Non Profit Organizations in Greensboro NC

15 Top Non Profit Organizations in Greensboro NC

Greensboro, North Carolina, is home to a vibrant nonprofit sector, and these nonprofit organizations work to address various community needs.

In this blog, you will find out about the non profit organizations in Greensboro NC.

In Greensboro, North Carolina, nonprofit organizations play a vital role in addressing community needs and making a positive impact on the lives of its residents. These organizations, driven by a spirit of service and dedication, focus on a wide range of causes, including education, poverty alleviation, health, the environment, and more. Through their efforts, they contribute to creating a stronger and more vibrant community for all.

Nonprofit organizations in Greensboro operate under various legal forms, including associations, foundations, and limited liability companies. 

These organizations are established with the primary goal of serving the community and addressing social, cultural, and environmental issues. By utilizing these legal structures, nonprofits gain the ability to access resources, receive funding, and operate in compliance with state regulations.

In addition to the key organizations mentioned below, Greensboro is home to numerous other nonprofits that focus on education, arts and culture, youth empowerment, environmental sustainability, and more. These organizations, each with their unique mission, contribute to the diverse fabric of the nonprofit sector in Greensboro.

The List of Top Non Profit Organizations in Greensboro NC

  • United Way of Greater Greensboro
  • Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC
  • Greensboro Urban Ministry
  • Family Service of the Piedmont
  • The Kellin Foundation
  • Reading Connections
  • Backpack Beginnings
  • YWCA Greensboro
  • Interactive Resource Center 
  • Guilford Education Alliance
  • Out of the Garden Project
  • Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro
  • Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro
  • Downtown Greensboro Incorporated (DGI)
  • StepUp Greensboro

United Way of Greater Greensboro

The United Way of Greater Greensboro is a prominent nonprofit organization that collaborates with various local nonprofits to address community challenges.

They focus on improving education, income stability, and health in the area. Their efforts include funding programs, providing resources, and coordinating community initiatives. Visit the United Way of Greater Greensboro.

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Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC 

Since 1982 Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC has played a crucial role in fighting hunger and food insecurity in Greensboro. 

They work with partner agencies to distribute food to individuals and families in need. Through various programs and initiatives, they provide nourishment and strive to alleviate hunger in the community. Visit the Website.

Greensboro Urban Ministry 

Founded in 1967, Greensboro Urban Ministry is a non-profit dedicated to providing support services to individuals and families facing poverty and homelessness. 

They offer emergency assistance, shelter programs, housing solutions, and access to essential resources. Their comprehensive approach aims to empower individuals and help them regain stability in their lives. Visit Greensboro Urban Ministry.

Family Service of the Piedmont 

Family Service of the Piedmont is a non-profit organization committed to promoting mental health, strengthening families, and preventing domestic violence. 

They offer counseling services, educational programs, and community outreach initiatives. By addressing mental health needs and fostering healthy family relationships, they contribute to building a resilient community. 

They serve more than 19,000 clients each year, addressing issues of domestic violence & sexual assault, child abuse & healthy parenting, mental health & substance abuse,d financial stability. Visit Family Service of the Piedmont.

The Kellin Foundation

The Kellin Foundation is a  nonprofit organization that focuses on promoting mental wellness and providing support for individuals living with mental health challenges. 

They offer peer support, education, and advocacy services. Services aim at strengthening resilience among children, families, adults, and communities. This is achieved through trauma-informed behavioral health services focused on prevention, treatment, and healing.

With a team of highly-trained professionals they help people practice new skills that contribute to healing, and to gain confidence, and provide free services that help clients overcome mental health and substance use challenges. Visit the Kellin Foundation

Reading Connections 

Reading Connections is a nonprofit that provides adult literacy programs, including tutoring and instruction in reading, writing, and basic math skills. 

They aim to improve adult literacy rates and empower individuals through education, and also help people of all ages to navigate changes in an increasingly complex world. Find more information on their website: Reading Connections.

Backpack Beginnings

Backpack is a volunteer organization dedicated to delivering child-centric services to feed, comfort, and clothe children in need.

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Backpack Beginnings focuses on addressing childhood hunger and food insecurity. They provide nutritious food, comfort items, and other essentials to children in need through various programs, including backpack distributions and food pantries. Visit their website for more details: BackPack Beginnings

YWCA Greensboro

The YWCA is one of the oldest and largest multicultural women’s organizations in the world with more than 25 million members in 106 countries, including 2.6 million members and participants in 200 local associations in the United States.

YWCA Greensboro focuses on empowering women, eliminating racism, and promoting social justice. They offer programs and services related to education, economic empowerment, racial equity, and domestic violence prevention. 

The YWCA Greensboro provides a variety of programs and services for people in need through parenting programs, community engagement initiatives, youth empowerment opportunities, and onsite emergency family shelters. Visit their website for more details: YWCA Greensboro.

Interactive Resource Center 

The Interactive Resource Center (IRC) offers support and resources to individuals experiencing homelessness. They provide meals, showers, case management, and access to other essential services. 

Located in downtown Greensboro, one block from The Depot, the IRC is a place for people experiencing homelessness to congregate in a safe space, connect with important services, and join in fellowship with one another. Learn more on their website: IRC.

Guilford Education Alliance 

Guilford Education Alliance (GEA) is an independent nonprofit organization that galvanizes the community in support of quality public education for all students. 

The Guilford Education Alliance is dedicated to improving education outcomes for students in Guilford County. They collaborate with schools, parents, and the community to support educational initiatives and advocacy. Visit their website for more details: Guilford Education Alliance.

Out of the Garden Project 

This organization focuses on fighting childhood hunger by providing food assistance to children and families in need. 

They operate school-based programs and mobile food markets. For more information, visit their website: Out of the Garden Project.

Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro 

The Community Foundation is a philanthropic organization that works to strengthen the community by connecting donors with nonprofit initiatives and supporting various causes. 

They manage 700 charitable funds for individuals, families, businesses, foundations, and nonprofit organizations for a wide variety of community issues and priorities. Visit their website for more details: Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro.

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro

Since 1987, Habitat Greensboro has served over 500 families in Greensboro. Through financial support, volunteering, or adding a voice to support affordable housing, they help families achieve the strength, stability, and self-reliance they need to build better lives for themselves.

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Habitat for Humanity builds and renovates homes for families in need, providing affordable housing solutions. They also offer homeownership education and financial counseling. 

Learn more on their website: Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro.

Downtown Greensboro Incorporated (DGI)

Downtown Greensboro Incorporated was founded in 1996, as an economic development organization focused on stimulating investment and activity in the center city. DGI is a non-profit entity and is led by a 24-member Board of Directors composed of volunteers representing specific stakeholders in the center city.

DGI also manages the Municipal Service District (or Business Improvement District) for Downtown and has a subsidiary Downtown Greensboro Foundation designated as an organization for charitable and educational purposes. Visit Downtown Greensboro Incorporated

StepUp Greensboro

StepUp Greensboro is an organization that provides free job readiness training, active mentoring, and supportive services to help individuals find and keep jobs and build stable lives.

With a week-long Job Readiness program they teach skills that enable participants to find, land, and keep a job. Visit the Website for more: StepUp Greensboro.

Impact and Challenges of Nonprofit Organizations in Greensboro 

Nonprofit organizations in Greensboro have a significant impact on the community, addressing critical needs and improving the quality of life for residents. 

They provide essential services, offer support systems, and foster community engagement. However, nonprofits also face challenges, including limited funding, volunteer recruitment, and the need to continually adapt to evolving community needs.


The nonprofit sector in Greensboro, NC, is a testament to the power of compassion, community engagement, and dedicated individuals working toward a common goal. These organizations, driven by a desire to make a positive difference, embody the spirit of service and collaboration. 

By supporting and getting involved with nonprofits in Greensboro, individuals can contribute to creating a stronger, more equitable, and vibrant community for everyone.

These organizations represent a range of causes and services available in Greensboro. Exploring their websites and reaching out to them can provide more comprehensive information and additional links to relevant articles and resources.

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