Housing Assistance for Single Mothers in Florida

20 Best Housing Assistance for Single Mothers in Florida

It’s hard enough to raise a child as a single parent, but it can be even more challenging when you’re also trying to make ends meet. 

Fortunately, there are some government programs and non-profits in Florida that offer housing assistance for single parents who need help paying for shelter or utilities. We have listed some housing assistance for single mothers in Florida and their eligibility criteria.

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Eligibility Criteria for Most Housing Assistance for Single Mothers in Florida

Not everyone is eligible for housing aid. You must meet all requirements to be eligible for it. Here is a list of the necessary standards:

  • You must live in Florida.
  • You have a child under 19 and are expecting or are a single parent.
  • You must be a citizen or legal resident of the United States.
  • You are underemployed, out of work, or in the process of losing your job.

The Top Housing Assistance for Single Mothers in Florida

Below are the housing assistance for single mothers in Florida:

Florida Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

TANF is a program that provides cash assistance and other services to needy families with children. 

The program assists families who are in need so that the children can be taken care of.

It also helps the families in preparation for jobs and making their marriage work if any, that’s by making sure two-parent families still stand strong.

To be eligible to apply to this program, you must be a resident of Florida, must be at least 18 years old and the head of the family, or have been pregnant or have a child or children 18 years and younger.

Visit here for more information

Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)

With the help of the housing choice voucher program, very low-income families can afford to live in nice, sanitary housing. 

Housing isn’t just restricted to residences found in projects with financial assistance; it can also comprise single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments. 

Local Public Housing Agencies are in charge of managing Housing Choice Vouchers (PHAs). 

When a family receives a housing voucher, it is their responsibility to choose a suitable housing option where the landlord agrees to rent to the family under the program. 

The PHA pays a housing subsidy to the landlord on behalf of the participating family. 

The household then pays the difference between what the landlord charges for rent and what the program has subsidized.

Visit here for more information

Emergency Solutions Grants

After facing a housing crisis or homelessness, the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) program helps individuals and families quickly recover stability in permanent homes. 

States, large cities, urban counties, and U.S. territories can apply for funding from ESG to support programs that prevent homelessness, provide emergency shelter, and provide other associated services.

ESG money may be given to initiatives run by general-purpose local government entities or private nonprofit groups by metropolitan cities, urban counties, and territorial governments.

All ESG funds belonging to state beneficiaries must be distributed to general-purpose local government or private nonprofit organization sub recipients (except for up to 7.5 percent for administrative expenditures). 

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ESG monies are given to beneficiaries, who then pay sub-recipients back for the costs of approved projects.

To decide how to distribute ESG funding, all recipients must talk to their local continuums of care within the jurisdiction.

Visit https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/esg/ for more information

Emergency Financial Assistance For Housing Program

This program offers a one-time cash grant payment to families that are at risk of losing their homes or are completely without shelter as a result of failing to make their rent or mortgage payments. 

Families who have experienced home catastrophes like a storm, floods, fires, or other mishaps are also eligible for assistance. 

Call 850-922-4691 for additional information about this program.

Florida Housing Finance Corporation

This program assists single mothers in taking control of their lives if their housing situation is precarious and they are looking for a place to live. 

The Florida Legislatures formed this Florida Housing Finance Corporation to assist the state’s citizens in purchasing secure, decent housing.

This will be the ideal option for you if you’re seeking a single mom program for a housing assistant. 

This program aids disaster recovery, workforce housing, first-time homebuyers, and renters. 

Call 850 488 4197 or visit https://www.floridahousing.org/ for additional information.

Florida Foreclosure Assistance and Mortgage Help

The housing support program for single mothers aids them in paying their mortgages. 

Government, neighborhood resources, and nonprofit organizations have all worked together to create this initiative. 

It supports single mothers who are on a low income and gives them some funds to cover their mortgages.

Debt Reduction, Credit, and Housing Counseling Services in Florida

Some non-profit organizations that have received government approval will offer assistance to single mothers with housing and credit issues. 

The qualified applicant will receive debt relief and home credit through this program. 

For further information, contact the National Foundation for Credit Counseling at 800 388-2227.

The Florida Department of Children and Families

This government agency aids folks who are at risk and don’t have a reliable source of income. 

They can live independently and contribute to society with its aid. If a family does not have a place to live, this organization may be able to help them. 

Call 866 762 2237 for additional information about this assistance.

Social Services and Public Aid

Numerous Florida services and resources are available to low-income families and women on their own to assist them in meeting their basic needs. 

The state’s funds can be used to cover a variety of expenses, including rent, food, medicine, and other expenditures. There is also assistance offered for finding work and employment.

USDA Home Loans

Single mothers planning to relocate to rural Florida can apply for home loans from USDA Rural Development. 

The agriculture department of the US government will settle these loans and give you roughly 97% of the mortgage. In some circumstances, it might also offer 100% support.

You don’t pay the down payment if you are a single mother who has applied for this loan. 

The traditional mortgage is a monthly obligation. 

These loans are advantageous for single mothers who can manage to pay the monthly mortgage but lack the significant resources necessary to purchase a home.

Department of Veterans Affairs Home Loans

Housing help is offered to single moms in Florida by the Department of Veterans Affairs. 

Single mothers who are unable to pay the whole sum upfront are given house loans. It is frequently known as “VA Loans.”

The main benefit of this program is that it doesn’t need down payments from single mothers, regardless of their credit history or credit score. 

If you are qualified for this program, the US Treasury will cover the down payments.

In comparison to other loans, the interest rates on these mortgages are low. Therefore, paying in monthly installments will be simple for a working single mother.

Visit here for more information

Down Payment Assistance

The main reason why the majority of single mothers do not live in their own homes is that it is quite difficult for them to come up with a down payment for a home. 

They can pay the down payment thanks to this housing support for single mothers.

Depending on their income, single mothers can choose between three different down payment aid programs offered by the Florida Finance Corporation (FHFC). 

The down payments are paid by FHFC on behalf of eligible single mothers.

Single mothers in Florida often struggle to find affordable housing in which they can raise their children.

If you are looking for help with housing, here are some resources that might be able to assist you.

For more information on what single mothers should know about their housing options, check out this helpful guide on housing assistance for single mothers in Florida

The List of Housing Assistance for Single Mothers in Florida

1. Miss Inc of the Treasure Coast

Low-income housing program

4434 SE Cleckley St

+1 772-781-4063

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2. Ability Housing

Low-income housing program

3740 Beach Blvd

 +1 904-359-9650


3. United Way of South Florida

Social services organization

1800 N Federal Hwy

 +1 877-829-0559

4. Jax Housing Authority

Housing Authority

 3465 Village Center Dr

+1 904-356-4198


5. Florida Housing Coalition

Association or organization

1311 Paul Russell Rd B-201

+1 850-878-4219


7. Orange County Housing Finance Authority

Local government office

 2211 Hillcrest St

 +1 407-894-0014


8. Family Housing Management Co

Housing authority

134 E Church St

+1 904-632-1244

9. Tampa Housing Authority

Housing authority

5301 W Cypress St

 +1 813-341-9101


10. HANDS of Central Florida

Social services organization

1707 Orlando Central Pkwy #350

+1 407-447-5686


11. Dania Beach Housing Authority

Housing authority · 715 W Dania Beach Blvd

+1 954-920-9662


12. Hollywood Housing Authority

Housing authority

7300 Davie Road Extension

+1 954-989-4691


13. Community Assistance Sanford

County government office

534 W Lake Mary Blvd

 +1 407-665-3270


14. Palm Beach County Housing Authority

Housing authority · 3432 45th St

+1 561-684-2160


15. Indian River County Housing / Rental Assistance Program

Government office · 1800 27th St

 +1 772-226-4360

16. Orlando Housing Authority

Housing authority

390 N Bumby Ave

+1 407-895-3300


17. Delray Beach Housing Authority

Housing authority

82 NW 5th Ave

 +1 561-272-6766


18. Broward County Housing Authority

Housing Authority

4780 N State Rd 7

 +1 954-739-1114



19. Alachua County Housing Authority

Housing Authority

703 NE 1st St

 +1 352-372-2549


What do housing agencies do?

A lot of families struggle to find affordable housing that they can afford. This is especially true for single-parent households and families with children, who often face higher rents than other households.

For example, a family of three (mother, father, and child) will typically pay around $1,000 per month in rent on a median gross income.

Meanwhile, the average monthly fair market rent for a two-bedroom apartment in the U.S. is $1,105 which means most Americans are paying more than 30% of their income on housing costs alone.

The government has introduced various programs that provide rental assistance or make it easier to get into affordable homes including Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, HOME Investment Partnerships Program grants, Project-Based Rental Assistance Contracts, and Public Housing.

However, these benefits are not always easy to apply for or qualify for. There are many different factors that go into determining eligibility, such as the number of household members, annual income levels, and location restrictions.

What are housing voucher programs?

The housing voucher program is a government-backed program that provides financial support to families who are not financially able to afford living costs, including rent and utilities. The housing voucher program is funded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

In order to qualify for the housing voucher program, you must be a US citizen or have legal residency, meet low-income requirements, and not have any felonies on your record.

There are many steps involved with applying for the housing voucher program: first, find a private landlord willing to participate in the program. Next, find out if you qualify.

Finally, complete an application and wait until it’s processed before moving forward with anything else.

How to search for housing if you are a single mother with an income

If you are a single mother with an income, then there are two housing programs that may be able to help you.

The first is the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Housing Assistance Program. This program offers rent assistance to families who have been involved in DCF services and need stability.

To qualify, families must be homeless or at risk of being homeless due to poverty or lack of affordable housing. This program can help with security deposits and rent payments on a one-time or ongoing basis.

The second option is Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF). TANF provides funding that can be used by eligible individuals and families to pay for rental costs including utilities.

You will also receive money every month as part of your TANF benefits package, which can be used for other necessities like groceries.

Where can I find housing resources in my area?

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development offers resources for people who want to find housing. Some resources include:

-HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (an office that provides information on public housing)

-HUD’s National Low Income Housing Coalition (a group that reports on the affordability and availability of housing)

●        HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (an office that researches ways to improve public and assisted housing)

●         HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (an office that investigates complaints related to fair housing rights)

●        HUD’s Regional Offices, which provide technical support and expertise in a wide range of areas, including economic development, transportation, community development, historic preservation, and urban planning.

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They also conduct inspections of multifamily properties receiving project-based Section 8 assistance from HUD or from State agencies.

What help can a single mother get in Florida?

The federal government provides housing assistance to families and individuals through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

In some cases, you may be able to get help paying your rent or mortgage, and other forms of financial aid can be given out too. Eligible candidates are determined by their income level and the cost of living in their area.

To apply, you can contact a HUD-approved agency that will ask questions about your living situation and make an assessment on whether or not you qualify for any kind of funding.

What is the maximum housing benefit for a single parent?

Florida has a maximum housing benefit of $2,000 per month, which is the most generous limit among all states. The total monthly income cap to qualify for this program is $3,750 and the maximum net worth limit is $5,000.

Another major advantage of this program is that it does not require an applicant to be currently employed in order to be eligible for benefits. This means that it can be used as an option for unemployed parents who are trying to get back on their feet or those who are currently looking for employment.

Furthermore, applicants do not need to demonstrate any legal immigration status in order to apply, these provisions make the Florida Housing Choice Voucher Program one of the most accessible programs nationwide.

What assistance is available in Florida?

There are a number of housing options available to single mothers in Florida. These include emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, and rapid re-housing.

An emergency shelter is short-term emergency accommodation that can offer a safe space with access to hot meals and other services.

Transitional housing offers the same type of accommodation but on a longer-term basis where participants can work towards independence and ultimately find their own homes.

Permanent supportive housing provides affordable homes as well as wraparound services such as mental health care, substance abuse treatment, and employment support.

Rapid re-housing moves people into short-term rental or financial assistance while they search for an apartment or job.

What is the maximum housing benefit for a single parent?

The maximum housing benefit for a single parent is $2,000. However, the family must be receiving TANF, food stamps, or Medicaid to be eligible for this benefit.

For single parents without any of these other forms of government assistance, there are also grants available from charities and non-profit organizations as well as from HUD (the Department of Housing and Urban Development).

There are also various websites that offer financial help for those who need it. One such website is USAspending.gov which gives a breakdown of where federal funds go every year; they categorize each type of spending according to 12 broad types and subdivide them into nearly 100 different programs that range from Medicare payments to disability benefits.

How does a single mom afford to live?

Single mothers are often faced with the difficult decision of whether or not to work. Not only does this present a risk to the well-being of their children, but it also has a negative impact on their mental health.

The National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) found that 81% of single moms who worked full-time reported feeling guilty about spending time away from their children.

Additionally, 89% reported feeling stressed about balancing work and family responsibilities. In order to avoid these feelings, many single mothers elect to stay home while they care for their children.

Unfortunately, this comes at a financial cost: more than 40% of low-income families do not have enough money saved up for emergencies like car repairs and medical expenses.

Instead of working outside the home, many single mothers elect to make use of resources such as housing assistance programs so they can continue caring for themselves and their families without compromising either situation.

What’s the most Housing Benefit will pay?

Depending on which program you qualify for, Housing Benefits may pay:

●        Rental Assistance (up to $500/month)

●        Utilities or energy assistance (up to $200/month)

●        Housing counseling services (up to $200/month)


This is a list of resources that can help single mothers with their search for housing assistance for single mothers in Florida.

Other programs can indirectly help single mothers in their housing, maybe to save up money as it takes care of other bills.

You can check it out in this article – 13 Best Assistance For Single Mothers In Florida and also Best Assistance For Single Mothers In Alabama. Do you have suggestions about housing assistance for single mothers in Florida? Please leave a comment below.

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