Housing Assistance For Single Mothers In Washington State

11 Housing Assistance For Single Mothers In Washington State

Housing assistance for single mothers in Washington State aims to provide affordable and stable housing options for low-income families, including single mothers. 

Below is a detailed overview of housing assistance programs available in Washington State for single mothers, their eligibility requirements, and links to their websites.

The List of Housing Assistance for single mothers in Washington State 

Washington State Housing Finance Commission:

The Washington State Housing Finance Commission provides a range of affordable housing options, including rental assistance programs, down payment assistance, and homebuyer education. 

The Commission also partners with local governments and nonprofits to provide housing pensions. 

To be eligible for rental assistance, a single mother must have a household income at or below 50% of the area median income. To qualify for down payment assistance, the income limit for a single mother with one child is $97,000. 

They are dedicated to increasing housing access and affordability and to expanding the availability of quality community services for the people of Washington. Visit the website for more information. 

Washington State Community Action Partnership 

The Washington State Community Action Partnership provides a range of services to help low-income families, including single mothers, with housing assistance.

The program offers rental assistance, energy assistance, and home weatherization services. To be eligible for rental assistance, a single mother must have a household income at or below 125% of the federal poverty level. 

Washington State Community Action Partnership works to build healthy communities and eliminate poverty through a unified network. Visit the website for more information. 

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Seattle Office of Housing 

The Seattle Office of Housing provides several programs to assist low-income families, including single mothers, with affordable housing options.

The programs include rental assistance, down payment assistance, Low-Income Homeowner Programs, and home repair loans.

To be eligible for rental assistance, a single mother must have a household income at or below 50% of the area median income. For more information, visit their website at 

The mission of the Office of Housing (OH) is to create strong, healthy communities, prevent displacement, and increase opportunities for people of all income levels to live in Seattle.

Visit the website for more information. 

Hope link 

Hopelink is a nonprofit organization that offers several programs to help low-income families, including single mothers, with housing assistance.

The program offers rental assistance, energy assistance, food assistance, financial assistance, housing, and home repair services.

To be eligible for rental assistance, a single mother must have a household income at or below 50% of the area median income. For more information, visit their website.

Washington State Department of Commerce 

The Washington State Department of Commerce offers several programs that help single mothers with affordable housing options, including rental assistance, weatherization, and home repair.

To qualify for rental assistance, a single mother must have a household income at or below 50% of the area median income.

The weatherization program provides free home energy upgrades for eligible low-income households, while the home repair program offers low-interest loans to make home repairs and improvements. 

They work with local governments, tribes, businesses, and civic leaders throughout the state to strengthen communities so all residents may thrive and prosper. Visit the website for more information. 

Yakima Housing Authority 

The Yakima Housing Authority provides high-quality affordable housing options for low-income families, including single mothers, in Yakima County.

The program offers rental assistance, public housing, and Section 8 vouchers. 

To be eligible for rental assistance, a single mother must have a household income at or below 50% of the area median income. For more information, visit their website at 

In addition to YHA’s Family Housing programs, they also have many other programs available to moderate-income persons, including working families and the elderly.

Visit the website for more information. 

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Pierce County Community Connections 

The Pierce County Community Connections provides various housing assistance programs, including emergency shelter, rental assistance, and home repair.

The program also offers housing counseling services to help single mothers find affordable housing options.

To be eligible for rental assistance, a single mother must have a household income at or below 50% of the area median income.

King County Housing Authority 

The King County Housing Authority provides affordable housing options for low-income families, including single mothers, in King County.

The program offers rental assistance, public housing, and Section 8 vouchers. To be eligible for rental assistance, a single mother must have a household income at or below 50% of the area median income. 

KCHA provides rental housing and assistance to more than 55,000 people, supporting health and self‑sufficiency. Visit the website for more information.

Kitsap Community Resources 

The Kitsap Community Resources (KCR) is a min profit social services agency that provides various housing assistance programs, including rental assistance, energy assistance, employment assistance, and home repair.

The program also offers housing counseling services to help single mothers find affordable housing options.

To be eligible for rental assistance, a single mother must have a household income at or below 50% of the area median income. 

They are committed to creating hope and opportunity for all low-income Kitsap County residents by providing resources that promote self-sufficiency and stability. For more information, visit their website.

Wahkiakum County – Health and Human Services

Wahkiakum County- Health and Human Services offers Homeless Prevention Services / Rent Assistance. 

Qualified households who are currently homeless or at risk of becoming homeless may be eligible for rental assistance and/or assistance with move-in-related costs depending on needs, income, and the availability of funds. Visit the website for more information. 

Clark County – Council for the Homeless

Council for the Homeless is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide community leadership, compelling advocacy, and practical solutions to prevent and end homelessness in Clark County, Washington.

Founded in 1989, Council for the Homeless has been the backbone of the Homeless crisis response system in Clark County.

They Partner with educators, social services providers, business leaders, communities of faith, government and public agencies, community members, and many others to offer housing assistance to low-income individuals. Visit the website for more information. 

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Who is eligible for housing assistance in Washington state? 

To be eligible for housing assistance in Washington state, you must meet one or more of the following criteria: be homeless, live in substandard-condition housing, pay more than 50% of your household income on rent and utilities, or have a household income at or below 30% of AMI for your family size.

What are the requirements to be eligible for public assistance in Washington state, and what benefits and procedures are involved?

The eligibility criteria for public assistance in Washington state vary depending on the program. Generally, you must be a resident of Washington state, have a low income, and meet certain other requirements related to your age, disability, family size, and other factors. The benefits and procedures involved also depend on the program.

What housing assistance options are available to pregnant mothers with low income in Washington state, who are not eligible for other assistance programs? 

Low-income pregnant mothers in Washington state who are not eligible for other assistance programs may be able to receive cash assistance and a referral to the HEN program for 24 consecutive months from the date the department determines PWA eligibility. The Pregnancy and Parenting Support Program (PPSP) is another option, which provides support and resources to pregnant women and new mothers.

What is the maximum amount of rent assistance provided in WA? 

The maximum amount of rent assistance provided in Washington state is up to three months’ rent for eviction prevention (with pay or vacate notice) or up to 3 months of assistance to help pay rent (up to 70% of the contract rent).


Life may pose added difficulties and complications for people who face disadvantages. Apart from wrestling with societal and cultural problems, single mothers may encounter significant hurdles in terms of financial stability and housing needs. 

We hope the resources above will help you find the housing assistance you need as a single mother in Washington State. 

And also, in addition to these programs, single mothers in Washington State can also contact their local Department of Social and Health Services for additional housing assistance programs.

Check out the 10 Top Housing Assistance for Single Mothers in Colorado.

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