Fastest Growing Trees In Ontario

15 Top Fastest Growing Trees in Ontario: Their Properties

In Ontario, there are so many beautiful trees to plant, but it can be very patient to wait for them to mature. 

However, with fast growing trees you wouldn’t need to wait so long to get that shade and impactful color in your home.

 These stunning, quickly-growing trees will significantly increase the value and curb appeal of your home because of their vivid leaf, wonderful texture, and protection from the hot sun. 

Some of the most popular trees planted today are quickly expanding and for many wonderful purposes!  

Fast-growing trees can expand significantly in a short period of time, however, some trees can take decades to mature or display noticeable development. They make it possible for homeowners to enjoy the advantages of a mature tree earlier. 

Therefore, a fast-growing tree is ideal for your property if you need shade, privacy, or additional landscape beauty right away.

In this guide, we shall delve into the fastest growing trees in Ontario.

Let’s Begin.

Fastest Growing Trees In Ontario 

Below are the fastest growing that can be found In Ontario

  • Brabant White Cedar
  • Red maple 
  • White pine
  • Sycamore Tree (Native)
  • Silver Maple (Native)
  • Tulip tree
  • Regal Petticoat Sycamore Maple
  • Autumn Blaze Maple
  • Black locust 
  • Bur Oak
  • Black walnut
  • American beech
  • Sweet gum
  • Eastern White Cedar
  • Red oak 

Let’s look at these trees individually shall we?

1. Brabant White Cedar

In Ontario, are you looking for fast-growing evergreen trees? A great option is the Brabant White Cedar. It features gorgeously textured foliage that is perpetually lush and green, as well as that unmistakable, nostalgic cedar aroma. 

They have a magnificent columnar design and only grow to be around 15 feet high and 6 feet wide, which makes them perfect for border planting. 

Instead of a simple fence, surround your entire property with a cedar privacy hedge; you’ll adore the lush, verdant atmosphere!

These lovely cedars grow 2-2.5 feet each year, so they won’t take long to reach their full height.

2. Red Maple

One of Ontario’s most prevalent and quickly expanding trees is the red maple. 

An indigenous deciduous tree to North America is the red maple (Acer rubrum). 

This tree that grows quickly can grow up to 70 feet.

It has a rounded canopy, medium to coarse texture, and bright green leaves that change stunning colors of red and yellow in the fall.

The tree blooms in the spring with tiny red flowers that turn into samaras that resemble winged seeds. A resilient tree that can grow in a range of soil conditions and climatic conditions is the red maple.

3. White Pine

An evergreen tree that is endemic to Ontario, Canada is the white pine.

White pines can reach heights of up to 75 feet and have straight, slender trunks. Its long needles are often four to six inches in length, and its scaly, grayish-brown bark has a scaly appearance.

It grows swiftly in direct sunlight and is perfect for obstructing vistas or providing shade for your home.

The eastern white pine develops crookedly and has short, thin branches on the side that face the wind when it is exposed to a lot of wind.

The thin needles of this quickly growing evergreen tree range in length from 6 to 12 cm and are grouped in bunches of five. 

The pine cones, which range in length from 8 to 20 cm, dangle from the branches. Its bark has thick, wide ridges and is a dark gray-brown color.

4. Sycamore Tree (Native)

The sycamore tree grows naturally in the Toronto region and southwestern Ontario. It reaches portions of Prince Edward Island in the north. 

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Sycamore trees thrive in fertile floodplains and develop to be among the largest broadleaf trees in eastern North America (both in height and width). It makes a great shade tree with rapid growth.

This native tree, like many willow species, has a shallow, fibrous root structure that, if it’s looking for water, could run into septic beds and sewage pipes. To avoid causing damage to your property, make sure they have enough room to grow.

The lovely sycamore tree’s distinctive patchwork bark breaks off to reveal its inner bark, which is white, green, and cream in hue. It has broad leaves that resemble maple leaves, and its fruits are hard balls of hairy seeds.

5. Tulip Tree (Native)

Among deciduous trees, the tulip tree is the tallest in Canada. It grows throughout eastern North America, south into central Florida and Louisiana, and southwestern Ontario in Canada.

The ornamental tree is very adaptable and can weather Florida’s hot summers and Canada’s chilly winters. 

The tulip tree has extensive roots and is a big, quickly-growing tree that is both wide and tall.

When the bark is young, it is smooth and brownish-green, but as it ages, it turns brown and develops grooves. The dark green leaves can reach a length of six inches and have a white-blue underside.

Every year, the tulip tree produces seeds that serve as a food source for tiny mammals and birds.

6. Silver Maple (Native)

The native silver maple can be found in Florida and central Ontario in the east of North America.

It spreads swiftly and is frequently planted for privacy or as a shade tree. 

It takes a lot of space for the silver maple to grow because it is such a large tree.

Due to the number of leaves that drop down in the fall and the wide-growing roots that may clog sewer systems, it is not recommended to put this tree close to city streets or homes.

Its 15–20 cm long, bright green leaves have 5–7 lobes. The silver maple tree and the red maple tree are remarkably similar, but the silver maple’s leaves become light yellow or brown in the fall. 

When the tree is young, the silver maple’s trunk has smooth, gray bark. As the bark ages, it turns a dark reddish-brown color and splits into strips that fall off at either end. 

Silver maples have the potential to spontaneously develop hollow trunks that provide living space for creatures and birds.

7. Red Oak (Native)

Eastern North America is a good region for growing red oak, commonly known as the eastern red oak. It spreads from Minnesota through Oklahoma and east to Arkansas in the United States, down through Ontario, and into Nova Scotia.

An indigenous tree with a high timber value in Ontario is the red oak. Its wood is extremely tough and ideal for millwork, flooring, and furniture. 

It is a sturdy street tree that can withstand soil compaction and pollutants. It requires space to expand and doesn’t fare well when planted close to other trees.

The red oak’s leaves are dark green, with seven to eleven lobes and bristly, pointy points. In the fall, they turn a stunning red. 

As the tree ages, the bark changes from being grey and smooth to becoming fissured. 

The local animals use the acorns as food in the winter and they can stay on the tree all year. Even in the winter, dead leaves can occasionally be found on red oak trees.

8. Autumn Blaze Maple

These lobed leaves on this incredibly vivid maple are so distinctive that we find it impossible to resist. They first appear as a deep emerald green, then change to a magnificent, blazing red that illuminates the surrounding area.

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 One of the trees with the fastest growth rates in North America, this behemoth may expand up to 3-5 feet each year in perfect circumstances. Upon reaching maturity, Autumn Blaze Maples grow to a height of 40–55 feet and have a canopy of 30–40 feet.

 To avoid the roots causing foundation damage, plant it 15–20 feet away from your home.

9. Regal Petticoat Sycamore Maple

This two-toned maple tree’s rapid growth will add stunning prismatic color to the landscape. This gorgeous cultivar, sometimes called the Planetree Maple, with foliage that emerges as a subtle, burgundy-tinged olive green. 

The leaves develop a richer, glossy green with rich crimson undersides and a plush, velvety texture as they get older. The undersides of the leaves turn salmon pink in the autumn then turn gold! 

You can count on it to grow at astounding rates even if this manageable maple only gets to be approximately 40 feet high and 30 feet wide!

 The Regal Petticoat Sycamore Maple is an excellent addition for smaller, urban yards if you live in the city because it is very tolerant of pollution.

10. Black Walnut

Hardwoods like black walnuts are frequently used to make cabinets and furniture. It is regarded for its power, toughness, and distinctive black color. 

Black walnut heartwood is a dark brownish-black, whereas the sapwood is a creamy white color. The wood is frequently employed to make exquisite furniture and cabinetry, as well as flooring and paneling.

Black walnut can also be turned, carved, and used in other types of woodworking. Due to its resistance to rot and decay, it also makes an ideal choice for outdoor furniture and decks. 

The wood is a desirable alternative for any project because of its distinctive grain pattern and rich color.

11. American Beech

It has an oval or pyramidal-shaped crown and smooth, gray bark. Late April brings about the appearance of the tiny, yellow-green blossoms. Also, three-sided, spiky nuts make up the fruit. In Ontario’s Carolinian forest, American beech is a significant species. 

The furniture and flooring materials made from American beech are tough and substantial. The Niagara Escarpment and the Rouge Valley are the only two protected sites in Ontario where you can find American beaches. 

The preservation of the Carolinian forest in Ontario depends on the conservation of this species because it is significant to the area.

12. Sweet Gum

Originally from the eastern United States, the Sweet Gum tree (Liquidambar styraciflua) is a sizable deciduous tree that may also be found in Ontario. It is a well-liked tree in the province for landscaping since it provides year-round interest. 

The sweet gum tree is a great option for shade and for creating a beautiful display of fall colors.

Sweet gum makes a fantastic alternative for individuals looking for a shade tree because of its large canopy.

The leaves of the Sweetgum tree change from green to yellow, orange, and red in the fall, producing an amazing show of color. 

Additionally, the tree produces a spiky, brown seedpod that can be an annoyance but contributes to the tree’s overall beauty.

The Sweetgum tree is a fantastic option for anyone searching for a shade tree that offers a stunning display of fall colors. 

It works best in locations with plenty of sunshine and good drainage. The Sweetgum tree can bring beauty to any Ontario landscape with proper maintenance.

13. Eastern White Cedar

The natural range of the eastern North American species known as the eastern white cedar, or Thuja occidentalis, extends from eastern Canada to Tennessee in the south and to Minnesota in the west. In many parts of Ontario, it is a widely utilized decorative tree for landscaping.

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Its color ranges from light brown to gray, and the bark is scaly. Scaly and grouped in flat, fan-like sprays, the leaves have a rough surface.

 modest, spherical, and light brown in color, the cones are rather modest. For Ontario’s fauna, the eastern white cedar is a crucial species. Numerous bird, mammal, and reptile species, such as woodpeckers, squirrels, mice, and other critters, can find food and shelter there. 

Many different species of songbirds use it as breeding grounds. The sturdy Eastern White Cedar can withstand a variety of soil conditions and climatic conditions. Insects and diseases don’t affect it at all. Because of its dense foliage, which helps to prevent soil erosion, it is frequently employed in wetland restoration projects.

Indigenous people of Ontario have used eastern white cedar extensively in their traditional activities.

The wood was used to produce garments, boats, and baskets, while the bark served as medicine. Additionally, the leaves of the tree were utilized in customary rituals and festivities.

14. Bur Oak

This tree has broad, leathery leaves with a unique bristle-tipped lobe at the base of each leaf. Additionally, the acorns are huge and rounded with a shallow cup at the base, and the bark is severely furrowed.

The bur oak is a significant tree in the flora and fauna of Ontario, serving as a home to numerous animals such as birds, mammals, insects, and reptiles. 

This tree provides a significant source of food for wildlife as it has an abundance of acorns.

 Additionally, the bur oak is a well-liked ornamental tree as well because of its substantial size and lush green foliage, which give beauty to any landscape.

15. Black Locust

The last tree on our list of Ontario’s fastest-growing trees is the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), a deciduous tree native to Canada and Ontario. It may grow up to 30 meters tall and is a member of the pea family. The black locust’s bark is severely furrowed and dark gray in color.

The pinnate, alternating leaves with 7–19 leaflets. May and June see the appearance of the fragrant white blossoms, which are followed by long, flat seed pods.

In Ontario, black locusts can be found in a range of settings, including dry to wet woodlands and open fields. It is frequently planted as a street tree and to prevent erosion.

Due to its strength and resistance to rot, black locust wood is perfect for use in trellises, poles, and fence posts. There are many environmental advantages to black locusts. It produces nectar for bees and butterflies and grows extremely quickly.

Its extensive roots aid in soil stabilization, while its thick canopy offers wildlife cover and protection from the sun.

In Ontario, the black locust is a significant species because it offers wood and food to wildlife. Due to its various advantages, it is the best option for landscaping, erosion control, and timber applications.


The fastest growing trees in Ontario provide a blend of beauty, environmental benefits and rapid growth that can change the surrounding area in a short period.

Are you in search of fast growing trees in Ontario that will act as a windbreak or shade in your environment? 

With the fastest-growing trees we’ve outlined for you in this article, you can enjoy many benefits while at the same time helping to preserve your environment.

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