Grants for Disabled Persons in Canada

14 Top Grants for Disabled Persons in Canada: Must-Check

Have you ever wondered how disabled persons cope in Canada? How are they able to maintain at least the minimum standard of living? Well, there are grants set aside to assist them.

Previously, we have covered the 10 Top Home Renovation Grants for Seniors in BC, however, we will look at grants for disabled persons this time.

These grants for disabled persons in Canada in this article involve giving a certain amount of money or financial assistance and they are for different purposes. 

 When we say people with disabilities, they include physically and mentally challenged individuals, the visually impaired with blindness or low vision, deaf and speech disabilities, Autism, and persons with muscular dystrophy. 

These grants improve their quality of life as It covers their housing, transportation, healthcare services, living expenses, employment, training, and others

 The Canadian Government together with other private organizations or corporations have provided grants which serve as a tool for financial assistance for the disabled making them independent and securing them the future as they become welcoming in society.

The List of Grants for Disabled Persons in Canada

Let’s discover some of these grant platforms available for disabled persons in Canada and how they can get access to them. Check out the 20 top housing grants for disabled adults and the top 10 grants for mental health counseling programs.

1. Canada Disability Savings Grant

Here the Canadian Government helps people with disabilities save by paying some amount of money into their registered disability savings plan (RSDP).  

The federal government will match up to $3 for every dollar contributed to an RDSP. They will invest $1,000 over 20 years for those with modest incomes (less than $30,000). This grant is paid up until you are over the age of 49.

2. Excise Gasoline Tax  Refund 

If the public mode of transportation isn’t safe for a disabled person, you have access to requests for the purchase of federal excise gasoline. 

This must be purchased for the sole use of purchase and should be for sale.  A refund of 1.5 per liter of gasoline purchased is granted or  10 kilometers drive is being paid for. You can either use the kilometers rate or the liter rate.

To be eligible for application, you should Have been approved for Disability Tax Credit (DTC) and have been certified by a medical practitioner for mobility impairment. 

Gasoline purchased for resale or used in foreign countries, heating fuel, propane, diesel fuel, and electric vehicles are not allowed under this program. All documents used for purchase such as gas receipts, vouchers, invoices, and confirmation use of statements should be kept.

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3. Ontario Support Disability Program. 

This program gives income and employment support to Disabled Persons. 

They help with the cost of basic needs like food, housing, and clothing and also find jobs and prepare them for the job. They also provide transportation assistance, and devices to help complete a job.

You can get access to this by putting a call through the ODSP local office and ensuring to submit all required documents.

4. Canadian Pension Plan Disability Benefit (CPP).

 Those who can’t work but make contributions to the pension plan are open to this benefit. It is also made available to their dependent children. It is a monthly payment made by the Government of Canada. 

Applicants must be under the age of 65, have a long-term or indefinite duration of Disability, and have made enough contributions to the CPP. With a short-term disability, you may not be granted this benefit. The payment ranges between 558.74 USD  and 1,538,67 USD monthly.

5. Opportunity Fund Program

This has been controlled by the Canadian Government with the aim of helping persons with Disability get employed by preparing and finding jobs, advancing them In their career of choice, and also providing support to their employer in order to make their workplace conducive and accessible. 

Thereby increasing their independence and economic participation in the region.

The funding duration is for 3 years at most with a total of 15,000,000 USD

6.  Developmental Service Ontario

Developmental disabilities are present in a person at birth or before the age of 18. Therefore it affects one’s learning ability. 

This service provides persons with developmental challenges the support and services required for a quality life.

 It is funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Service ( MCCSS) to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities as they want everyone to be treated fairly, and addresses the needs of the disabled. 

DSO serves as both the single access point for persons to apply for Ministry-funded adult developmental services and support as well as the primary point of contact for those who seek information about services and support in their community. 

People with developmental disabilities often require help with daily life and other assistance to be as successful and independent as possible. They are supported to live the life they choose. 

To be eligible for this program, disability should be determined by a psychologist or psychological associate registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario or an equivalent body in another province, must reside in Ontario, and must be at least 18 years of age 

7. Trillium Drug Program

With the high service of prescription medications, some persons with disabilities can’t afford prescription costs. However, the Trillium Drug Program gives access to disabled people who require but can’t afford the high cost of medical prescriptions.

 In order to be eligible for this grant you should be a Canadian Citizen with a valid health card. The Trillium Drug Program is said to cover over 5,000 drug prescriptions. 

This grant doesn’t only cover the disabled person but also his household. Enrollment for this program is done online by submitting an application form or putting a call through the Trillium Drug call center. You can also get access to your prescription supply during travel within Canada.

8. Employment Insurance Sickness Benefits(EI)

This tends to be temporary. They provide benefits for people who are unable to work due to sickness or injury.

You must provide a medical certificate showing that you’re unable to work for medical reasons, and the duration of your health problem, and must be signed by a medical practitioner

9. Home and Vehicle Renovation Program (HVRP).

This grant program is founded by the Government of Canada to aid disabled persons that have lost their mobility make payments for their homes or vehicle renovation.

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 To be eligible for this grant a community or social service coordinator from the ministry should be able to determine your eligibility. Every Ten years, the sum of 30 dollars should be received for home and vehicle renovation.

10. Disability Tax Credit (DTC)

Deduction of tax and credit is made available for disabled persons and also their families. It is nonrefundable. 

To get the credit, you should have to apply either through a digital or paper means and claim your tax return after being approved. You can be eligible having been certified by a medical practitioner and the effect of the impairment has been documented. 

If you are approved for the disability tax credit (DTC), you may be able to claim the disability amount of $8,870 for ages 18 years and above and $5,174 for children between the age of 17 and below.

11. Canadian Student Grant for Students with Disabilities

These grants covered students with disabilities enrolled in any school on a yearly basis. To get access to this grant, documentation from a healthcare provider must be provided and a disability verification form must be submitted. 

Scholarships are also made available for students with disabilities.

12. Canadian Student Grant for Services and Equipment for Students with Permanent Disabilities ( CSG-PDES)

Services and equipment needed for students with permanent or prolonged disability enrolled in an educational institution for their studies are being covered by CSG-PDES. 

This helps to improve their educational background, allowing them to achieve academic excellence irrespective of their disability. This grant isn’t required to be paid back. And a sum of 22,000 USD is given yearly. 

The grant covers tuition fees, note-takers, attendant care, assisting devices, transportation, and interpreter.

13. Disability Award for Veterans, Military Survivors, and Students. 

Injured or sick Canadian Armed Forces or veterans are awarded a tax-free award for any injury sustained during their military service. 

Awards are also given to disabled students who have shown exceptional service in an institution, for example, the Carol Shantx Bursary Award.  

The maximum award for armed forces is $374,169.60 in 2019 depending on the extent of disability. This payment can be made annually or in a lump sum, depending on the choice of the receiver. 

There is also pain and suffering compensation offered to armed forces personnel who are living with disabilities. 

The program also recognized the spouse and children of an armed force member as the loss and impairment affects their livelihood.

14. Home Accessibility Tax Credit (HATC)

This is a tax credit that is nonrefundable. It covers expenditures, costs, and good needs for a home renovation. 

Eligibility for accessing this grant required an individual to be over 65 years of age before the end of the tax year. The total amount available per individual is 10,000 USD and can’t exceed. 

Province with the Best Grant Benefits for Disabled Persons in Canada

  • Manitoba 
  • Ontario
  • Alberta

1. Manitoba 

Persons with disabilities earn higher than nondisabled persons with a 76.5 percent increase. Living with prolonged or permanent disability in Manitoba, you are eligible to apply for the Manitoba Support for Persons with Disabilities. 

They help with daily living expenses and help render other services in the community. The amount received depends on your living situation and other financial resources you are accessible to. 

They also help create a strong support network and access to your choice of programs.

2. Ontario

The federal government has provided grants on behalf of disabled persons In Ontario. They established the Ontario Trillium Benefits (OTB), Child and Family Benefits and Ontario Tax Credit, and others. Most persons receive about 896.00 Dollars monthly with the ODSP support program.

A single dependent is eligible for a grant of 706 dollars monthly and with a spouse who is also dependent, you are eligible for 1,409 dollars monthly. They also pay a long-term payment of your salary between 60-85 percent.

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3. Alberta

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Albertans received the highest Support from the Government including those without disabilities. They received about 12,350 Dollars per person. 

They lead the country with the highest federal government funding per person. Albertans drew the most support per capita through the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) of $17.5 billion.

Challenges Encountered by Disabled Persons in Accessing Grants in Canada

  • Inaccessibility to buildings and structures that are not friendly to disabled persons
  • Discrimination or Stigmatization
  • Access to the Required Documents for Application
  • Lack of assistance from a Social Support Service or NGO’s.

1. Inaccessibility to buildings and structures that are not friendly to disabled persons. 

The mode of transportation has been inaccessible, especially for persons living in underdeveloped or rural areas. Also,  persons with a wheelchair find it hard to get off a high bus or cab.

Secondly, the cost of transportation might be so high that some couldn’t afford it. 

2. Discrimination or Stigmatization 

This has made persons with disabilities doubt themselves and can’t participate equally with people in society. Some have been excluded from social functions. 

3. Access to the Required Documents for Application

To be qualified for a grant and for an application process to be completed a referral letter from a state medical practitioner indicating the extent of your disability is required. Most persons find this time-consuming and financially expensive especially persons in remote areas as they can’t access a clinic or hospital.

4. Lack of assistance from a Social Support Service or NGO’s

NGOs and Social Support Services should equally participate in society to provide assistance to the disabled. 

The support group and NGO can help maneuver some of the burdens regarding access to the grants and also help to promote social justice, equality, and participation on behalf of persons with disabilities. 

They should also provide rehabilitation support to assist disabled persons obtain optimal functioning within their environments.

Scholarships Available for Disabled Students.

  • Emmy Duffy Scholarship
  • NEADS National Student Award Program
  • Kelvin Collins Ability Scholarship.
  • The Canadian Hearing Society Scholarship.
  • Lupus Canada Scholarship

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Frequently Asked Questions for Grants for Disabled Persons in Canada

What is the Cost of Grant for Disabled Persons in Canada?

Yearly the maximum amount for grants for persons with disability is 3500 dollars and is limited to 70,000 dollars for a lifetime.

How Do I Apply for a Disability Grant?

Application is done online by filling out an application form or sending a mail, you can also contact the call center of the respective platform. 

Required documents should be submitted and approved by a certified medical practitioner.

Who is Eligible for a Disability Grant?

Physically and mentally challenged individuals, visually impaired with blindness or low vision, deaf and speech disabilities, Autism, and persons with muscular dystrophy. This impairment may be temporary, prolonged, or permanent.

Which Province has the Highest Grant Benefits?

Persons with disabilities earn higher than nondisabled persons with a 76.5 percent increase in Manitoba province. Other provinces such as Ontario and Alberta enjoy the same assistance.


Every person wants to achieve and maintain a good quality of life irrespective of their living conditions. 

However the Canadian Government has established these agencies to promote the standard of living, rights and development of persons living with disabilities in every province within Canada.

With these support they can be able to live their normal life. If there are other grants provided not mentioned here please let us know in the comment section.

 I hope this article was helpful, you can leave a comment below.

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