Housing Assistance for Single Mothers in Pennsylvania

13 Best Housing Assistance for Single Mothers in Pennsylvania

In this article, we look at housing assistance for single mothers in Pennsylvania. The number of single mothers in Pennsylvania sits around 678,205 according to the U.S Census Bureau.

This accounts for 27.2 percent of all mothers in the state. This number has increased over the years seeing that it was just 24.8 percent.

Housing Assistance for Single Mothers in Pennsylvania

There are variations in the number of single women by race and ethnicity in Pennsylvania. Hispanic women make up the highest proportion of single mothers in Pennsylvania at 44.7 percent, next is black women at 40.8 percent, then white women at 25.5 percent, and finally Asian women at 15.7%.

Below are some housing assistance for single mothers in Pennsylvania who have challenges with housing issues. 

Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA)

The non-profit Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency provides resources for affordable housing, such as loans and rent assistance, to the state’s residents. The Pennsylvania General Assembly issued an Executive Order in 1972 that established the PHFA.

For varied requirements and circumstances, they provide a variety of lending programs. You can get in touch with them by phone, email, mail, or through their website.

Website: https://phfa.org/

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Pennsylvania Emergency Shelter Allowance (ESA)

The Department of Human Services (DHS) in Pennsylvania offers the Emergency Shelter Allowance (ESA) program to assist people and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming so. The program offers financial support to find permanent housing or a place to stay temporarily while avoiding eviction or foreclosure. 

Pennsylvania residents who apply for or receive other benefits from DHS and meet the required income, resource, and non-financial requirements are considered eligible.

Website: https://www.dhs.pa.gov/Services/Assistance/Pages/Emergency-Shelter-Allowance.aspx

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program

The main federal program for helping very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled afford good, safe, and hygienic housing in the private sector is the housing choice voucher program. Participants are able to find their own housing, including single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments because housing support is given on behalf of the family or individual.

The participant is free to choose any housing that meets the requirements of the program and is not limited to units located in subsidized housing projects.

Local public housing organizations (PHAs) oversee managing housing choice vouchers. The PHAs manage the voucher program utilizing government funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

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When a family receives a housing voucher, it is their responsibility to choose a suitable housing option where the landlord agrees to rent to the family under the program. The current home of the family may be included in this unit. The PHA will define the minimum health and safety requirements for rental properties.

The PHA pays a housing subsidy to the landlord on behalf of the participating family. The household then pays the difference between what the landlord really charges for rent and what the program has subsidized. A family may utilize their voucher in certain situations, with the PHA’s approval, to buy a small house.

Website: https://www.hud.gov/topics/housing_choice_voucher_program_section_8

Pennsylvania Women Work

Whether it’s an immigrant adjusting to a new life, a single mother fighting to provide for her family, a woman returning to the workforce after 20 years, or someone facing a difficult career transition, Pennsylvania Women Work is here to support people in attaining financial independence.

Website: https://www.pawomenwork.org/

Women’s Resource Center (WRC)

A 501(C)3 nonprofit organization called the Women’s Resource Center offers services, resources, and support to women of various ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. Thousands of women and families in Manatee and Sarasota counties are now served annually by the Women’s Resource Center.

Website: https://www.mywrc.org/

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Habitat for Humanity – Pennsylvania

A non-profit organization called Habitat for Humanity seeks to give those in need of home access to affordable housing.

Several chapters of Habitat for Humanity operate in Pennsylvania and provide a range of initiatives, including Women Build, Home Preservation, Veterans Build, Youth Programs, Travel & Build, Global Village, RV Care-A-Vanners, Collegiate Challenge, Habitat and Thrivent, Long-term Service, International, United States, AmeriCorps, Disaster Corps, Business Partners, Faith Partners, and Community Organizations.

Website: https://www.habitat.org/countryregion/9281

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) is a government grant that offers money to help with activities like street outreach, homelessness prevention, and emergency shelter. Funds may also be used to support the maintenance of a homeless management information system (HMIS) and administration.

Website: https://dced.pa.gov/programs/emergency-solutions-grant-esg/

Community Action Agencies

The Community Action Association of Pennsylvania’s goal is to support, empower, and strengthen the state network of Community Action Agencies so they can effectively combat poverty.

Website: https://www.thecaap.org/

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Transitional Housing Assistance Program (THAP)

These services are intended for those who have run away from situations including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, human trafficking, and/or other crimes against people.

They assist these victims in finding and securing long-term housing as well as in finding jobs to facilitate their eventual reintegration back into society. Visit their Website.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Through energy assistance grants and crisis grants, the Pennsylvania Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) aids low-income households in covering their heating costs. Grants between $300 and $1,000 may be given to eligible households to offset their heating expenses.

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Website: https://www.rhoadsenergy.com/pennsylvania-liheap/

Family Promise of Lycoming County

Family Promise of Lycoming County mobilizes the religious community in response to homelessness to assist families in reclaiming their homes, their freedom, and their dignity. A community-based partnership network of congregations and a non-profit organization called FPLC collaborate to support homeless children and their families.  

They aid neighborhood homeless families as well as a chance for volunteers of all faiths to help end homelessness and improve lives in our neighborhood.

Website: https://www.familypromiselycoming.org/

Housing Opportunities and Maintenance for the Elderly (HOME)

For persons 18 and older who require support with daily living activities and are unable to live independently, the domiciliary care program offers a homelike living situation in the community.

SHARE, an inexpensive housing option, pairs up homeowners who want to share their home with those who are looking for accommodation in exchange for rent, housework assistance, or a mix of the two. Pike, Wayne, Monroe, Crawford, Union, Snyder, and Carbon counties now offer the program. 

Website: https://www.aging.pa.gov/aging-services/housing/Pages/default.aspx

Rapid Re-Housing Program

Rapid Rehousing is a program for transitional housing that offers young single women and their kids up to 24 months of rental assistance, intense case management, and a wide range of supportive services.

This organization receives the majority of its referrals from city shelters via the Philadelphia Office of Emergency Shelter and Services.

Website: https://www.rhd.org/program/rapid-rehousing/


What assistance is available for single mothers in PA?

Pennsylvania provides assistance to very low-income single mothers through HUD and the Public Housing Authority (PHA). Seniors, those with low incomes, and people with disabilities can use Section 8 and other resources to pay their rent. Call 800-955-2232 for additional details.

What is the help for single moms in Montgomery County PA?

Single women and their children can live at Cradle of Hope and get support. Mothers of infants 0 to 24 months old and pregnant women over the age of 18 are both eligible.

Their objective is to make it possible for mothers to find stable jobs and housing.

Who is eligible for assistance in PA?

Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF) is the only cash aid program in Pennsylvania.

Your income must be below the amount of the cash grant in order to qualify for financial assistance: $205 for a single individual, $316 for two, and $403 for a family of three every month.

What is PA housing assistance?

Resources for housing. There are many housing programs and services available in Pennsylvania for seniors, people with disabilities, low-income individuals and families, as well as those who are either in danger of or currently experiencing homelessness.

Is there financial aid in PA?

Numerous grants and scholarships are funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in an effort to assist students in the Keystone State with the costs of their higher education.

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Most of these programs are geared toward meeting the needs of students taking general education courses, and they can be used at any in-state college or university.

Who is eligible for Section 8 housing in PA?

Housing aid program Section 8—also referred to as the housing choice voucher program—helps low-income families, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities leave slum areas and find appropriate, secure, and hygienic homes. Low-income families, the elderly, and people with disabilities are eligible.

How much does Section 8 pay for rent in PA?

Typically, the program will cover the difference between the “fair market rent” in the area and 30% of the household’s income.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) establishes fair market rent, which varies depending on the area of Pennsylvania where the rental property is situated.

What is the Housing First Program in PA?

The Housing First model provides housing first and then combines that housing with supportive treatment services in the areas of mental and physical health, substance abuse, education, and employment.

Apartments are distributed across Philadelphia and serve as housing.

Does Pennsylvania have Section 8 housing?

Public housing authorities (PHAs) oversee the local administration of the Section 8 program in Pennsylvania. Nearly 90 PHAs are in Pennsylvania.

Each PHA manages the Section 8 housing application process in their region and chooses participants in the program.

How do housing vouchers work in Pennsylvania?

A voucher is given to a renter in the Housing Choice Voucher Program to be utilized by a private landlord. The landlord must agree to accept the tenant and be willing to participate in the program.

Your monthly rent is partially or entirely covered by the housing voucher, which is rental aid provided by the housing authority.

Does Pennsylvania State give financial aid to international students?

Numerous assistantships, fellowships, and grants granted by Penn State are open to international students.

Graduate assistantships are the most typical of these, offering full tuition, 80% of health insurance costs, and a living stipend in exchange for service.

What documents are required for Medicaid in PA?

You must fill out the application and provide certain personal information, such as your household income, federal tax information, SSN, proof of your citizenship or the necessary documentation for qualifying non-US citizens, proof of your current health insurance (if applicable), and resource information.

Who pays child support in PA?

The financial maintenance of their children is the responsibility of BOTH PARENTS. Typically, the other parent pays support to the parent with whom the children reside.

Whether the parents are married or not, they must provide for the needs of the child. Even a parent who isn’t allowed to see their child must provide for them.

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