11 Top Causes Of Reading Problems: Best Solutions

Find out the causes of reading problems in this article as well as how you can fix them.

Reading is very important as it plays a vital role in our daily activities as well as relationships with others. 

However, there are some people that find reading very difficult. These reading problems can come from different sources, ranging from cognitive issues to environmental factors. 

So in this post, we shall delve into the causes of reading problems as well as how to fix them.

Major Causes Of Reading Problems

Some of the most common causes of reading problems include: 

  • Dyslexia

  • Abnormalities of the voice and language

  • Processing difficulties 

  • Defects in Development

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Executive function disorder

  • Dullness and lack of interest

  • Lack of motivation 

  • Complicated text

  • Lack of working memory

  • Difficulty using reasoning and logic

Let’s look at these causes one by one , shall we?

1. Dyslexia

Recent studies contend that a certain gene is the root of dyslexia. Learning a language is quite difficult because of a difference in one area of the brain.

Therefore, it becomes challenging to decode words and sentences because the process of translating letters on a page into word sounds is disrupted.

Furthermore, a dyslexic teenager may struggle from a very young age to learn to interpret speech, to express himself or herself, to remember words, and to sequence words or letters.

As a result, learning to read through conventional ways can be very challenging. However, there are other approaches that have been shown to be more successful. For instance, dyslexic youngsters require explicit teaching in the correspondence between letters and sounds.

Additionally, it can be challenging to diagnose dyslexia because many of its symptoms are common to growing up for most children. Dyslexia may be present when these periods seem to persist longer than usual and the child appears to be “trapped” in challenging stages.

How Can I Tell If Someone Has Dyslexia?

A person with dyslexia could shy away from challenging jobs (especially those involving reading, writing, or spelling), guess words rather than reading them, lean forward while writing, and remember a word one day but forget it the next.

Also, they may have abilities in other areas and a vocabulary that is greater than his or her reading comprehension. A dyslexic teenager may occasionally come out as sluggish, unmotivated, or just slow.

2. Abnormalities Of The Voice And Language

This has to do with problems in understanding, speaking, and producing sounds.

Sometimes it indicates that a child/teenager stutters, speaks in “babyish” terms, or struggles to comprehend words in spoken or written language.

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Additionally, reading difficulties like dyslexia are frequently accompanied by speech and language disorders.

3. Processing Difficulties 

When sensory information is interfered with or disturbed, this phrase is used to describe the circumstances. Deficits in vision, hearing, and motor function may be present.

These issues overlap with speech and language disorders, as well as more specialized learning disabilities like dyslexia, despite the fact that they are classified as learning disabilities.

Furthermore, a kid can quickly lose track of where they are in a book while reading or forget basic directions since letters can be inverted.

4. Defects In Development 

Numerous developmental abnormalities might have an impact on a child’s reading ability.

For instance, a broad range of developmental problems are referred to as autism (or the autism spectrum).

Autism spectrum illnesses typically manifest in the first three years of life and can present a variety of obstacles to learning to read, including issues with focus, motivation, and decoding.

A child with autistic traits may be exceptionally intelligent and attend a regular school. Learning challenges are frequently present in conjunction with autistic spectrum disorders, which frequently appear to run in families.

Also, a child can be very bright and go to mainstream school but have autistic tendencies. Autistic spectrum disorders can often be combined with learning difficulties and often seem to run in families.

Additionally, a newborn who has autism may have seemed “normal” at first, but later seemed to “regress” and lose the ability to communicate.

Other traits can include an obsession with order or collecting things, as well as a general difficulty understanding and interacting with others.

Also, autism affects more boys than girls, and it is unrelated to background in terms of education, socioeconomic status, or race.

5. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity are all impacted by ADHD. A common symptom of ADHD is trouble paying attention and remaining still, which can impair reading comprehension.

Researchers believe that issues with the systems that govern and control behavior are the cause of symptoms. Up to 5% of people have ADHD, which frequently coexists with other diseases or disabilities.

How to Deal with ADHD

A few tips can help people with ADHD become better readers. Start by getting rid of any interruptions while reading. Log off social media, mute the music, and switch off the TV. Create a distraction-free study space to aid in maintaining your attention.

When reading, always use an object (such as your finger) to help direct your eyes along the text. It will assist you in avoiding sporadic rereading breaks.

6. Executive Function Disorder  (EFD)

People who have executive function disorder (EFD) struggle to prioritize their time and efforts, plan their activities, comprehend verbal and written directions, and pay attention to and complete tasks. 

The daily activities of kids, teens, and adults with EFD are impeded, and they struggle in school. 

Due to their incapacity to retain concentration and finish reading assignments, these pupils struggle to keep the organization of a text when they are reading. Reading comprehension issues will emerge from this.

How to Handle an EFD

Making a reading schedule is the first thing you should do. Look at it several times a day. Read the text quickly at first. Watch out for headings, bullet points, lists, and other repeated patterns.

In this manner, you will be aware of the reading points the author wants you to pay attention to. Processing the information will be simpler if you pay attention to the material structure.

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7. Dullness And Lack Of Interest

Lethargy and an inability to focus on the written word will arise from a lack of interest in it. Unfamiliarity with the subject matter or a lack of reader value may be the cause of disinterest. 

The reader’s displeasure with the content and the material’s simplicity might both contribute to it occasionally. Additionally, the reader could lose interest due to distraction from unimportant details.

How to correct it

When reading dull texts, there are several techniques to increase reading comprehension. Look for additional resources on the subject you are reading (such as blog articles, YouTube videos, etc.). You’ll finish the tedious material more quickly.

Inspecting the information before reading is also helpful. Look at the organization and identify the themes the author emphasized. You will train your brain to effortlessly encode the information in this manner.

Additionally, don’t forget to take a rest from time to time. Long periods of uninterrupted reading are bad for your health. A 10-minute break will help you think more quickly after reading for 50 minutes.

8. Lack Of Interest In Reading

Lack of motivation is the cause of slow reading or problems with reading problems.

 Learners who lack reading motivation may choose not to read even the required textbooks and works of literature. It will be difficult to understand a text if you’re bored or unmotivated to read it.

9. Complicated Text

When reading something with a lot of new terms, you’ll concentrate more on deciphering the words than understanding. 

Your reading pace will slow down as a result, and your reading comprehension will suffer. When this occurs, many people will give up on reading.

How to correct it

But you may improve your reading speed without compromising your comprehension. You must first familiarize yourself with the information. Avoid speaking the words out loud while reading. Subvocalization makes reading take longer and reduces comprehension.

Additionally, by using your finger to direct your eyes while reading, you might avoid pronouncing the words you’re reading. 

You can also use music to divert your attention or push yourself to read more quickly than usual. You should enroll in our speed reading mastery course if you struggle to balance reading quickly with understanding what you’re reading.

Also, Iris Reading offers classes on memory and speed reading to help you develop your reading skills. 

The AccelaReader program can also be used to develop your reading speed. You can choose the quantity of words (chunks) that should flash on your screen as well as the speed at which you wish to read the words using the speed reading feature. 

10. Lack of working memory

Some people have problems recalling what they’ve read for long enough to talk about it right away. People who have ADHD frequently struggle with this issue. There are various techniques to make the most of your memory, which will enhance your reading skills.

How to correct it

Working memory can be improved with relaxation training, which includes breathing exercises and meditation. A fantastic place to begin is with yoga.

Your brain’s performance will also be enhanced by healthy eating. The ketogenic diet is becoming more and more popular. But if you want to eat better, you shouldn’t drastically alter your diet.

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A few things need to be changed in your diet. Drink coffee and consume anti-inflammatory foods like avocados, berries, broccoli, fatty salmon, green tea, and more. Alcohol, whole grains, and other complex carbs should be limited.

Maintain a regular exercise routine and a healthy body weight. Remember to get plenty of rest. 

You can also seek the advice of a professional to understand the methods for enhancing working memory. 

11. Difficulty Using Reasoning and Logic

It could be more difficult for those with weak logical and thinking abilities to read. 

The ability to make connections between and within words won’t be possible for them. 

They won’t be able to comprehend what the book is describing as a result, which will affect their reading comprehension.

How to correct it

Workbooks that aid in developing logic abilities can be used, or you can try a different type of training that targets the full brain.

The following step? Getting Assistance 

A defect or disparity in a child’s development is nearly always noticed by parents first. They frequently make the assumption that the child will catch up, simply needs more time, or is just not as “bright” as other kids.

Their observations may occasionally indicate that there is actually an issue, such as a handicap or difference that is impeding the child’s reading. A different kind of reading development assistance can frequently offer the solution in this situation.

For instance, many individuals with dyslexia actually possess normal to above-average intelligence. They only require the proper kind of assistance and encouragement to develop reading confidence.

Therefore, it’s critical to trust your instincts and insist on providing your child the extra care and expert assistance they require.

Also, seek assistance from your child’s teacher, physician, or health visitor.

Solutions for Reading Comprehension Problems

  •  Take a quick look at the content before you start reading. Keep an eye out for repeated themes, headlines, and bullet points, and make note of any challenging words. To ensure that you read fluently, look up any complicated terminology in a dictionary.
  • Do a self-readout. You can better understand what you’re reading and retain information by reading aloud.
  • To learn the proper pronunciation of words, listen to audiobooks.
  • Reading exercises can be done in pairs. If you don’t understand a term, pay attention to how your partner pronounces it and ask for clarification.
  • Read entertaining and engaging stories to keep yourself interested and prevent boredom. Supplemental resources, like YouTube videos on the subject, can be helpful if you have to read something you find uninteresting.
  • In order to maintain focus when reading, people with ADHD should get off of social media and read in a quiet setting. Additionally, take breaks between studying to avoid becoming upset and losing focus.

Final Thoughts

The first step in solving the problem is to pinpoint the root of the reading problem. Once you’ve completed this, you’ll be aware of the best repair techniques.

What creates difficulties in reading problems? Lack of interest and focus are frequently present problems that affect reading comprehension. Reading problems can occasionally be a symptom of a reading difficulty as well as a clue of deeper issues.

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