Personal Grants for Single Mothers

19 Top Personal Grants for Single Mothers to Consider

If you’re a single mother, you need to know about Personal Grants For Single Mothers.

Many challenges come with being both a parent and an adult, and financial worries are often at the top of that list. 

Thankfully, there are many government grants available for single mothers who need help making ends meet. 

Personal Grants for Single Mothers

Here’s what you should know about these programs:

Federal Pell Grant

If you’re a single mother, you’ll be happy to know that there are plenty of grants available to help pay for your college education.

The Pell Grant is America’s largest aid program for students providing grants of up to $6,500 for students in dire need.

In 2019, over $28 billion was given to over 7 million students.

Pell Grants are awarded to low-income students who don’t have any kind of financial need requirement. 

They’re also not loans; they’re actual grants, which means you don’t have to pay them back once you graduate!

Pell Grants are available for both full-time and part-time students, so if your situation doesn’t allow for attending school full-time, this is still something worth exploring if your student status qualifies.

For more information, visit their website.

Federal Work-Study Grant

A federally funded financial aid program called Federal Work-Study (FWS) enables single-parent students to make money by working part-time on or off campus, frequently in the area of study that they have chosen.

Students are allowed to work up to twenty (20) hours per week and are paid every month depending on their hourly rate, which they can use to pay for their tuition.

This “income while you learn” option, nevertheless, will only be practical if your living expenditures are low and your family is willing to help with child care.

For more information, visit here

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)

FSEOG is a sort of supplemental grants, like the Pell Grant, that is given to students who have “the uttermost need” for financial aid, as assessed by the FAFSA.

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Priority is given to individuals who have “the absolute highest levels of need,” the lowest Expected Family Contribution (EFC), and who simultaneously receive Pell Grants.

Depending on the severity of their demands and the availability of funds, eligible students may receive additional grants worth between $100 and $4,000 each year.

For more information, visit here

Federal Student Loan

Student loans, whether subsidized or unsubsidized, are frequently provided as part of a comprehensive financial aid package for single mothers who are “going back to school” and require more support than what is provided by the Pell Grant.

Federal student loans offer you the opportunity to borrow money for college at lower rates than most private loans, despite being the least preferred type of financial aid. Additionally, you might be able to postpone interest payments until after graduation.

You must first fill out and submit a FAFSA, as is the case with the majority of federal student aid. If you are interested in student loans, you must check the box next to it on the FAFSA to be taken into consideration.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

The cornerstone of the safety net for extremely low-income families is TANF. Its main objective is to assist these families in becoming self-sufficient by combining short-term financial aid and employment prospects.

The two TANF award categories are referred to as “family” grants and “child-only” grants.

Kid-only grants, intended to take a child’s needs into account alone, are often smaller than family grants, costing roughly $8 per day for one child.

The second kind of TANF grant for which you might be qualified is referred to as a “family grant,” and it’s often regarded as the most straightforward one to obtain.

For more information, visit here

Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA)

In times of need, single mothers might get Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA), often referred to as Emergency Cash Assistance. It is typically provided instead of ongoing monetary benefits as a one-time payment.

A one-time grant of up to $1,000 may be given to eligible families to help them deal with an emergency or minor crisis, although the amount awarded will depend on how serious the financial problem is.

For more information, visit here

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

The goal of SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, is to give the most in-need families—many of whom have minimal to no income—affordable and nutritious meals.

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It is one of the most crucial parts of the safety net in the United States. SNAP is now the only source of income support for many of the poorest Americans.

For more information, visit here

Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC)

The WIC nutrition program, which is supported by the federal government, offers free nutritious foods to expectant mothers, new mothers, and kids under the age of five who are deemed to be “at nutritional risk.”

It is intended to be a brief program, with eligible applicants typically getting payments for six to twelve months before having to reapply.

Women who participate in the program typically earn $11 for fresh produce each month, while kids receive $9.

Nutritional risk and earnings below 185% of the poverty line determine eligibility, however, TANF recipients typically receive preference.

Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)

CCAP is a state-run program that receives funding from the Child Care and Development Block Grant that aids low-income families in paying for child care while they work, look for work, go to school, or are in training.

The majority of states impose a co-payment requirement on families receiving childcare assistance, usually in the form of a sliding fee system that charges larger co-payments to families with higher incomes.

While eligibility requirements differ from state to state, in most cases your income must not exceed the maximum imposed by the state in which you now reside.

For more information, visit here

Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program (CCAMPIS)

The only federal grant program devoted to offering campus-based child care for low-income parents enrolled in postsecondary education is the Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program or CCAMPIS.

The goal of CCAMPIS is to assist lower-income student parents who require childcare assistance to continue their education and earn a college degree, however, the majority will have to join a queue.

Applications for child care assistance through CCAMPIS funding are evaluated based on eligibility, financial situation, need, available resources, and levels of family contribution.

For more information, visit here

Section 8 Rental Subsidy

A federal housing program called Section 8 helps the most vulnerable families afford secure and quality rental homes. Very low-income families, the elderly, and people with disabilities can use the program’s vouchers to pay a portion of their rent.

You will be given a voucher if you qualify, and it will cover 70% of your rent and utilities. However, as the renter, you will be responsible for the remaining 30%.

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For more information, visit here

Public Housing Program

One of the three main housing aid programs in the country, together with “Section 8” vouchers and project-based rental assistance, is public housing.

In contrast to Section 8, public housing enables qualified low-income families, the elderly, and those with disabilities to reside in units at a rent they could pay. Most renters spend no more than 30% of their income on utilities and rent.

Although it may vary from region to region, the program typically serves families with incomes up to 80% of the median income for the county or metropolitan area where they choose to live.

For more information, visit here

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

To help eligible low-income households who are struggling to pay their utility bills, LIHEAP gives one-time financial aid. 

Almost always, LIHEAP only covers a portion of the monthly payment; the household is responsible for the remaining balance.

It is aimed at individuals who are most at risk: the elderly, people with disabilities, and families with young children. 

Grants are given to the utility provider directly. A grant cannot be paid to the beneficiary.

For more information, visit here

Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

Reduced energy costs are made possible for low-income families by the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). Priority is typically given to families with young children and the elderly.

Income is one of the key elements that impact eligibility. Depending on the state you reside in, weatherization is available to you if your income is less than 200% of the federal poverty threshold.

For more information, visit here

Other Programs

Medicaid: Health Insurance for the Poor

For more information, visit here

Children’s Health Insurance Program

For more information, visit here

Supplemental Security Income

For more information, visit here

Title X: The National Family Planning Program

For more information, visit here

National School Lunch Program

For more information, visit here


Hopefully, we’ve given you a better idea of some of the different grants available to single mothers. 

If you are looking for more information on these programs and others like them, check out Student Aid or

Having seen the Personal Grants for Single Mothers, check out the 12 Best Financial Hardship Grants for Single Mothers in Australia.

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