Financial Hardship Grants for Single Mothers Australia

12 Best Financial Hardship Grants for Single Mothers Australia

Single parents can find themselves in a challenging financial situation. As well as struggling to provide for their family, they also have to deal with the stress of financial pressures. 

For this reason, hardship grants are essential for single parents because they help them get back on their feet financially.

The hardship grants provide support to single mothers and fathers that need financial help.

These Financial Hardship Grants for Single Mothers Australia can be used by individuals, families, and communities who encounter difficulties and hardships that make it difficult to meet their basic needs.

It is important to note that the Hardship Grants are not intended for any one purpose or type of expense but rather are designed for a wide range of situations including:

Emergencies such as medical or dental emergencies;

Medical expenses not covered by health insurance;

Educational expenses from primary school through university level (e.g., books, supplies);

Consumption costs related to heating/cooling homes during winter/summer months;

In Australia, there is a wide range of grants that have been made available to help single parents survive financially. 

These schemes are aimed at providing financial assistance without having them take out loans or save up money from their pocket. 

As a single mother, you may be eligible to receive one or more of the following government benefits and grants.

The List of Financial Hardship Grants for Single Mothers Australia

JobSeeker Payment (JSP)

Every two weeks, JobSeeker Payment is made. The amount you receive is based on your unique circumstances.

Your JobSeeker Payment amount is determined by the following factors:

Whether you have a partner

Whether you have children

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And how much money you have made in the last 14 days.

For more information, visit this page

Family Tax Benefit

Up to a specific income level, the Family Tax Benefit assists Australian families with the expenditures associated with raising children. 

These advantages are periodically examined.

A payment known as the Family Tax Benefit (FTB) assists qualified families with the cost of raising children. 

The amount of FTB Part A is paid per kid and is determined by the circumstances of the household. 

FTB Part B is paid per family and provides additional assistance to couple families and single-parent families.

For more information, visit this page

Child Care Subsidy

To qualify for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), you must:

care for a child who is 13 or younger and not enrolled in secondary school, 

unless a specific exemption applies; 

use a licensed child care facility; pay the child care costs, and adhere to residency and immunization standards.

For more information, visit this page

Parenting Payment Single (PPS)

Those who are alone or mostly responsible for a young child’s care, such as single parents and other key carers, may be eligible for the Parenting Payment Single. 

The PPS may be available to these parents until their youngest child turns eight (eligibility depends on income and other circumstances). 

Parents who receive Parenting Payment Single after their youngest kid turns 6 must devote 15 hours per week to a mutual duty activity that has been approved by both parents. 

You can fulfill this need by looking for jobs, working part-time for pay, studying, or engaging in an authorized activity. 

Many parents make use of this time to study, exercise, or get ready for the workplace. 

Depending on their circumstances, single parents may be eligible for another payment once the youngest child turns eight.

For more information, visit this page

Healthcare Card or Pensioner Concession Card

If you are a single parent and you have a valid form of government identification, the first step is to apply for the Healthcare Card or Pensioner Concession Card. 

This card will allow you to qualify for some benefits from the government such as concessional transportation fares, medication costs, and travel concessions.

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If you do not already have these cards in your possession, take them with you when applying for Hardship Payment through Centrelink.

For more information, visit this page

Rent Assistance

Rent Assistance is a government initiative that provides rental assistance to eligible tenants. If you receive any other Centrelink payments, you may be eligible for Rent Assistance.

However, the Newstart Allowance is not included in this program and thus single mothers who only receive Newstart will find themselves ineligible for Rent Assistance as well.

The Rent Assistance program is available to single parents who receive most Centrelink payments including:

Parenting Payment Single (Partnered)

Carer Payment (for sole carers of disabled children)

For more information, visit this page

Youth Allowance (Student)

If you are a student between the ages of 16 and 24 years old, you may be eligible to receive Youth Allowance (Student). This payment is available if you are enrolled at a school, university, or another approved education or training institution.

Youth Allowance (Student) is paid at different rates depending on your circumstances and income. If you have dependent children in your care, they will also be entitled to payments under the Family Tax Benefit Part A scheme while they are dependent on you.

Youth Allowance (Job Seeker)

Youth Allowance is a payment for people aged between 16 and 24 years of age who are studying full-time, working part-time, or looking for work. You may be eligible for Youth Allowance if you are:

16 to 19 years of age; or

20 to 24 and participating in the Job Commitment Bonus program.

If you are over 16 but still at school, your parents will have to provide proof that they can’t support themselves financially so that they can get Youth Allowance instead of Newstart.

Austudy Payment or the Pensioner Education Supplement Payment

If you’re an Australian citizen, hold a permanent visa, and are studying full-time at an approved tertiary institution, Austudy may be able to help.

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Austudy is a payment for students aged 25 years or over who qualify for Youth Allowance. It provides financial assistance while you study at a recognized school or college. You must also meet the income and assets tests.

To get an assessment for Austudy, you need proof of identity (such as your passport); 

evidence of your student status; evidence of any other source(s) of financial support; details about family composition (if relevant); 

basic contact information such as address and phone number; bank account details if they apply directly to the grant/bursary (that is, not through Centrelink).

Legal Aids

People with low incomes are entitled to Legal Aid for those occasionally messy divorces and separations. 

You will have access to affordable or free legal counsel. Parenting arrangements, mediation, financial problems, and child contact difficulties might all benefit from this.

Women’s Legal Services

Women can contact Women’s Legal Services for free general legal counsel and assistance. 

State-to-state variations exist in the contact information and services. Rather than spending money on a lawyer, this is a fantastic place to start.

Dental Services

Taking care of your teeth might be expensive, but thanks to the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, the majority of Australian children are entitled to some free dental care. 

You must have a Medicare card for this, and your nearby dentist can help you find out if you qualify. 

Each state has a public dental care system that dramatically lowers the cost of care for you. 

You’ll need a concession card to access this. There can be a long waiting list, so be prepared.


The list of grants and benefits available for single parents is not limited to the ones mentioned above. 

There are other government grants and benefits that you can apply for to help you raise your child. What are your suggestions about these Financial Hardship Grants for Single Mothers Australia? Leave a comment below.

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