Lineman Schools in Arkansas

3 Best Lineman Schools in Arkansas & Their Details

In this article, we look at lineman schools in Arkansas. For those who might not know what a lineman school is, it is a school that offers programs that are focused on training individuals for careers in the field of electrical line work.

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Linemen are skilled professionals who carry out the installation, maintenance, and repair of electrical distribution and transmission systems that bring power to homes, businesses, and other facilities from generating stations. 

Becoming a lineman is a rewarding career and there is a high demand for qualified linemen in Arkansas. The number of employment opportunities for linemen is expected to grow in the coming years while the current average salary for a lineman is $83,034.

This pay varies based on the location, experience, and skills the lineman has.

Things You Will Cover in a Lineman School

This is an overview of areas you will be trained in at a lineman school. Each school has its own specific curriculum for its programs, so ensure you check their website to see their curriculum.

Safety Protocols

While working on distribution and transmission lines that carry high voltage, there is an utmost need to learn to work safely. You will be taught safety procedures, protocols, and how to properly use personal protective equipment.

Electrical Theory and Electrical Systems

Before you move into the field for more practical lessons, you will be immersed in electrical theory like the fundamental principles of electricity which cover concepts like power, resistance, voltage, and current.

You will also be taught the various components of electrical distribution and transmission systems, some of which include substations, transformers, power lines, etc.

Climbing Techniques

Your work is mainly done at incredible heights, so students are taught how to properly climb, safety practices, and how to work at heights.

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Pole Setting and Equipment Installation

Setting utility poles, attaching equipment such as insulators and transformers, and installing cross-arms are some of the important things you will learn under this topic.

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Power Distribution, Rigging and Hoisting

You will be conversant with the fundamentals of power distribution, knowing different voltage levels, how electricity is distributed to customers, and power flow.

Under rigging and hoisting, you will learn how to operate heavy equipment and materials. Some of the training you will cover will include techniques for safely rigging and hoisting equipment to elevated heights.

Line Maintenance and Repair

Every lineman is taught how to identify problems in power lines, transformers, and other components and troubleshoot them. This is to ensure that they can provide stable and reliable delivery of electricity.

Safety Codes, Regulations, and Emergency Response

Every lineman needs to be conversant with electrical safety codes, regulations, and industry standards to ensure their operations are well within legal and safety requirements. Also, linemen must respond to emergencies like power outages during incidents like storms/

Minimum Requirements to Get into Lineman Schools in Arkansas

Although specific requirements for schools may vary, these requirements are the minimum requirements and are always asked for by schools. Ensure you visit the website of your school to check for more specific requirements.

  • Minimum age of 18
  • High school diploma or GED
  • Physical fitness
  • Good mathematical and science skills
  • Teamwork skills
  • Problem-solving skills.
  • Background check

Factors that Affect Chances of a Lineman Getting a Job

Below are some factors that will affect your chances of getting a good job as a lineman.

Education and Training

As a lineman, you need to have attended and completed a lineman apprenticeship program or more importantly earned an associate or bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering.

This is why this list of lineman schools in Arkansas is important to you if you are interested in becoming a lineman.

Experience and Skills

Linemen with work experience have better chances of securing a good job. The best way to gather work experience even though you are just a student is to try and get internships at places that have these roles.

You should find any way you can work under a more experienced lineman, as this will add to your experience and make you stand out.

With gaining more experience you get to improve your technical skills and the ability to work efficiently and safely. 

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The employment opportunities for linemen vary with location, as with any other job. Your chances of finding a good job increase in high population density or areas with lots of industrial activity.

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The List of Lineman Schools in Arkansas

Below is a list of lineman schools in Arkansas. This is a great list to start with if you are looking to start a career as a lineman.

Other sections in this article that have been previously covered are very important for your orientation as you begin seeking admission into these schools, so ensure you go through them.

Arkansas State University – Newport

The High Voltage Lineman Technology program equips students with the technical know-how and abilities they need to set up, fix, maintain, and service electrical power lines and related machinery. 

The course covers bucket and digger derrick trucks, safety, transformers, tools, materials, testing equipment, pole framing, and AC/DC electrical theory. The program also covers lessons on subsurface electrical system design, upkeep, and troubleshooting. Additionally, pole climbing, pole testing, equipment maintenance, and pole top rescue are taught to the students. 

Graduates may work with organizations including Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas, Entergy Arkansas, Southern Electric Contractors in Mississippi, Bird Electric Co. in Washington, and Patriot Solutions in South Carolina doing electrical power line work.


Phone: (870) 512-7800

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University of Arkansas

For those looking to work as electrical power line workers, the UA-PTC High Voltage Lineman Training (H-VOLT) Academy is a recognized power line worker training program. It combines a high standard of instruction with practical, hands-on training. 

People acquire the information and abilities required to set up, maintain, fix, and service electrical power lines and related machinery. The course covers a variety of topics, such as safety, aerial framing, transformers, testing tools, and electrical theory and circuits. 

Along with pole climbing, pole testing, equipment maintenance, and pole top rescue teaching, the program also covers construction, maintenance, and troubleshooting.


Phone: (501) 812-2200

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Ashley-Chicot Electric Cooperative Lineman Training

An intriguing and distinctive professional path as a high-voltage lineman is provided by Ashley-Chicot Electric and Arkansas State University – Newport. A $5,000 scholarship is available to eligible students who wish to pursue a technical certificate in high voltage lineman technology.

The course offers students a 10-week supervised internship with seasoned Electric Cooperative linemen in addition to 42 hours of technical classroom instruction.

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Phone: 870-853-5212


How long does it take to become a lineman in Arkansas?

It takes about 4 years to become a lineman in Arkansas. The first step is to complete a lineman training program.

There are several accredited programs in Arkansas, such as the ones offered by Arkansas State University, Ashley-Chicot Electric Cooperative, and the University of Arkansas Pulaski Tech H-Volt Academy.

These programs typically take 2 years to complete.

What is the best school to become a lineman?

  • North American Lineman Training Center.

  • Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service.

  • Northwest Lineman College.

  • Linemen Institute of the North East.

  • Alaska Electrical Apprenticeship.

How long is NLC lineman school?

The Electrical Lineworker Program (ELP) is a 15-week pre-apprenticeship created for individuals who are interested in gaining experience to successfully enter the power delivery industry.

NLC offers the ELP at our four campuses located in California, Idaho, Texas, and Florida.

How much do high-line linemen make?

As of Aug 11, 2023, the average hourly pay for a High Voltage Lineman in the United States is $23.33 an hour.

Is there a weight limit for lineman?

Officially there is no weight limit to overhead lineman jobs. However, many job descriptions will require the person to be physically fit.

What is the best state to live in as a lineman?

The greatest state in the nation for lineman journeyman jobs is Oregon. We reasoned that the greatest locations for journeyman lineman positions would share three characteristics.

High annual salaries, good career prospects (regardless of the stage of your career), and a large number of employment opportunities would all be present.

How long does it take to be a good lineman?

Up to five years may pass before you are fully qualified as a lineworker if you attend trade school before finishing an apprenticeship. It will take roughly four years if you start an apprenticeship right after high school.

Is it risky to be a lineman?

42 linemen are killed on the job every year, according to nationwide surveys of linemen and utility company data. Due to this, lineman positions are among the most hazardous, ranking just behind logging and manual agricultural labor.

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