Carpentry Schools in New Jersey

12 Best Carpentry Schools in New Jersey & What They Offer

There are carpentry schools in New Jersey and we will be listing these schools for you in this article.

Carpenters are skilled craftspersons who are known for their ability to create structures and consumer goods from common materials, like wood and concrete.

Enrolling in carpentry courses at a trade school or community college or any of the carpentry schools in New Jersey is one way to gain the knowledge and techniques that are needed for a successful career in carpentry.

Skills you will learn in any of the carpentry schools in New Jersey include safety awareness, building layout design, and blueprint reading.

What Carpenters Do

Carpenters craft structures and products from wood, street, fiberglass, and other materials. There are different types of carpenters. We have residential, industrial, and commercial carpenters.

Residential carpenters may build new homes and do some remodeling work. They build structures like walls, stairways, floors, roofs and decks.

On the other hand, industrial carpenters work more on infrastructures like tunnels, dams and sewers.

The List of Carpentry Schools in New Jersey

  • Mr. Sawdust School of Professional Woodworking
  • New Jersey School of Woodwork
  • HoHoKus School of Trade and Technical Sciences
  • The Wood Joint NJ INC
  • The DIY Joint
  • County Vocational Technical
  • Morris County Vocational School District
  • Monmouth County Vocational School District
  • Camden County Technical School
  • Peters Valley School of Craft
  • Burlington County Institute of Technology
  • New Jersey Carpenters Apprenticeship

New Jersey School of Woodwork

New Jersey School of Woodwork is one of the carpentry schools in New Jersey that invites those interested in learning carpentry to join them and enjoy their classes in a relaxed environment.

The class size is limited to 6 persons and each student has their own bench with each of the benches being 6 feet apart.

Their mission is to grow the craft through instruction and hands-on experience in a friendly and relaxed environment.

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NJ School of Woodwork offers their students the unique experience of working behind a Sjoberg bench, outfitted with 2 vices, storage drawers, and a cabinet these are the finest benches made! NJ School of Woodwork is a very proud distributor of these fine benches.

Mr. Sawdust School of Professional Woodworking

At Mr. Sawdust School of Professional Woodworking, from blade sharpening to dovetails, you can learn the fundamentals of hand tools. You will also be able to learn safety and techniques for all the rudimentary power tools.

There is a Power Tool Woodworking course that covers safety and technique with all the rudimentary power tools.

They also offer a project course that is anticipated to last for about 8 weeks with the cost of the course being $1,150 and includes instruction, wood, hardware, and a copy of the plans.

HoHoKus School of Trade and Technical Sciences

HoHoKus School of Trade and Technical Sciences ensures that its class sizes are kept manageable so that there will always be a clear line of communication and guidance between its students and their instructors.

They provide students with the needed real-world experience and training to succeed in their job. Check out their programs.

County Vocational Technical

This is one of the carpentry schools that provides extensive training for students to prepare for a technical career.

Their training programs lead to industry certification and license which is often achieved through a paid apprenticeship that combines on-the-job training and classroom instruction. Visit their website.

The Wood Joint NJ INC

The Wood Joint NJ INC is one of the carpentry schools in New Jersey that offers different kinds of classes for carpenters at all levels.

They have classes geared towards beginners where they get to acquire knowledge and confidence around the shop and learn the ins and outs of various machines.

There are also classes geared towards adult beginners who through a 5-week course learn safety techniques with the woodworking tools in a wood shop. Find out more about their classes and fees.

The DIY Joint

The DIY Joint is one of the carpentry schools in New Jersey that has little something for everyone whether you are just getting your feet wet in woodworking or you are already a woodworker.

They have an open-studio space that encourages collaboration and fun and most importantly they offer a wide variety of woodworking classes that are suitable for every skill level.

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This is also one of the carpentry schools in New Jersey that provides all you need for the classes. They also have sip-and-create classes in which you can bring your own drinks to enjoy with like-minded creators. Find out more.

Morris County Vocational School District

The Morris County Vocational School District is a county vocational school district that provides vocational training services to students in Morris County, New Jersey.

The Morris County Vocational School District is one of the most distinguished vocational school districts in New Jersey. It was established in 1969 and has grown to become a top career education provider, offering various trade courses.

The main focus of this program is to prepare students for careers that are in high demand by employers. Students will learn how to install floors, cabinets, and other woodworking projects. They’ll also learn how to use various tools and read blueprints and drawings to build anything from furniture to houses.

Students who choose this program will leave with valuable skills that can be used immediately on the job or even help them get a promotion at their current employer if they want more responsibility or higher pay.

Monmouth County Vocational School District

The Monmouth County Vocational School District offers carpentry training at the high school level. Students in the carpentry program learn basic building skills, including using power tools and measuring, cutting, and assembling wood and other materials. The program also includes a course on energy efficiency and green building techniques.

The Monmouth County Vocational School District offers several options for students who want to learn a trade. The program is designed for students who want to learn a specific trade and then move on to a career that will help them earn money after graduation. This option is good for people who want to learn about carpentry and other skills to develop a career path.

Peters Valley School of Craft

Peters Valley School of Craft is a year-round gallery and working craft center located in Sandyston, New Jersey. The school offers classes in crafts, including carpentry, glass blowing, and woodworking. 

The school also hosts visiting artists and craftspeople who share their knowledge at workshops and presentations. Peters Valley has become one of America’s most highly regarded craft schools over its 40 years of operation. 

Their mission is to provide access to the highest quality craft education by offering programs that build creative confidence in all learners through exploration, experimentation, and mentoring; to support the community through outreach programs that promote art learning; and to preserve the ecological landscape through conservation efforts.

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Burlington County Institute of Technology

Burlington County Institute of Technology is one of the best carpentry schools in New Jersey. It offers various carpentry programs, including construction management and housing, which are great for those looking to get into the business side of carpentry. 

Students who enroll in these courses will gain valuable skills that can be applied in various ways. For example, they may work as carpenters or cabinetmakers for construction companies or interior designers. They may also choose to start their own business as a home improvement contractor.

Camden County Technical School

Camden County Technical School in Camden, New Jersey, is one of the best carpentry schools in New Jersey. The school offers a variety of training options for students at all levels, from introductory courses to advanced degrees. 

Students can learn how to build structures using traditional methods or get an education in modern building materials and techniques.

The carpentry program at Camden County Tech is designed for students who want to learn how to do carpentry work on their own homes or those of others; however, they can also use their skills in other careers, such as cabinet making or furniture design.

New Jersey Carpenters Apprenticeship

New Jersey Carpenters Apprenticeship is committed to training the most highly skilled and efficient workforce that is necessary to remain competitive in today’s construction market.

The training program is sponsored entirely through employer contributions based on a percentage of the negotiated hourly wage. Visit their website.


There are no formal education or training requirements to become a carpenter in the United States.

However, the BLS reports that three to four years of experience is the industry standard for becoming a skilled craftsperson.

You can gain experience by working with a journeyman or through an apprenticeship offered by an employer or Labour Union.

Furthermore, formal in-class instruction is offered through certificate, diploma or associate’s degree programs in carpentry at trade or vocational schools. Do you have any suggestions about the carpentry schools in New Jersey? Please leave a comment below.

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