12 Best Military Programs for Troubled Youth: Must-Check

This article titled “military programs for troubled youth” is inspired by the effectiveness of military programs in helping troubled youths develop discipline, a sense of purpose, and self-control.

When you have a ward that has negative behaviors that is becoming worrisome, sending him/her to a military program may be the best solution for you both.

During these military programs, they learn new skills, leadership, and teamwork. There are some possible downsides associated with this strategy like increased depression, anxiety, and stress.

Ultimately the choice is yours to make; if you feel this is the best option to try at this point to help prevent your child from becoming a nuisance in society, then continue reading.

List of Military Programs for Troubled Youth

Below are some of the best military programs for troubled youth, you can read more about each of them and make more inquiries to decide the best option for your ward.

National Guard Youth Challenge Program

The National Guard Youth Challenge Program, which targets voluntary participants between the ages of 16 and 18, targets at-risk youth who have dropped out of school or are not making satisfactory progress.

It also targets participants who are drug-free, crime-free, unemployed, or underemployed and have not engaged in any criminal activity.

The National Guard Youth Challenge Program is a community-based program that leads, trains, and mentors 16-18-year-olds so that they may become productive citizens in America’s future.

Website: https://ngchallenge.org/

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U.S. Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC)

Since its start in 1916, the JROTC program has been regarded as a solid initiative that gives young people crucial citizenship and leadership skills.

Numerous studies have also revealed that JROTC participants have higher graduation rates, greater attendance rates, and better academic performance than ordinary academic program participants.

Website: https://www.mcjrotc.marines.mil/

California Conservation Corps (CCC)

The California Conservation Corps provides young adults from all throughout the state with a distinctive and demanding paid experience.

Their lives are changed by a year in the CCC by gaining new employment skills, fostering personal growth, and protecting California’s natural resources.

California is becoming an even better place for everyone thanks to the arduous effort and long hours put in by Corpsmembers on environmental projects and emergency response.

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Website: https://ccc.ca.gov/

Job Corps

Job Corps can offer you free training to launch your future, whether you’re looking for a new job, finishing your high school graduation, or just exploring your alternatives.

The biggest free residential job training and education program in the country, Job Corps serves low-income young adults between the ages of 16 and 24.

Website: https://www.jobcorps.gov/

The Challenge Program

The Challenge Program, Inc.’s goal is to inspire high school students to cultivate the habits necessary for success in both their academic and professional endeavors.

Website: https://www.tcpinc.org/

Phoenix Military Academy

Phoenix Military Academy works to mold its students into exceptional leaders and citizens who have a strong understanding of what it takes to succeed in post-secondary education at prestigious universities, colleges, and service academies.

Website: https://www.phoenixmilitary.org/

Oregon Youth Challenge Program

The program is divided into two parts. The first phase is a residential 22-week period during which cadets live on-site and are primarily focused on academic teaching.

The second phase is a 12-month post-residence period during which the cadets return to their community and concentrate on their placement and ambitions.

Website: https://www.oycp.com/about

Therapeutic Wilderness Programs

Incorporating a family systems approach, whole body health and wellness, and holistic, assessment-driven clinical treatment for adolescents and young adults with anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges, Blue Ridge Therapeutic Wilderness is the premier full-immersion wilderness therapy program.

Website: https://blueridgewilderness.com/

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Military-Style Boot Camps

A framework for tactical training for civilians “Behind the Wire” is provided by CATT 1st Response tactical training classes. It resembles a sizable self-defense and home defense training camp.

CATT is authorized to provide a comprehensive platform of resiliency training and educational possibilities, conducted in restricted access, top-notch, and completely updated military training facilities, based on strategic partnership agreements with the National Center for Complex Operations (NCCO).

Website: https://www.catt-jpgs.org/tactical-training-for-civilians

Young Marines

The Young Marines “Closing the Gate on Drugs” initiative concentrates its drug demand reduction efforts on increasing awareness of common gateway drugs, such as tobacco, alcohol, inhalants, prescription medications, and marijuana, which are either in homes or neighborhoods and are most frequently encountered and easily accessed by children and young adults.

Website: https://youngmarines.org/public/page

Naval Sea Cadet Corps

Sea Cadets are young men and women aged 10 to 18.  They are supported by the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard, and our Cadets train on naval bases and other military installations.

Website: https://www.seacadets.org/

Boys and Girls Clubs Military Partnership Programs

Boys & Girls Clubs of America and the U.S. Armed Services have been working together for more than 30 years to assist and serve young people with military ties both on and off installations.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America assists military-connected children in accessing specialized opportunities, cultivating lifetime connections, and developing the resilience needed to achieve bright futures because they face particular obstacles. 

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A Boys & Girls Club or Boys & Girls Clubs of America-affiliated Youth Center can be found in all 50 states and 16 countries around the world.

They do whatever it takes to provide a safe environment for your child to succeed, whether it be in rural communities, schools, urban areas, military installations, or on Native American lands.

Website: https://www.bgca.org/about-us/military


How much does it cost to send a girl to military school?

Most military boarding schools for college prep charge an annual tuition of between $25,000 and $50,000. The average tuition for military boarding schools is $43,602 (fees and uniforms included).

Is US military school free?

The United States Military Academy is a four-year, coeducational federal service academy located at West Point, New York. Attending is free of charge.

Each Cadet admitted into West Point is a member of the U.S. Army and is given a yearly wage, accommodation, and board, as well as access to medical and dental care.

Why do parents send their kids to military school?

Your child may benefit from attending a military school since they learn discipline and structure. Any worthwhile endeavor demands a lot of discipline.

Discipline requires effort, tenacity, endurance, and time. Children must learn how to work hard, persist, build endurance, and be patient.

Does the military pay for kids’ school?

The College Fee Waiver for Veteran Dependents benefit program in the State of California exempts students from paying tuition and other fees to attend any State of California Community College, California State University, or the University of California. Housing and textbooks are not covered under the waiver.

Are military schools worth it?

The American military schools are highly recommended if you’re interested in both serving your country and earning a college degree.

The five American military academies offer free undergraduate degrees to students in exchange for their service while also preparing them to become officers.

What’s the easiest military academy to get into?

Military junior colleges are the easiest to get into. You don’t need to have as strong of academics as you would for senior military colleges.

Make sure, however, that you achieve the required GPA, exam scores, and fitness and health standards. It may be necessary to have better academic credentials if you are applying to Early Commission Programs.

What are the disadvantages of being a military child?

Compared to their counterparts in the civilian world, children who grow up in military homes have different experiences.

They frequently travel, are separated from their parents for long stretches of time during deployment and training, and are indirectly exposed to war, conflict, and violence from an early age.

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What is the toughest military academy to get into?

In terms of admissions, USNA is the most selective of the service academies, with just 9% of candidates being accepted.

Applicants must be between the ages of 17 and 23, single, without children, and of excellent moral character.

Should you send your child to military school?

In the end, only you can decide what’s best for your child.

You might discover that a military school can provide him with all he needs to realize his full potential if he has been struggling in school, coping with peer pressure or bullies, or in any other detrimental setting.

What is the success rate of military school?

Military schools typically have a higher entrance rate to colleges and universities as well as a considerably higher graduation rate (some regularly graduate 100%).

Over 90% of graduates from military schools are regularly accepted into and attend colleges.

What causes troubled youth?

Adolescents with behavioral problems frequently have unwholesome upbringings as children.

They can have endured severe sexual assault, physical abuse, and emotional neglect. Or perhaps they simply saw too much family strife (such as yelling or continual arguing between the parents).

What is the strictest military school in the US?

The Marine Corps is already regarded as the military’s toughest branch. One of the hardest military schools you will attend is the Basic Recon Course.

Comparatively speaking to other Military institutions, it doesn’t have a high attrition rate, however, that is irrelevant.

Where can I send my son who is out of control?

Boot camps, wilderness camps, boarding schools – there are countless residential treatment centers that present themselves as the solution for troubled youth.

How do you discipline a difficult teenager?

Ask them questions to learn what drives their behavior rather than punishing them or becoming angry. Additionally, confirm that they are aware of and concur with the guidelines and penalties associated with their activity.

At what age do behavior problems start?

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) may be diagnosed in children when their chronic misbehavior results in significant issues at home, at school, or with classmates.

ODD typically manifests before the age of eight but no later than around twelve.

Why is my child’s behavior getting worse?

These can include biological reasons, like being hungry or overtired. It may also involve communication problems caused by educational difficulties.

It may also be due to emotional factors, such as an inability to manage or articulate one’s emotions. Their surroundings can also affect how they behave.

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