Housing Assistance for Single Mothers in Colorado

10 Top Housing Assistance for Single Mothers in Colorado

Are you in search of Housing assistance for single mothers in Colorado or various programs that offer financial assistance for rent, mortgage payments, and utilities?

Let us help you with that.

Here are some of the most commonly used housing assistance programs for single mothers and their eligibility requirements.

Without access to adequate housing, single mothers may struggle to provide a safe and stable environment for their children. The cost of housing can be a significant burden for many single mothers in Colorado, particularly those with low incomes.

Fortunately in Colorado, there are various housing assistance programs available for single mothers that can help alleviate this burden. 

The Division of Housing (DOH) under the Colorado Department of Local Affairs collaborates with nearby communities to generate chances for housing in Colorado. 

The aim is to provide affordable, safe, and secure homes for individuals who encounter significant difficulties in accessing them. DOH supports projects ranging from homelessness prevention to homeownership. These include:

  • Increasing and preserving Colorado’s inventory of affordable housing
  • Managing rental assistance vouchers
  • Creating and supporting collaborative approaches to end homelessness
  • Regulating Mobile Home Parks, and the construction and installation of factory-built structures

The List of Top Housing Assistance for Single Mothers in Colorado: 

Colorado Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)

The Colorado Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is designed to provide financial assistance to households affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Single mothers who have experienced financial hardship due to the pandemic and are at risk of homelessness or housing instability may be eligible for assistance.

The program provides funding for rent, utilities, and other housing-related expenses for eligible households. For the past 15 months, the State of Colorado has provided emergency rental assistance to more than 30,000 households.

To be eligible for ERAP, applicants must be Colorado residents, have a household income at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI), and meet other eligibility criteria set by the program. Visit the website.

Colorado Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)

The Colorado Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) is a federally funded program that helps eligible hard-working Colorado families, seniors, and individuals pay a portion of their winter home heating costs. 

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This program provides financial assistance to eligible low-income households for heating and cooling expenses.

By receiving assistance with energy expenses, single mothers can free up funds for other housing-related expenses. To be eligible, you must meet income and other eligibility criteria set by the program. Visit the website.

Colorado Housing Choice Voucher Program:

This program, also known as Section 8, provides rental assistance to eligible low-income families, including single mothers.

To be eligible, you must have a household income at or below 50% of the AMI, be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen, and meet other eligibility criteria set by the program.

This program offers : 

  • Family Unification Program (FUP)

  • Project Based Assistance (PBV)

  • Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH)

  • Continuum of Care Permanent Supportive Housing (CoC PSH)

  • The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program 

  • Financial Literacy Exchange (FLEX) Program 

  • Section 811

  • Colorado Choice Transitions (CCT)

  • Mental Health, Homeless Solutions Program, and Recovery-Oriented Housing Program State Housing Vouchers (MH-SHV, HSP-SHV, & ROHP-SHV)

The program helps to bridge the gap between the cost of rent and what families can afford to pay. Visit the website

Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP):

The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) helps families that are homeless, working, searching for work, or in school find low-income childcare assistance. 

This program provides financial assistance to eligible low-income families for childcare expenses, which can free up funds for other housing-related expenses. 

To be eligible, you must be a Colorado resident, have a household income at or below 85% of the State Median Income (SMI), be working or attending school, and meet other eligibility criteria set by the program. Visit the website.

Colorado Housing Assistance Corporation (CHAC) Homebuyer Education and Counseling

This program offers education and counseling to potential homebuyers, including single mothers, to help them navigate the home-buying process and access down payment assistance programs. 

To be eligible, you must attend a CHAC-approved homebuyer education course and meet other eligibility criteria set by the program. Visit the website.

Colorado Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)  provides financial assistance for food to eligible low-income households, including single mothers. It provides a monthly benefit that helps families and individuals buy the food they need for good health.

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By receiving assistance with food expenses, single mothers can free up funds for other housing-related expenses.

To be eligible, you must meet income and other eligibility criteria set by the program. Visit the website.

Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program 

The Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program is designed to help eligible Colorado homeowners keep their homes by assisting with:

  • Mortgage delinquencies;

  • Individuals who have gone through loss mitigation after forbearance;

  • Defaults;

  • Foreclosures;

  • Loss of utilities or home energy services; and

  • Displacements of homeowners experiencing financial hardship after January 21, 2020.

The Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program uses federal Homeowner Assistance Funds to help homeowners get caught up on past-due housing payments, property taxes, insurance, and housing utilities. Visit the website.

Housing Counseling 

Brothers Redevelopment teamed up with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs Division of Housing to launch the Housing Counseling Assistance Program.

It is a free service to all Coloradans where residents can be connected to local housing resources like financial assistance for rent and mortgages or be put in touch with legal assistance to prevent a looming eviction.

Visit the website.

House Financing and Stability 

The department’s Division of Housing delivers a variety of services and financial assistance to help make housing and shelter a reality for citizens throughout the state.

They assist developers and local governments in creating more affordable housing through gap funding for acquisition, rehabilitation, and new construction projects.

And also, have programs to prevent homelessness and provide rental assistance. Visit the website

Homeless Initiatives 

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Housing’s Office of Homeless Initiatives works with local, state, and federal stakeholders to build, promote, and support collaborative approaches to make homelessness rare, brief, and one-time in Colorado.

To achieve this the Office of Homeless Initiatives (OHI) manages and administers rental assistance programs, creates, funds, and evaluates supportive housing and other homeless solutions.

OHI also provides technical assistance related to the implementation of best practices to address homelessness, including supportive housing, rapid re-housing, housing first, and coordination. Visit the website. 

Does Colorado assist single mothers?

Assistance with bills, rent, and other aid is provided by multiple centers located throughout the state, along with resources for energy conservation.

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In addition, single mothers can benefit from the numerous community clinics and health care programs offered in each county.

What is the purpose of 211 Colorado?

211 Colorado is a confidential and multilingual service that connects people with vital resources across the state.

Residents can add information about local resources, no matter where they live in Colorado.

Is housing assistance available in Colorado?

Colorado Housing Connects offers statewide housing assistance on affordable housing, housing assistance, tenant rights, and more. 

Who qualifies for low-income housing in Colorado?

To receive Section 8 benefits in Colorado, an individual must have a very low income (less than 50% of the area median income) and be either a U.S. citizen or an eligible immigrant.

The review process takes into account one’s history with federal housing programs, criminal background, and credit history.

How long does rental assistance last in Colorado?

ERAP can cover up to 15 months of rent, including past-due rent.

Is Colorado an affordable place to live?

Colorado has a diverse range of living costs, with both expensive and affordable regions.

The median cost of living in Colorado is about $40,000 to $46,600 per year, which typically covers housing costs, groceries, and other expenses in most areas.


Housing assistance programs can provide a lifeline to single mothers in Colorado who are struggling to make ends meet. Through programs like those listed above single mothers can receive financial assistance for rent, utilities, and other housing-related expenses.

Additionally, some of these can also offer assistance to homeowners facing foreclosure or other legal housing issues. 

By taking advantage of these housing assistance programs, single mothers in Colorado can better provide for themselves and their families and secure stable housing for the long term.

Again, it’s best to contact the local housing authority or a nonprofit organization that specializes in housing assistance to learn more about the programs available in your area and their eligibility requirements. 

Check out the 7 Top Housing Assistance for Single Mothers in Michigan.

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