Organizations in the Philippines That Help The Poor

9 Organizations in the Philippines That Help The Poor

According to the Philippine Statistical Authority, 17.6 million individuals experienced extreme poverty in 2018, with the estimated poverty rate being at 16.6%.

In this article, we look at some top organizations in the Philippines that help the poor.

With 64% of the population experiencing chronic food insecurity, hunger is one of the major issues resulting from poverty in the Philippines.

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The World Food Program claims that issues with the climate and political difficulties have led to the ongoing food insecurity that Filipinos experience. Four decades of armed violence in the Mindanao region led to the displacement of more than 40% of families between 2000 and 2010, worsening food security.

In the Philippines, there are around 20 natural catastrophes per year, including typhoons. As a result, a lot of organizations have expressed interest in enhancing the circumstances in the Philippines through different projects and programs.

Organizations in the Philippines That Help the Poor

Below is the list of some organizations in the Philippines that help the poor. You can learn more about these organizations listed by following the link provided.

Food for the Hungry

Since 1978, Food for the Hungry (FH) has operated in the Philippines. The group started out by aiding refugees and has since broadened its focus to include other programs for development, such as those that address hunger. In the Philippines, it has impacted 23 different communities and sponsored 6,565 kids.

FH has concentrated on long-term developmental activities because a sizeable section of the Filipino population lives below the poverty line.

They are intended to generate chances for better nutrition and the eradication of poverty. In Filipino communities, FH uses a four-phase community development plan to lay the groundwork for self-sufficiency. Find more information here.

Rise Against Hunger Philippines

Rise Against Hunger Philippines is a global organization that specializes in providing food and humanitarian aid. Its main objectives are to supply prepackaged meals and arrange for the delivery of donated goods including food, water, and medical supplies.

Meals that contain a variety of micronutrients essential for human growth and sustainability are packaged by several volunteers as part of their contribution. The group has so far been able to feed the Philippines 20.75 million meals, saving 1.4 million lives.

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Rise Against Hunger Through extensive networks that seek to meet different needs, the Philippines also provides aid for natural catastrophes and political crises.

Additionally, it has developed safety net programs that give impoverished people access to nutrition and training in practical skills so they can move out of poverty.

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Feed the Children

Since 1984, Feed the Children has fought against hunger in the Philippines. In 38 locations, its activities have had a positive impact on more than 283,000 people.

The organization aids children in overcoming both short-term and long-term hunger concerns through the application of Child-Focused Community Development (CFCD).

The CFCD strategy benefits vulnerable and at-risk kids as well as their families, communities, and caregivers. Feed the Children has given caregivers the knowledge and resources they need through this initiative to feed families, create clean communities, and promote access to education.

As a result, it was successful in creating the ideal environment necessary for thriving, particularly in terms of food and nutrition security. Find more information here.

World Food Program

The World Food Programme (WFP) fights hunger in the Philippines with a focus on community revitalization.

Fill the Nutrient Gap, a significant WFP initiative, attempts to combat childhood malnutrition, which can lead to health problems like stunted growth.

In the Philippines, 33% of kids under the age of 5, or 4 million kids, have a lower chance of developing to their full mental and physical potential due to stunted growth.

Fill the Nutrient Gap has assisted in identifying and prioritizing specific programs and policy packages to address these problems. Its objective is to provide access to nutrient-dense food to boost nutritional intake for specific populations. Find more information here.

Action Against Hunger

An organization called Action Against Hunger has been active in the Philippines since 2000. Since then, it has contributed to the improvement of a variety of aspects of the daily lives of 302,014 poor Filipinos.

The organization has specifically reached 2,000 individuals with nutrition and health programs, 221,820 individuals with water and sanitation programs, and 73,207 individuals with food security and livelihood programs. 

Action Against Hunger also emphasizes locally driven projects in places hit by armed conflict and natural catastrophes. Find more information here.

CARE Philippines

To make a significant, long-lasting impact at a large scale and encourage inclusive development, CARE plays three roles in addressing poverty and social injustice.

They employ successful concepts and strategies, in collaboration with its partners, to help the most vulnerable populations overcome deprivation, social injustice, and humanitarian catastrophes.

They then employ the data and lessons learned from their projects to affect wider change and scale up efficient solutions. Find more information here.

Project Pearls

Its goal is to provide children who live in poverty with food, education, advocacy, and support for their fundamental human rights. These kids are virtually voiceless and invisible to society. Find more information here.


One of the biggest nonprofit churches in the Philippines is Caritas Manila. The “least, last, and lost” in society are the impoverished, the weak, and the vulnerable; via their programs and services, they seek to make the love of God tangible among them.

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The main initiatives of Caritas Manila are focused on the holistic socioeconomic, spiritual, and human development of the underprivileged. 

Caritas Manila has long held the view that real aid must involve a process of empowerment. Most of their programs aim to help people move from a state of poverty and dependence to one of self-reliance and dignity. Find more information here.


Oxfam Philippines collaborates with other organizations to carry out its activities. As they try to better prepare for disasters, they provide immediate life-saving assistance to those in need.

Its longer-term efforts are concentrated on reducing risks, assisting women in securing their fundamental rights, and improving economic possibilities for women and other vulnerable people in order to combat the inequity that causes poverty. Find more information here.

What Organization Helps Poverty in the Philippines?

Since 1949, CARE has assisted with development and disaster relief in the Philippines. With its humanitarian aid and development efforts in the Philippines, CARE involves programming on gender- and gender-based violence. Communities experiencing a crisis are supported by CARE regarding sanitation and health.

What is the Biggest Charity in the Philippines?

The largest global organization dedicated to helping children is called World Vision. Thousands of children living in impoverished places in both rural and urban areas are the focus of World Vision Philippines, which has been operating there for nearly 60 years.

How Do We Solve Poverty in the Philippines?

The growth of non-agricultural jobs, government transfers, and recruiting qualified Filipinos to assist through the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program are some of the factors that would cause poverty to decline.

What Organization Help the Homeless in the Philippines?

Via its regular housing projects, Habitat Philippines collaborates with low-income informal settler families to construct safe, affordable dwellings.

How many NGOs are in the Philippines?

Up to 60,000 registered NGOs are thought to exist in the Philippines at this time. All nonprofit groups are included in this figure, including the 10,000 or so classified as “people’s organizations” (POs).

Why is Poverty Still a Problem in the Philippines?

The high incidence and persistence of poverty in the Philippines were largely caused by previous economic policies that hindered growth and the opposition of wealthy elites to urgently required reforms. Growth has been boosted by recent policy changes, but more reforms could hasten the eradication of poverty.

Why Does the Philippines Have so Many Homeless?

Many households in the Philippines, especially those in Manila, may find it challenging to pay their rent because of low income.

How Many People in the Philippines are Homeless?

With inadequate safety, access to clean water, and sanitary facilities, more than 4 million Filipino families are forced to live in unsustainable conditions. By 2022, more than 6 million housing units were required, and by 2030, that number will have increased to almost 12.3 million.

What Do NGOs Do for the Homeless?

The charity is among the first to offer certain Housing First initiatives and case workers to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty for some of the most vulnerable people in the nation. This can include outreach services, night shelters, addiction services, and other programs.

What is the NGO for Street Children in the Philippines?

A non-government organization, or NGO, helping children in the Philippines is called Childhope Philippines Foundation, Inc. They seek to advance, support, and defend the rights of children, especially those who live on the streets.

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Is the Philippines Still a Poor Country?

Although the Philippines has significantly reduced poverty, economic inequality has only lately started to decline. High growth rates and structural change allowed poverty to decrease by two-thirds between 1985 and 2018. But it wasn’t until 2012 that income disparity started to shrink.

Is Housing a Problem in the Philippines?

According to research published by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies, housing remains inaccessible for millions of Filipinos because they cannot afford it, particularly low-income and large families as well as those who live in heavily urbanized cities (PIDS).

How Many Beggars are in the Philippines?

Out of the 106 million people living in the Philippines, the Philippine Statistics Agency (PSA) estimates that 4.5 million Filipinos are homeless. Most of these homeless people reside on Manila’s streets and back alleyways.

Where are the Poor Located in the Philippines?

The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao has the country’s highest rate of poverty, at 37.2%, while Metro Manila has the lowest rate, at 3.5%, as of 2022.

How Many People are Rich in the Philippines?

The Philippines has over 19 thousand millionaires in 2021. According to estimates, there will be about 32.65 thousand high-net-worth persons in the nation in 2026.

What is the Philippines Known For?

Because of the depth of its culture and the splendor of its surroundings, the Philippines is known as Asia’s pearl of the Orient. Ancient forts, turn-of-the-century houses, centuries-old churches, and contemporary museums can all be found there. There are 7,100 islands in the Philippine archipelago.

Is the Philippines Good to Live in?

A favorite choice for expatriates is the Philippines. The nation is a great place for expats to live thanks to its pleasant environment, amiable residents, welcoming culture, and affordable cost of living.

Is Property Cheap in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, property prices vary widely depending on location, size, condition, and features, just like they do everywhere else in the world. In most circumstances, though, you can anticipate getting a lot more house for your money than you would back home: imagine, for instance, getting a brand-new oceanfront apartment for under $100,000.

Is Begging a Crime in the Philippines?

Any juvenile over the age of nine and under the age of 15 who is discovered begging or being used for begging and who acted indefensibly will be taken into custody as a neglected child in accordance with Article 141 of the Presidential Decree.

What is the Richest Province in the Philippines?

With assets totaling about 215.27 billion Philippine pesos in 2021, the province of Cebu topped the list of the richest provinces in the Philippines. Provinces Batangas and Rizal came next, with assets totaling 28.7 billion and 26.3 billion, respectively.

Where Does the Philippines Get its Money?

Manufacturing and agriculture are two of the Philippines’ key sectors. Pharmaceuticals, shipbuilding, electronics, and semiconductors are the areas of concentration within manufacturing, which also include mining and mineral processing. One of the most desirable pharmaceutical markets in the Asia-Pacific area is the Philippines.

How Much Do You Need to Live in the Philippines?

A family of four needs at least $2,500 in average monthly net income, whereas a single individual needs at least $600 to live comfortably. For a two-bedroom apartment, the rent alone might cost up to $1,000 per month.

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