain.

Regional Parc W in Western Africa received two-thirds of its normal rainfall in 2012. The transboundary protected area has savannah woods, riparian forests, and flooded plains.

It’s home to the region’s largest elephant population, as well as big cats and the rare West African giraffe, imperiled species forced to migrate for water. Smaller species struggle to adjust to less rain and dried water holes.

Elephants excavate on dry stream beds. The hole forms a trap for buffalos and antelopes, making them easy prey for lions and leopards.

Permanent Wildlife Water Sources

Wildlife relocating outside of their regular region threatens the lives of human populations living near national parks and reserves, which are already insecure owing to water shortages and diminished crops.

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Local communities have devised wildlife-friendly mitigation strategies to keep roaming wildlife out of their homes and farmlands, but many wild animals are still killed in retaliation.

Contact with other species outside of protected zones, combined with the ecological disruptions caused by climate change, is causing an increase in infectious diseases among both animals and livestock.

Events like the catastrophic loss of flamingos in Kenya’s Lake Nakuru National Park are a reality for the remaining species until wildlife management agencies and research organizations conduct intensive animal illness surveillance.

A recent study on river quality and human well-being in the Chobe National Park landscape found that when wildlife only has access to rivers during droughts, local communities’ health suffers.

During dry seasons, the depletion of alternative surface water resources forces animals to feed near rivers, affecting the quality of the river as it goes downstream to where humans use it.

Conservation planning and wildlife habitat preservation will also reduce the concentration of animals in riparian corridors and protect surface water resources.

How Does Water Benefit Pets?

The goal of water for pets is to transport vital nutrients into and out of cells, facilitating digestion and nutrient absorption.

Additionally, it controls body temperature, lubricates joints, enhances cognitive function, and cushions the brain and spinal cord. Every essential biological process requires water.

People and animals are unable to perform optimally when dehydrated. We are feeling groggy, dizzy, and uncoordinated. Dehydration is the excessive loss of water beyond what the body has taken in.

When dehydrated, the effects of such scarcity on animals’ body pulls water from the cells, causing muscular dysfunction and an electrolyte imbalance. If dehydration is not treated immediately, organ failure and death might occur.

How Much Water Will You Require?

Temperatures have a significant impact on the amount of water that animals eat on a daily basis. Females who are breastfeeding their children will require more water to produce acceptable quantities of milk.

Water requirements might more than treble when temperatures rise from 500 to 900 degrees Fahrenheit. Forage wetness will also have a big impact on how much water animals need each day. When eating rich feed in the spring, sheep and goats may typically meet their daily demands.

Signs of Dehydration in Pets

Dehydration in pets is prevalent. Older or ill animals, cats, and brachycephalic (short-faced) breeds are most susceptible. Observe for:

  • moving at a slower than the typical pace

  • Tiredness

  • loss of hunger

  • Sunken eyes

  • Panting

  • Dry mouth and nose

When animals do not consume sufficient water, their skin becomes less elastic. To determine this, gently pinch the skin across your pet’s shoulder blades where it is slack. If the skin rebounds swiftly and readily, there is certainly sufficient water on board.

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However, if the skin returns slowly to its regular appearance or remains tent-like for more than a few seconds, your pet may be dehydrated.

What causes Dehydration in Animals?

It may not appear that dehydration can occur easily, but it does. Pets lose water through regular processes, such as defecating, panting, and even breathing. They replenish this water by consuming food and water.

Dehydration can occur if your pet does not consume enough food and water. Appetite loss can indicate dehydration, creating a vicious cycle.

It is easy for pets to become dehydrated if they engage in vigorous exercise or are exposed to hot, humid conditions. Heat stress, heat stroke, and dehydration frequently occur together.

According to studies, many cats are chronically dehydrated. Water scarcity can have a range of negative effects on animals’ health, including an increased chance of developing diabetes and renal and liver failure.

Easy Methods to Maintain Your Pet’s Hydration

It is essential to monitor your pet’s water intake throughout the year, especially during the hottest months. Here are some basic suggestions.

  • Provide daily fresh, clean, and transparent drinking water

  • Provide many water bowls at various locations inside the home.

  • Invest in a drinking fountain for pets; cats enjoy rushing water in particular.

  • If your cat enjoys drinking from a trickling faucet, let her do so.

  • Add canned food, which has more water than kibble, to your pet’s diet.

  • Train your dog to drink from a water bottle, or bring foldable water dishes on excursions.

  • Location is crucial! Sensitive cats require water bowls in regions with little foot traffic.

  • Examine the many bowl types. Some cats have preferences about the sort of bowl they use to drink from.

If your pet appears unsteady, is constantly panting, is disoriented, has pale gums, or is not drinking enough water, he or she should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

To prevent organ failure, dehydration necessitates the administration of intravenous fluids to restore the body’s water and electrolytes.

In addition, we must examine the degree of dehydration in order to identify the most effective treatment for restoring your pet to normalcy. 

With a little awareness and additional planning, you can ensure that your pets are adequately hydrated. With the use of simple habits, it is possible to make water a consistent component of our pet’s daily routine. Consider your pet’s water demands whenever you grab your own water bottle.

Factors Contributing to Water Scarcity

Water consumption rises in tandem with population growth, resulting in a decline in the amount of water available in certain places. Some of the causes that contribute to water scarcity are as follows:

  •  Inefficient agricultural techniques
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  •  Human population expansion

  • Growth in industrial demand

  • Deforestation

  • Inadequate water conservation practices

  • Infrastructure development as a result of urbanization

  • Pumping groundwater to meet freshwater demand depletes subsurface water levels.

Water Scarcity Solution

Water scarcity has the potential to do lasting damage to our ecology. We can take the following steps to address this significant problem:

Solar Water Disinfection – Solar energy, such as heat, UV rays, and electricity created by the solar panel, can be utilized to disinfect water, making it drinkable and reducing the risk of water-borne infections.

Water Recycling – The process of reusing water reduces waste significantly. Rainwater harvesting, for example, can help to conserve rainwater and use it in home activities such as washing and watering plants in gardens. This would reduce groundwater stress and wasteful water outflow.

Recharging Aquifers – Aquifers are water-saturated zones beneath the water table. Aquifers can be refilled by allowing the water stored in them to be used only in times of great scarcity.

Any water leakage should be noticed by the water accidentally escaping through cracks or holes. Better irrigation management, such as the use of water sprinklers and drip irrigation techniques, should be practiced to reduce water scarcity.


Water is the most plentiful and valuable resource on the planet. However, only 3% of the world’s water is freshwater, which is required for the optimal growth and survival of plants and animals.

Humans require water for their survival, including respiration, digestion, quenching thirst, and daily activities such as bathing, laundry, etc. We cannot even consider our survival in the absence of water. However, when it comes to plants, only water stops them from wilting and dying.

When we cease watering the plants in our garden, we observe the leaves drying and dropping off as a result of an inadequate water supply. Plants require water for fundamental processes such as absorbing nutrients from the soil to produce their food, germination of seeds, and flowering. Therefore, water is crucial for plant survival.

If water scarcity impacts plants, it will indirectly affect people as well, as plant death reduces the amount of oxygen, food for primary consumers, and precipitation. Consequently, the entire ecological system will collapse.

Due to persistent water constraints, plants develop characteristics similar to those of desert plants. Therefore, it is imperative that we save water for the sake of our future. Do you have suggestions about these effects of water scarcity on animals? Please leave a comment below.


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