Roles of Science and Technology in Agriculture

11 Top Roles of Science and Technology in Agriculture

If you are looking to see the Roles of Science and Technology in Agriculture, then you are on the right page.

Agriculture encompasses all farming activities including soil cultivation, crop breeding, and the raising of livestock for the different types of farming and methods of agriculture.

During these agricultural processes, plants, livestock, and any other farm produce is prepared for use and distribution for trade.

The world has benefited greatly through the contribution of agriculture as it is as old as the existence of man. Different kinds of food and livestock, clothing, housing, etc are made available through agricultural products and thus making agriculture a national contributor and a key factor to a nation’s growth.

Science and technology have modeled farming practices to be better and more sensible to the national value.

The adoption of farming practices birthed the notion of modern methods of agriculture which involves the use of recent technologies to foster the better practice of agriculture.

Science and technology make agriculture practice and even farming a worthwhile occupation due to the introduction of the best equipment, machines, and better farming strategies.

Also, in recent times agriculture is dependent on technology as older farming methods and practices will hardly survive one of the many factors affecting today’s farming methods and practices.

11 Roles Of Science And Technology In Agriculture

The use of modern science and technology has also allowed better control of farming factors, animal husbandry, investment and management, and access to government support. So in this article, we’ll briefly discuss 11 roles of science and technology in agriculture.


The utilization of technological advancements in agriculture has made research materials more and more accessible while also making agricultural research more productive. 

The introduction of technology into agriculture has aided to a large extent, in the scientific research conducted in the agricultural field for the development of better farming methods, strategies, and effective farming systems.

Animal and Plant Pest Control

Crops and livestock have been experiencing severe attacks from farm pests which exist in different forms. These pests usually gain ground and cause harmful effects due to, mainly, poor protection systems in our farms.

The destructive agents In farms cause huge losses in harvest seasons of both plant and cash crops and animal farms. The use of science and technologies in combating these diseases has proven to be trusted concerning the fact that it curtails, combats, and eradicates agricultural pests.

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Soil Management

Soil management is key when it comes to ensuring the continuity and sustainability of agricultural practices. Some substances have been used over time to add nutrients into the soil like artificial fertilizers but then they are only temporary, so the use of better enhanced biological fertilizers that are environmentally friendly is now being promoted through the active promotion of technology.

Chemical technologies have also been utilized in many ways to promote and further enhance the use of more soil-friendly and less harmful soil management substances and techniques.

Combat On Plant and Animal diseases

Crops and livestock are usually very hard to control or eradicate once they gain access. Farms and ranches suffer from farm diseases because of having to combat Fungi, Bacteria, Viruses, and Pests. 

These diseases make commercial traders suffer from poverty. And even worse, halted production, growth, and development. These diseases are never to be treated lightly as they cause so many losses if they are allowed to spread across a large number of animals and livestock.

The introduction of science and technology has enabled animal isolation during disease outbreaks, vaccinations for animals, and the equipment and facilities to effectively carry it all out. 

Maintenance of Good Irrigation and Drainage Systems

Agriculture actively makes use of water for proper grooming and growth of crops. Grains, vegetables, and aquatic farming require proper irrigation, drainage, and water systems for proper and unhampered growth.

These new technological systems play a huge role in the planting and grooming processes of these plants because of the huge land masses used and the need for constant water for proper irrigation and also drainage for aquatic farming.

These systems are usually built by channeling water for both irrigation and drainage as the case may be in an agro farm, and this is made possible through the knowledge obtained through proper utilization of science and technology.


Major farms and reserves are usually built on large expanses of land which are usually not located in metropolitan or urban areas meaning that channeling networks like roads, railways, and any other ways of transportation of agricultural products will be very poor or suffer some degree of the bad state of the structure.

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Science and technology have helped in the construction of better networks and have made the transportation of goods between villages, and export ports very accessible. 

Easier Post-Planting Practices

The harvest action, processing, packaging, and transportation processes are being made easier through the help of machines that are designed to successfully harvest crops, and process them for ready packaging and transportation for marketing purposes.

Machinery Utilization

The introduction and utilization of machines in the agro sector are major developments in agriculture. Tractors, sprayers, Cultivators, plows, balers, etc are examples of farming machinery with different uses.

The use of machines has boosted agro performance and has given agriculture a new name that depicts efficiency, delivery, and resourcefulness. These machines are efficient and helpful in the utmost ways to ensure proper and technology-inclined farming practices.


Storage of agro-products and already processed food has been made more efficient and safer through storage facilities and methods. Silos, barns, cans, and methods like freezing are sets of known ways of storing food and processed livestock products.

These modern facilities and methods of storage help to protect our foods from fungi, bacteria, and pests. They also help to preserve food for long periods through the help of technology-enabled storage.

Genetic Engineering

The technology of genetic engineering is the modification of living organisms through certain molecular manipulations for enhanced performance. These modifications can happen in plants and animals and focus on the gene to be transferred based on desirable preferences.

Genetically modified crops and livestock are considered supreme to their natural species as they possess the ability to have resistance to viruses, herbicides, frost, and the ability to fit storage conditions. These crops benefit society through the technologies of modern agriculture and sharing of the ideal crop gene.

The advantages of genetic engineering in agriculture are that it allows crops and livestock the ability to live longer, develop resistance to pesticides, and alters the process of growth.


Metrology is one of the technological advancements in agriculture and is concerned with the meteorological and hydrological factors relating to agriculture. 

Metrology aids in the management of plant planning systems, farm practice schedules, harvesting, soil management, loss mitigation, weather management, and Data acquisition.

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Modern agriculture employs the use of various methods of agriculture and covers a wide area of knowledge in weather and meteorological forecasting, growth simulations, climatic control, zoning, and many others in relation to weather sensitivity in agriculture.


Benefits Of Smart Farming?

Smart farming is the trend and most sought-after agricultural practice in today’s world. Smart Farming makes the use of modern farming technologies easier and helps in farm recording and reporting, financial forecasting, yield increment, and efficiency.

Smart farming has been beneficial for a long time because it provides the agro sector with the needed infrastructure for leveraging the technologies of modern agriculture.

Importance Of Science and Technology in Agriculture?

The main and most outstanding importance of science and technology is that it helps us produce more while working and invest less in manpower and finances.

It also helps to provide pest resistance crops, improve yield in all aspects, use of enhancers like fertilizers, utilization of genetic engineering, and other enhanced modern methods of agriculture.

Impact Of Modern Agriculture?

Modern methods of farming have impacted agriculture in diverse ways which have been proven to be very detrimental to the farming practice. This however is a result of the wrong practices due to negligence or ignorance.

The negative impacts of modern agriculture and its practices include chemical poisoning, destruction of the soil structure due to intensive Tillage, soil erosion, and many other harmful impacts which can also be a result of overuse or abuse.


The inventory of modern technological systems in the practice of agriculture has been the foremost driving force in bringing development to the agro sector in general. The role of science and technology in agriculture remains numerous as the shaping of a nation’s agriculture is due to innovations throughout a large span of time.

New inventions that help in efficiency and accuracy in the farming practice, faster and more abundant production rates, plant immunity and resistance to harmful external factors, and many more are among the primary roles of science and technology in agriculture.

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  • Agriculture and its Impact on Environment 

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