Reasons Not to Get Dental Implants

7 Top Reasons Not to Get Dental Implants(Medical Issues)

An excellent contemporary replacement for dentures is dental implants. Patients experience an increase in confidence as well as numerous other changes in their everyday lives as a result of how natural feeling they feel once they are put in place.

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When a tooth is lost from your jaw, the area no longer receives stimulation from the tooth root. The jawbone there begins to deteriorate as a result. Dental implants support the surrounding teeth and gums as well as the jawbone by filling the gap left by a missing tooth and root.

However, in this article, we will see some reasons not to get dental implants.

Reasons Not to Get Dental Implants

Unlike dentures, dental implants are permanently affixed to your mouth, ensuring that they function just like your natural teeth. A screw serves as the artificial root in place of the tooth’s natural root. Due to the bone transplant process, the screw is able to sit in the jawbone and bond with your jawbone.

Depending on your demands, many bone graft procedures are available. In cases where regular implants won’t fit, there are alternative methods for placing dental implants themselves, including the use of tiny implants.

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There are other circumstances in which dental implants may not be appropriate for you, aside from adolescents or very young adults who can anticipate continued jawbone growth. There are some medical issues that, while they may not fully disqualify you, warrant additional consideration. These medical issues include:

  • Unmanageable Diabetes
  • Alcoholism
  • Severe Gum Disease
  • Cancer
  • Reduced Immunity
  • Osteonecrosis of the jaw
  • Also, if you take any of the medications listed below, you should speak to a doctor before getting dental implants.
  • Fosamax
  • Actonel
  • Boniva
  • Reclast

Discuss this in detail with your dentist if you’re taking any of these. In order to treat osteoporosis, these medications stop osteoclast cells from eroding bone. However, suppressing the osteoclasts also affects the bone matrix, which might result in jaw osteonecrosis.

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This condition is sometimes called “death of the jawbone.” The risk is higher among older people, as is the case in Singapore, according to Singapore Medical Journal. Despite the overall rarity of this occurring, it is always a good idea to let your dentist know if you are given this kind of medication.

Smoking, clenching or grinding of the teeth, or radiation exposure in the vicinity of the jaw, might potentially influence suitability.

The reality is that each of these variables affects how your body heals. Your body’s ability to integrate your bone grafts and the strength of your jaw to sustain each implant’s titanium screw are also prerequisites for receiving dental implants.

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Additionally, it’s critical that your gums heal properly because a weak barrier surrounding your new implant could allow for infection. Gingivitis is a risk factor because of this. Additionally, because the teeth must be motionless for your mouth to fully heal, grinding your teeth might be an issue.

Who Should Not Get A Tooth Implant?

Despite the fact that dental implants are a common choice nowadays, there are several situations where you might not be able to have them. Gum disease, jaw bone structure, bruxism, pre-existing medical disorders, and poor oral health are some of these causes.

When Is A Dental Implant Not Recommended?

You might not be a good candidate for dental implants if you have had leukemia or diabetes. Likewise, if your head or neck have been exposed to radiation. These conditions can impede the recovery from dental implant surgery. Your dentist may assess each patient individually and make decisions based on their situation.

What Is The Danger Of Dental Implants?

Infection around the implant, harm or injury to the jaw, nearby blood vessels, or teeth. Implant rejection. When poorly positioned in the upper jaw, sinus issues might occur. 

How Long Can You Delay A Dental Implant?

In some situations, if there is enough good jawbone available, it can be possible to implant a dental crown the same day a tooth is removed. However, a dentist will typically advise waiting 3 to 6 months after a tooth extraction to give the area time to totally heal.

Can You Get A Temporary Tooth While Waiting For An Implant?

Temporary crowns may be a smart option while waiting for implants. The dentist will cement it in place and it is typically made of acrylic-based material. A visually appealing choice is the crown. Although the patient should exercise caution when consuming hard foods, it will appear to be a natural tooth.

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Can Your Body Reject Dental Implants?

Dental implants might be rejected by the body. The good news is that it is quite uncommon. With a success record of up to 98%, dental implants are the most versatile and long-lasting alternative for tooth roots.

Are Dentures Better Than Implants?

In recent years, dentures have lost favor in favor of dental implants, which are long-lasting tooth replacements. Although they are more expensive than dentures, they will end up saving you money in the long run. Dental implants reduce the number of dental visits since they require less upkeep than dentures.

Do You Need To Take Antibiotics Before Dental Implants?

Antibiotic prevention is not required before every implant procedure. However, after implant implantation, antibiotics are helpful in avoiding infections that can arise postoperatively. Antibiotic prophylaxis is necessary for dental implants to have high long-term survival and success rates.

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