Autism Schools in Charlotte NC

12 Autism Schools in Charlotte NC & Their Websites

Autism does not exist as a single disease. It is a member of the group of developmental conditions known as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). They start in early childhood and continue into maturity.

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Currently, there is no treatment for ASD. These days, treatment options include a wide range of behavioral and specialized educational programs that can help with symptoms.

Signs of Autism

The symptoms of ASD can take many different forms. These can be divided into three major categories.

  • Difficulties in social connections. The affected kids could have a hard time comprehending other people’s sentiments and emotions.
  • Language and communication issues – These can show up as slow language development and trouble igniting discussions.
  • Unusual actions and cognitive patterns, such as repeating actions and activities or becoming agitated when routines are changed.

All racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups are affected by ASDs, however, boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to have one. According to the CDC, one in every 88 kids has autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

The incidence of autism cases appears to be increasing during the past 20 years. This might not indicate that the ailment is spreading faster. Some analysts contend that the increase in diagnosed instances may reflect improvements in the accuracy of medical professionals’ diagnoses. 

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Children with autism used to be frequently overlooked and merely given the labels “painfully shy” or “slow.”

Lies about Autism

MMR vaccination (against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) has also been connected to autism. Numerous investigations have proven this belief to be false. The National Autism Society issued a statement in 2009 in favor of the denial of a connection between MMR and ASD.

Another falsehood was the idea that thiomersal, a mercury-containing preservative found in some vaccines, might be connected to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). 

Despite substantial research, there is no proof that thiomersal causes ASD. Additionally, thiomersal was eliminated from vaccines in the US after 1999, but the incidence of ASD has kept rising.

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Different ASDs

Autism encompasses a wide range of disorders, all of the various degrees of severity. ASDs come in various forms, including:

  • “Classic autism” is another name for autistic disorder. Significant language delays, difficulty communicating with others, and strange actions are examples of how this presents. Additional intellectual disabilities might also exist.
  • Asperger syndrome: Less severe symptoms than traditional autism social difficulties and strange behavior exist. There is often no intellectual deficiency or linguistic impairment.
  • PDD-NOS, commonly known as “atypical autism,” is a condition in which a person exhibits some but not all of the characteristics of Asperger syndrome or autistic disorder. There could be fewer and milder symptoms. Communication and social difficulties could exist.

The List of Best Autism Schools in Charlotte NC

Below are some of the best autism schools in Charlotte NC. Links are provided so you can learn about each school and decide which is best for your child.

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The Epiphany School of Charlotte

The Epiphany School of Charlotte is an independent, non-profit day school that offers exceptional academic, social, and emotional programs, and support to exceptional children in grades 3 through 8 who have ASD-1 (previously known as Asperger’s) or other communication differences and average to above-average intelligence. Find more information here.

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Ignite Achievement Academy (formerly Manus Academy)

Working with students in grades K–12 who have learning difficulties is a specialty of Ignite Achievement Academy (formerly known as “Manus Academy”). These obstacles frequently include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, learning impairments, language issues, anxiety, and depression.

Students are given the tools and support they need to succeed via kind, organized teaching methods and care for the complete child. Find more information here.

Thrive Day School

Children with Down syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, neurological problems, and other learning difficulties or delays can attend Charlotte’s Thrive Day School, a special education school.

Thrive consists of three educational institutions: Thrive Preschool, an inclusive program for kids aged 3 through Pre-K4, Thrive Lower School, an elementary school for kids in Kindergarten through 5th grade, and Thrive Upper School, a middle school for kids in grades 6 through 8. Find more information here.

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Philips Academy

They are a private, non-profit institution for middle and high school students with severe linguistic, cognitive, and/or learning difficulties. Their goal is to give students the academic, professional, and social skills they need to be independent, self-assured, and active community members. Find more information here.

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Crossway Academy

Crossway Academy was created especially for neuro-atypical pupils in grades K–8 who have distinct learning profiles and could benefit from an educational strategy focused on therapy.

The Crossway student enjoys learning and would benefit from working in a small group. They are eager to socialize but could use it to brush up on their social skills. Children from Crossway have a range of abilities and disabilities. Find more information here.

Other top autism schools in Charlotte NC are listed in the table below:

Solving Autism – Spectrum AcademyWebsite
Carolina Collaborative PrepWebsite
The John Crosland SchoolWebsite
The Halton SchoolWebsite
Cyzner InstituteWebsite
Autism CharlotteWebsite
The Fletcher SchoolWebsite

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