9 Best Military Programs for High School Students

In this article, we look at some military programs for high school students. If you are a high school student looking to join a military program, then this is the right place to be.

In 2022, high school students like yourself made up 13% of all active-duty recruits, the highest percentage 20% being recorded in 2000. 

The number has since been reducing due to the availability of college scholarships and because there is an increasing number of ineligible persons.

The main reason for high school students joining the military is to enjoy benefits like allowances, salary, and pension, get a college education, learn a new skill, and serve their country. 

The Military Programs for High School Students

The decision to join the military is not an easy one, however, this list of military programs for high school students is a great place to begin if you are sure this is the path for you.

JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps)

The Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) program educates high school students about their rights, obligations, and privileges as citizens of the United States while preparing them for leadership roles.

It is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school, and it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the student, community, and Nation. 

The self-discipline, self-assurance, and leadership qualities that JROTC teaches young men and women can help them effectively navigate the obstacles of adulthood. 

This curriculum is taught by retired officers and enlisted members of the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard at recognized secondary schools across the country.

Website: https://www.defense.gov/Contact/Help-Center/Article/Article/2742332/junior-reserve-officers-training-corps/

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Young Marines

The Young Marines is a national non-profit 501c (3) youth education and service program for boys and girls, aged eight through high school graduation. The Young Marines encourages its participants’ moral, intellectual, and physical growth. 

In order for its participants to live and promote a healthy, drug-free lifestyle, the program places a strong emphasis on teaching the qualities of leadership, cooperation, and self-discipline. 

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By emphasizing the value of self-assurance, academic success, remembering those who served, good citizenship, community service, and leading a healthy, drug-free lifestyle, The Young Marines improves the lives of America’s young. 

The Young Marines encourage its members’ moral, intellectual, and physical growth. The curriculum emphasizes leadership and character development and encourages a way of life that will help participants become contributing members of society.

Website: https://youngmarines.org/public/page

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Civil Air Patrol (CAP)

The mission of the Civil Air Patrol, a U.S. Air Force auxiliary and Total Force partner, is to aid in disaster relief efforts, search for and locate the missing, and maintain national security. 

Its more than 64,000 members selflessly devote their time, energy, and expertise toward the well-being of their communities while also promoting aviation and related fields through aerospace/STEM education and helping shape future leaders through CAP’s cadet program.

The missions of Civil Air Patrol are numerous, and today’s adults and cadets carry out their responsibilities with the same vigilance as its original members, upholding CAP’s 82-year tradition of service and its dedication to almost 1,500 towns around the country.

Website: https://www.gocivilairpatrol.com/

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Air Force Junior ROTC

For high school students, AFJROTC offers a program in aerospace science and citizenship training. Students in secondary schools who sign up for the AFJROTC program have access to a wide range of extracurricular and curricular activities. 

The program teaches high school students self-reliance, self-discipline, and other leadership qualities while exploring the historical and scientific facets of aeronautical technology.

This top-notch program also heavily emphasizes science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) ideas. 

According to Title 10 of the United States Code, the program is not authorized as a military service recruiting program and is instead a citizenship program. Students who take part in AFJROTC have no contractual obligations to the Air Force.

Website: https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104476/air-force-junior-reserve-officer-training-corps/

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U.S. Military Academy Summer Leaders Experience

Summer Leaders Experience (SLE), a week-long immersion into the academic, military, and social life of a West Point student, is led by current cadets.

You will learn about West Point at SLE from various perspectives, including its cutting-edge academic settings, team-strengthening sports events, and realistic military training.

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You can get a taste of the leadership, character, and drive needed to be a cadet at the U.S. Military Academy (USMA) through SLE.

Website: https://www.westpoint.edu/admissions/summer-program

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U.S. Naval Academy Summer Seminar

Your application to the Naval Academy is launched with a Summer Seminar, which gives you a glimpse of life there.

You will receive top-notch intellectual, athletic, and professional training for one week in June while making lifelong friendships with campers from around the world.

Website: https://www.usna.edu/Admissions/Programs/index.php

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U.S. Air Force Academy Summer Seminar

Summer Seminar, a recruitment program specifically created for high school juniors entering their senior year, gives participants the chance to see themselves as cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

There are just a few openings in this program, which is quite competitive. Even though they strongly advise everyone to enroll, Summer Seminar attendance has no bearing on Academy applications.

Website: https://www.academyadmissions.com/prepare/high-school/

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U.S. Coast Guard Academy Introduction Mission (AIM) Program

A week-long course called the Academy Introduction Mission (AIM) program is offered at the CGA site to high school students who are interested in learning more about what it’s like to live as a cadet there. 

In the past, the AIM program has invited 600 high school students (200 per week) each year, all of whom were chosen from hundreds of applications. 

The CGA leadership has for the first time set aside 10 AIM spots for USNSCC Cadets and given the USNSCC the option of choosing the 10 Sea Cadets.  This extremely uncommon chance ensures that 10 Sea Cadets will attend AIM this summer!   

Website: https://www.dealeydivision.org/dealey-blog/united-states-coast-guard-academy-introduction-mission-aim

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National Guard Youth Challenge Program

The National Guard Youth Challenge Program assists at-risk youths in obtaining their high school diploma or GED throughout the course of its voluntary 17-month dropout recovery period. Some states provide credit recovery, giving young people who successfully complete the Youth Challenge the chance to go back to high school.

Website: https://www.nationalguard.com/


What do military men do for fun?

Most military men have a pastime that keeps them occupied when they are not on duty. Some people like to play video games, while others might enjoy painting or woodworking as a career, and some guys appreciate music and the arts against the disapproval of many of their unit’s members.

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How long do they let you sleep in the military?

The position of the military on sleep. The Office of the Army Surgeon General advises that soldiers get at least seven hours of sleep each night, though field training exercises only call for a four-hour minimum.

Can you grow your hair in the Army?

Hair should be kept neat and well-groomed. Hair should be no longer than 4.0 inches. Hair may not touch the ears or collar. It also cannot extend below the eyebrows.

Do you shower together in the Army?

The shared showers are unavoidable. They’re required. When instructed, every member of your barracks will enter the designated shower room. There are numerous shower heads positioned around the walls of the spacious, tiled shower area.

Can you have braids in the military?

If the hair is short or medium length, it cannot extend past the collar’s bottom edge when wearing a uniform. As long as it doesn’t get in the way of their helmet, hair can be pulled back in a ponytail or braided. Hair must look tidy whether it is fashioned in braided twists or locks.

Can you join the Army with dreadlocks?

Each lock, or dreadlock, “will be of uniform dimension; have a diameter not exceeding 1/2 inch; and present a neat, professional, and well-groomed appearance,” according to the Army instruction.

What hairstyles are not allowed in the Army?

While in uniform or wearing civilian clothing on duty, males are not permitted to sport braids, cornrows, twists, dreadlocks, or other types of locks.

Hairstyles featuring a single, untapered patch of hair on top of the head that isn’t compatible with thinning hair naturally are regarded as odd and aren’t permitted.

Can you wear makeup in the military?

It is forbidden for men to use cosmetics, including nail polish. All uniforms are acceptable for female wear of cosmetics as long as they are applied tastefully, conservatively, and complement the uniform.

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