Free Repair Grants for Veterans

8 Top Free Repair Grants for Veterans: Best Guide

As a veteran, you are entitled to fantastic housing benefits in recognition of your service.

In addition to VA home loans and cheap home insurance rates, there are numerous awards available to veterans for house repairs and accessibility upgrades.

This article on free repair grants for veterans explains everything you need to know about federal grants as well as some of the major nonprofit programs available to you.

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As you may have read in prior articles or publications, the Department of Veteran Affairs has programs in place that allow Veterans with both service-connected (SC) and non-service-connected (NSC) disabilities to qualify for monthly income payments.

However, most veterans and their families are unaware that the VA has programs in place that provide Grants to both service-connected and non-service-connected handicapped Veterans for home upgrades.

Free Repair Grants for Veterans

The first portion of this section will provide a brief overview of the three Department of Veterans Affairs programs that provide cash grants to qualified veterans with disabilities: the Specially Adapted Housing Grant (SAH), the Special Home Adaptation (SHA) Grant, and the Home Improvements and Structural Assistance (HISA) Grant. 

Veterans with SC Disabilities are the only ones who can receive SAH and SHA. HISA, on the other hand, is open to both SC and NSC Veterans.

These programs’ principal purpose is to enable disabled Veterans to live as independently as possible.

The Grants can be utilized to make safety upgrades in the Veteran’s current house or to build a new disability-accessible home.

Special Home Adaptation (SHA) Grant

The Special Home Adaptation (SHA) Grant is available for any home alteration that will assist veterans with service-connected disabilities in increasing mobility throughout their existing houses. Veterans with permanent and total disability (blindness or limb loss) as a result of military service are eligible for maximum awards of $13,511.

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Specially Adapted Housing Grant (SAH)

The Specially Adapted Housing Grant (SAH) pays up to $67,555 to veterans who have been injured in the line of duty in order for them to build a completely accessible home. The SAH Grant is provided to veterans who were permanently and fully disabled as a result of their wartime service (100 percent service-related disability).

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The majority of veterans who qualify are confined to wheelchairs and require wheelchair modifications to current housing plans. This Grant may be used for new house building or significant housing renovations that assist eligible veterans in functioning independently in their own homes.

Home Improvements and Structural Assistance (HISA)

The Home Improvements and Structural Assistance (HISA) program provides veterans with service-related and non-service-related impairments with home renovation and alteration awards ranging from $2,000 to $6,800. The HISA program is open to a broader range of veterans, including those who are disabled due to non-service-related ailments.

The Grant funds may be utilized for any home repair required for treatment continuation or for the veteran’s handicap access to the residence and needed sanitary amenities.

The Veteran must have a prescription from a VA institution or from a physician who provides covered care to VA patients outside of VA facilities in order to obtain an HISA grant.

Among the provisions that HISA will fund are:

  • Lowering electrical outlets and switches.

  • Allowing access to and from the Veteran’s home enhancing access to sanitary facilities.

  • Improving access to kitchen and bathroom countertops, as well as improving walkways and driveways

Veterans who have received a medical determination showing that renovations and structural alterations are necessary or appropriate for the effective and economical treatment of a disability are eligible for an HISA grant.

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Major modifications, which are typically paid by the SAH grant program, are not covered under the HISA program.

Handrails put in showers, for example, are covered by HISA, although enlarging a bathroom doorway is not.

A veteran may be eligible for both an HISA award and a Special Home Adaptation (SHA) or Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) grant.

Temporary Residence Adaptation grant (TRA)

The Temporary Residence Adaptation grant is intended to assist SHA or SAH qualifying veterans who are temporarily residing in a home owned by a family member.

Members of a family must be linked through marriage, adoption, or blood. They allow veterans who are eligible for a SAH or SHA award to adapt a temporary housing that they do not own.

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Habitat for Humanity – Repair Corps program

Habitat for Humanity, a non-profit housing organization, operates a Repair Corps program to assist veterans with both necessary and ordinary house repairs.

Repair Corps provides critical home repairs, which are any house repairs required to improve the veteran’s critical life, health, and safety.

Accessibility adjustments and the extension or construction of electrical and water systems are examples of crucial home repairs. When funds are available, the program also assists veterans with ordinary house repairs, but critical repairs take precedence.

Find out more information here.

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Operation Homefront

Operation Homefront provides crucial financial help to qualifying veterans and service members for repairs and family needs.

Financial aid is provided based on qualifying for a variety of needs such as home repairs, auto repairs, moving and relocation, utilities, transportation, medical and food assistance.

Find out more information here.

Purple Heart Homes

Purple Heart Homes provides housing solutions for veterans through two separate programs: Veterans Aging in Place (VAIP) and Veterans Home Ownership Program (VHOP) (VHOP).

The VAIP program is designed to assist veterans with home safety and accessibility repairs. The VHOP program pairs veterans who want to own a house with homes that can be renovated to meet their medical needs.

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Find out more information here.

Rebuilding Together, Inc.

The Veterans at Home initiative aims to assist veterans and their families in making their houses more secure, accessible, and independent.

Find out more information here.

Does The VA Give You Money?

Veterans who become ill or injured while serving in the military, as well as Veterans whose service aggravated an existing ailment, are eligible for VA disability compensation (pay).

Can I Call Myself A Veteran?

A “veteran” is defined as someone who served in the active military, naval, or air service and was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.

How Long Must A Person Serve To Be A Veteran?

There is a minimum service requirement. To be classified a veteran, service members must have completed at least 24 months of active duty.

There is no minimum length of service required to qualify for VA benefits if a service member gets disabled while serving.

At What Age Does VA Disability Stop?

Your VA benefits will last the rest of your life. Even if your handicap is defined as less than total and not permanent, the amount of your benefit will not be reduced if you have been receiving benefits for 20 years or longer.

Will The VA Pay For Exercise Equipment?

The owner of the residence must agree to the installation of home exercise equipment before it can be installed. Such equipment will only be offered to veterans in order to help them reach their recovery goals, as stated in their medical records.

Are Veteran Benefits Permanent?

In most cases, VA disability ratings are not permanent. Rather, they are subject to review at any moment by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

If VA determines that your status or condition has changed since your first rating, it may assign you a new rating or terminate your benefits.

What Is The VA 55 Age Rule?

Veterans who receive VA disability compensation for service-connected ailments are excused from subsequent examinations when they reach the age of 55.

According to the VA Adjudication Procedures Manual, this covers veterans who will be 55 at the date of a subsequent examination.

What Is The 10 Year VA Disability Rule?

According to the VA’s 10-year rule, the Department of Veterans Affairs cannot terminate service connection for a disability that has been in place for at least 10 years unless there is evidence of fraud at the time of the grant.

What Happens To My VA Disability When I Turn 67?

Even when veterans reach full retirement age, VA disability payouts remain unchanged. In contrast, after-retirement income (from Social Security or private pensions) is typically less than pre-retirement earnings from wages and pay.

Will Veterans Get A Raise In 2023?

Based on the most recent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), 2023 VA disability pay rates are up 8.7% year over year, beginning December 1, 2022.

This rate hike, confirmed as of October 13, 2022, is the largest we’ve seen in about 40 years.

Do Veterans Get Monthly Checks?

The Veterans Pension program pays monthly benefits to wartime veterans who satisfy specified age or disability standards, as well as have income and net worth constraints. 

What Day Will VA Checks Be Deposited This Month?

Every month, direct deposit payments are made on the first of the month. When your VA payment falls on a weekend or a federal holiday, it will be made on the prior week’s last working day.

The prior month’s VA payments are made. Payments for August, for example, would be delivered on September 1.

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Will The VA Give Me A Scooter?

The VA will most likely provide you with a wheelchair or mobility scooter. As previously stated, you may be eligible for a VA grant to cover adaptive equipment such as a wheelchair lift or even a vehicle.

What 3 States Have The Most Veterans?

The three most populous states in the country have the most veterans: California (1.56 million), Texas (1.46 million), and Florida (1.44 million). These states also have some of the largest military bases in the United States.

Do Veterans Get Disability For Life?

If VA feels you will never recover from a severe medical condition, it may declare you permanently and totally handicapped.

With this designation, you will be eligible for VA disability benefits for the rest of your life (absent a finding of fraud).

The VA reserves permanent and total disability for the most severe cases.

Is PTSD A Permanent Disability?

A PTSD disability rating may become permanent and total if VA judges that it fits the rating schedule’s 100 percent requirements and has no likelihood of rehabilitation.

What Is The 5 Year Rule For VA?

If your condition is likely to improve over time, the VA disability 5 year rule allows the VA to re-examine your VA disability rating within 5 years of your original assessment.

However, if your health has dramatically improved, the VA may still alter your disability rating after the 5-year deadline.

Can My Wife Get My VA Disability If We Divorce?

No. VA disability benefits are immune from division upon divorce under federal law, specifically the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act, codified at 10 U.S.C. 1408.

It is not an asset that may be shared as marital or community property during a divorce.

What Can Cause You To Lose VA Disability?

Only when fraud is established or a severe error is made will your benefits be considered for termination.

If you have not received VA disability benefits for ten years or longer and VA concludes that your injury or illness is not service-related, your benefits may be terminated.

Can You Work With 100 VA Disability?

You have no restrictions on your employment activity if you have a combined disability rating of 100 percent. You may work if you meet the 100 percent rating for your service-connected condition and are still able to do so.

What Do Spouses Of 100 Disabled Veterans Get?

You may be eligible for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation if your partner dies with a total impairment (DIC).

This refers to tax-free monthly benefits paid to handicapped veterans’ surviving spouses. According to the VA, the starting salary in 2022 is $1,437.66 per month.

Does VA Pay For Insomnia?

If a Veteran can demonstrate that their condition was caused by their service, they may be eligible for disability compensation. Insomnia can be scored anywhere on the VA disability rating scale — from 0 to 100% — which means Veterans with insomnia might receive up to $3,221.85 from the VA.

Will I Lose My VA Disability If I Get A Job?

Veterans can work while getting VA Disability Compensation, thus yes, you can work and receive VA Disability Compensation. What are your thoughts about these Free Repair Grants for Veterans?

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